Media Educative Bricolage?
Lorenzo Denicolai, Università degli Studi di Torino - Cinedumedia, Dip. Filosofia e Scienze dell'Educazione (Italy)
The speech aims to consider multimedia language, free online environments and software as instruments for education. The progressive awareness of an online life [1] and “multi-lifting” [2] allows to teach differently with the Web and online communication and sharing. We can consider the Web as a ‘gym’ to teach with an innovative mixed use of multimedia languages, online environments and software. Starting by Lévi-Strauss notion of ‘bricolage’ [3], these instruments (already existing with their own function) can be re-used with another aim, to co-create (with students) new educative and experiential ‘places’, to favour the students’ attention and co-participation. Besides, teachers and students could experiment some alternative modes to use multimedia language and online platforms with an aggregative logic. As a language, we consider this method a potential mode of the knowledge’s growth, communication and management, processed with a multi-code approach. Thus, it is also possible to grow the students’ awareness of the technological strength and help them search and find out some modalities of meaning creation with media languages. The speech is based on upgrading courses for teachers on Media Education methods, in which teachers designed and tested some ways to use multimedia language and online software. Some of these elaborations could be illustrated during the conference.
[1] L. FLoridi (2014), The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere Is Resahaping Human Reality. Oxford University Press, United Kingdom
[2] S. Turkle (2012), Insieme ma soli. Perché ci aspettiamo sempre più dalla tecnologia e sempre meno dagli altri, Codice, Milano (ed. or. 2011).
[3] C. Lévi-Strauss (2010), Il pensiero selvaggio, Il Saggiatore, Milano (ed. or. 1962).