New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

The Cooperative Management of the Curriculum: a Case of Study

Maria da Conceição Figueira Santos Pereira, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Portugal)

Filipa Almeida, Park International School, Portugal (Portugal)


In order to form active, intervening and critical citizens, capable of intervening in society, it is imperative to promote a school environment based on democratic participation by students. In the context of this education paradigm, nowadays, the student must take an active and participative role in managing their life in the classroom. It is with a democratic formation and sociomoral development, based on cooperation and communication that the constructive and interactive model of learning favors the full participation of students in the management of the school curriculum. This participatory management of the curriculum presupposes the involvement of students in the planning, development and assessment of learning processes, considered as formative operations of the entire development process. It is in this context that the interest in the study of Cooperative Management of the Curriculum processes emerges, in a 2nd grade classroom, with 7/8 year- old students. This study was limited to the pedagogical practice of a teacher in the 2nd year of schooling at a public school in the city of Lisbon, characterized by the use of an innovative pedagogical model, based on cooperative management of the curriculum processes in the classroom with students. In accordance with the object of the study, a methodology of a interpretative qualitative nature was used, using as data collection techniques, direct and participant observation, the semi-structured interview, informal conversations and documentary analysis. The results were treated with the analysis of content following the assumptions of Bardin (2013). The study results allow us to identify as nuclear moments of cooperative management of the curriculum: the Education Cooperation Council, the Autonomous study time and Project Work. The experiences lived by the students in these work routines had an impact on the students' development, either at a cognitive level, or at an emotional, social and moral level. The synthesis of the data analysis allowed us to highlight as competences developed by the students, competences to learn and innovate, emancipatory, social and emotional competences, key competences for the 21st century presented by UNESCO (1998), Comissão Europeia (2007) and the OECD (2016).



Keywords: Cooperative Management; Cooperation; Curriculum; Skills


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