What Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers Know About Stem Education Methodology
Agata Augustinovič Augustinovič, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Nijolė Cibulskaitė, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Małgorzata Krzeczkowska, Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland)
The problems of the global world can no longer be solved by applying the knowledge of one science discipline, in modern life it is not enough to rely on the knowledge and ideas of one of the school subject. On the contrary, in order to solve the problems of the 21st century, it is necessary to apply the knowledge of many fields of science and combine their ideas. Chemistry is one of the fundamental science subject taught in school, the teaching of which consists not only of teaching-learning theory but also of practical laboratory activities. During teaching process, teachers apply a variety of teaching strategies, methods, and approaches to learning. Active involvement of students in learning is very important for successful chemistry teaching, so active, learner-centred teaching strategies are recommended. Due to this, the concepts of teaching chemistry are constantly being modified. Chemistry educators are constantly looking for more and more effective and at the same time attractive methods and forms of work as well as teaching aids. The research problem presented in this article poses the question: which elements of STEM methodology are using by pre-service chemistry teachers and what they think should be used during chemistry lessons in the future?The pre-service teachers taking part in the survey are convinced that the use of STEM methodology is productive and effective in the teaching process. Teachers believe that students' general competences need to be developed on the basis of authentic life contexts and the intellectual activity of the student and that STEM education enables students to use their previous knowledge and experience, gives them time for analysis and reflection.
Keywords STEM education; chemistry; pre-service teacher.
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