Intercultural Education - Objectives, Values and Perspectives
Argentina Chiriac, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” (Moldova, Republic of)
Liliana Panciuc, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” (Moldova, Republic of)
The contemporary society is a mobile society characterized by diversity and change. The issue of cohabitation together is increasingly approached in the modern society. We belong to different ethnic groups, various linguistic cultures and religious backgrounds. Given this diversity, coexistence is a must. Intercultural education is one of the basic tools with which members of the society and societies themselves are prepared to be more cautious to the cultural dimension of their existence.
Intercultural education is a global necessity, a specialized form of education that puts individuals and their cultures in positions of differential treatment, but at the same time they are in positions of equality. It deals with the educational process through the vision of cultural diversity and is focused on cultural interaction phenomena (people, cultures, religions, speakers of different languages, people who have different views and opinions, etc.).
The values derived from intercultural education (tolerance, freedom, openness, acceptance of differences, understanding of diversity, pluralism, cooperation) are built into the personalities of the educated subjects through sustained and consistent (systematic) efforts.
Intercultural education is a dimension of the new education, which focuses on the values mentioned above. It promotes solidarity of the local community with the international community.