Effectiveness of Collaborative Approach in Catalyzing the Science Performance of the Alternative Learning System Studens in Don Bosco, Manila
Louise Elaine Caranto, The National Teachers College (Philippines)
Alternative Learning System, or simply ALS, is a program initiated by the government with the purpose of aiding out-of-school youths (OSY), senior citizens, people with disabilities, former rebels and inmates, and minorities acquire a certificate equivalent to a high school diploma, with the help of mobile teachers in different community learning centers. The teaching occurs through the use of modular approach. A module, which is a packet of resources for a specific unit of the subject, is distributed among the students and is answered individually and discussions and lectures are integrated afterwards. With this given, it is really essential for ALS teachers to optimize the use of appropriate teaching approach that will catalyze the learning of the ALS students.
Anchored on Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory, the main purpose of this study was to essentially explain that the key to efficient learning is to create a learning environment that is more interactive through the utilization of modular with collaborative approach in adult learners of Alternative Learning System in Don Bosco, Manila.
There were only sixty (60) students enrolled during the period of this study. All of them were part of formal education before but were unable to finish the entire duration of school year because of certain reasons, mostly financial issues. This study used Pre-Test and Post-Test with Quasi-Experimental Design to compare the effectiveness of the modular and modular-collaborative approach on the performance of students in their Science subject. Attitudinal questionnaire was also utilized to determine if this type of pedagogy may foster habits of socialization and responsibility, as what is reflected in Don Bosco Youth Center Vision-Mission, highlighting the concept of interaction.
The gathered data were tabulated and computed, analyzed and interpreted using the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test as statistical tool, through the use of SPSS software.
Several findings on the effectiveness of modular with collaborative approach were revealed through this study. First the use of modular approach has been proven to be effective; however, comparing it with modular with collaborative approach, it may be deduced that the latter is more effective in teaching Science among ALS students. Second, the modular with collaborative approach proved to be more effective in the teaching process as students were able to perform better by implementing it and utilizing its various strategies while enabling them to develop positive attitudes and values consistent with their academic progress. Truly, the modular with collaborative approach is an effective catalyst in enhancing Science performance of Alternative Learning System in Don Bosco, Manila.
The researcher recommends that ALS mobile teachers must foster an open, friendly and accommodating learning environment; where diversity defines most of the individuals involved in the program. They must promote and nurture a learning atmosphere that covers and significantly affects not only the cognitive aspect of individuals but also their affective and communal skills. Seminars and workshops must be conducted in the true meaning and purpose of the combination of both andragogy and pedagogy in facilitating the learning of students. Likewise, further research on the different pedagogies in teaching Science to the adult learners (out-of-school youth, senior citizens, drop-outs) must be encouraged to bridge illiteracy and the world of globalization, ultimately increasing the economic development of the country.