New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 13

Accepted Abstracts


Seval Orak, Eskişehir Atayurt Schools (Turkey)


The changing world is facing the climate crisis and health problems. Severe flooding may occur due to climate change. Droughts can occur in areas with low average rainfall. Biodiversity losses may increase. There are two possible reasons for climate change which are global warming and global cooling. They are the result of the assumed greenhouse effect caused by the gases released into the atmosphere. The aim of this research is to examine the views of teachers on the development of green skills by the interdisciplinary “5-2-1-0” healthy living principles, which is one of the measures taken against the climate crisis in the changing world. The human effect is noticed when we look at the source of the factors causing the global crisis. In this context, it is important that climate crisis awareness and green skills acquisition are blended with today's modern approaches in learners from an early age. Another important global problem is obesity caused by a sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet. When we look at the world, it is seen that the 5-2-1-0 rule is recommended for a healthy life( Consume 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables.Limit screen time to 2 hours or less. Do 1 hour of physical activity. Opt for 0 sugary drinks). These research-proven strategies come from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These strategies proved that exposure to the 5-2-1-0 message not only increased awareness of certain daily recommendations, but also improved families' performance on at least two of the four daily goals. From preschool to high school, student health advocates have integrated the 5-2-1-0 message into their initiatives. The fact that the message "5-2-1-0" is evidence-based, easy to remember and can be applied in different environments facilitated its dissemination in schools. In our country, there are not many schools where this message is applied. Within the scope of the research, purple sweet potatoes were cultivated with the learners in the 5 fruit-vegetable sections of the 5-2-1-0 message. The green skills addressed in this project are: 1) the green engineering skills required to design and manufacture the technology, 2) the management skills needed to ensure and monitor the implementation of environmental practices. In this context, potato fields were examined with metaverse applications. Afterwards, the preparation, planting and harvesting of the field for purple potatoes was carried out by the learners. Emphasizing that potato is a vegetable and purple sweet potato is a healthy vegetable, it was integrated into our domestic curriculum by associating it with the subject of nutritional contents within the fourth grade science lessons. In order to spread it in more schools in our country, Turkish and English songs were written and composed by the researchers according to the 5-2-1-0 rule. The aim of this research is to examine the opinions of teachers about the 5210 awareness project with Purple Sweet Potato agriculture, which was carried out as a precaution against the climate crisis and health problems in a private school where researchers work in 2021 and later. Within the scope of this project, which aims to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers in Turkey on climate crisis awareness, it is aimed to examine the extent to which the project has developed the basic qualifications required for research in the field of education, based on the perspectives of the participants. The sample of this research, which was designed as a case study from qualitative research designs, consisted of 14 participants who were selected by easily accessible case sampling and took part in the project where the research was carried out. The data were collected through five face-to-face focus group interviews and the analysis of the data was carried out with the descriptive analysis method. The findings obtained from the research revealed that the participants found this training effective and the project improved their and their students' green skills in three basic dimensions: knowledge, skills and attitudes. In this respect, the results obtained from the research offer suggestions that can shed light on strengthening the scientific research skills of individuals in pre-service teacher education, in-service teacher education and postgraduate education.


Keywords: 5-2-1-0, agricultural literacy, green skills, climate crisis


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