New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 13

Accepted Abstracts

Chemistry in the village: an analysis of the Indigenous Brazilian profile on instagram as a perspective for the teaching of decolonial sciences

Kezia Ribeiro Gonzaga, Instituto Federal da Bahia, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Difusão do Conhecimento (Dmmdc). (Brazil)

Ana Rita Silva Almeida Chiara, Instituto Federal da Bahia (Brazil)

André Rosa Martins, Instituto Federal da Bahia (Brazil)


The present study aims to investigate the contents of publications by the Juerana Pataxó indigenous community at Bahia, Brazil (region where the European invasion and colonization began), on the social network Instagram, with the aim of: identifying, classifying and enabling with chemistry, outlining the concept of ethnochemistry. This study has an qualitative character and methodological elements of the investigative research for science education. Data collection taken as an observation of the digital environment is framed in the typology of digital ethnography, being carried out from August to September 2022, in virtual to the village's website on the Instagram platform. 49 posts published between August/2020 and August/2022 were analyzed. The data were discussed from the perspective of decoloniality and epistemologies of the south, based on the conceptions of Quijano (2000), Mignolo (2017), Walsh (2009) and Boaventura dos Santos (2017), that their engagement research new decolonial perspectives for science education. The analysis of the images, were organized after 20 possibilities of ideas for teachers to use in science classes; with chemistry and its variants: inorganic/organic chemistry, physicochemicaland theoretical. At the end, assemble a catalog in the form of a book for the possibility of disseminating knowledge and returning to the Juerana Pataxós Indigenous community, as a way of popularizing science, in particular; of ethnochemistry, available in the digital collection of post-institutional education DMMDC - Doctoral and Multidisciplinary in Knowledge Diffusion. The diffusion of this knowledge in the scientific community can add to the anti-racist struggle for an intercultural creation, in contrast to the coloniality established in the Eurocentric and homogenizing vision of the dominant culture. In addition, this study aims to contribute to the teaching-learning process and to subsidize the training of indigenous teachers in the south of Bahia.

Keywords: Ethnochemistry, Decolonial Sciences, Knowledge Diffusion



[1] WALSH, Catherine. Interculturalidad crítica y pedagogía de-colonial: apuestas (des) de el in-surgir, re-existir y re-vivir. UMSA Revista (entre palabras), v. 3, p. 30, 2009.

[2] MIGNOLO, Walter D. Colonialidade: o lado mais escuro da modernidade. Revista brasileira de ciências sociais, v. 32, 2017.

[3] QUIJANO, Aníbal. Colonialidad del poder, eurocentrismo y América Latina. 2000.


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