The Evaluation of the English Teaching Curriculum regarding Opinions of Teachers
Ayşenur Kuloğlu, Fırat University Faculty of Education (Turkey)
Burhan Akpınar, Firat University Faculty of Education (Turkey)
Veli Batdı, Dr.,Fırat University Faculty of Education, Elazığ, Turkey. (Turkey)
Foreign Language, especially English teaching, has an critical importance at the point of adaptability to information era of Turkey. Although Turkey attaches importance to English teaching, the results aren’t satisfying. In English teaching, it is worrisome in curriculum that only grammer rules are memorized and gaining speaking skills that individual can explain himself are ignored. It is debatable issue whether the problem is due to curriculum or practice. To this discussion, it can be added many variables like teacher competencies, student characteristics, choosing methods and techniques. So, in order to clarify this discussion, firstly it is important to evaluate the curriculum, because primarily curriculum must be true in English teaching .
This study aims to determine opinions of English teachers teaching in primary schools(aged 8-12 years old) in Gümüshane regarding English teaching and to analyze this opinions whether it differentiate according to many variables or not. This research is descriptive research and has quantitative character. Universe of the research consists of English teachers in Gümüşhane in the academic year of 2012-2013 and sample consists of 68 teachers selected randomly from the universe. The data were obtained by questionnaire and were analyzed with SPSS. In the analysis, fruquency (f), percent (%), arithmetic avarege, t-test and ANOVA were used.
According to teachers participating the research, the curriculum has enough guidance to lead to teachers, and it is proper in terms of acquisition, measurement and evaluation . But they think that recommended methods can’t be performed in the class. This opinions are vary according to seniority but aren’t changing by gender. These findings don’t only show there are problems based English teaching curriculum but also raise doubts that the main problem significantly is because of the practice.