New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 13

Accepted Abstracts

ResBios - Responsible Biosciences: Fostering Science Education regarding RRI

Doris Elster, University of Bremen (Germany)


ResBios (Responsible Biosciences) is an European project funded within the Horizon 2020 programme [1]. The goal is to embed Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) related practices within universities and research institutions in the field of Biosciences [2]. Coordinated by the University Tor Vergata in Rome, 12 partner institutes from 11 countries are ResBios partners. Research insitutes from Ukraine, Spain, Croatia and Greece (mentees) are selected for the implementation of RRI Grounding Actions aiming in the achievement of sustainable institutional changes regarding the RRI keys Public Engagement, Gender, Open Access, Ethics and Science Education. The implementation process is supported by so-called mentoring institutions (mentors) from Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Denmark.

The Institute of Science Education at the University of Bremen is one of the mentoring institutions [3]. Within the last two years 12 mentoring meetings aiming in the promotion of actions regarding the RRI key Science Education were conducted and formative supported and evaluated. Data based on 10 mentoring protocols and guided interviews with 8 mentees were analysed qualitatively. The findings of the study summarize best practices of grounding actions on education of the RRI implementing institutions (mentees) and demonstrates the positive influence of the mentoring process (What works?) and the challenges  (What hinders?) that have to overcome. Implications about the promotion of the RRI key Education at institutional level are of interest not only within the ResBios partner institutions but for further projects at European and international level aiming in the promotion of RRI Education.

The project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon

2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement number 872146.



European project, Responsible Research and Innovation, Science Education, mentoring, institutional change



[1] European Commission, Responsible Research and Innovation, Europe´s ability to respond to societal challenges, Brussels: European Commission, 2012.

[2] Resbios Partners, Biosciences in changing societies. Moving towards a mutual learning approach. Policy Brief, Retrieved from htpps:// (Sept. 18th 2022)

[3] D. Elster, “Starbios2- Engaging with Responsible Research through Science Education”, In O. Levrini & G. Tasquier (Eds,), Electonic Proceedings of the ESERA 2029 Conference ´The Beauty and the Pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education, Part 17, pp1945-1953, Bologna, Alma Mater Studorium, University of Bologna, 2019.




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