A Review of STEM Promotional Initiatives and Activities in Ireland
Marie Walsh, Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland)
The Rocard Report (2007) examined the then state of science education in Europe and made a number of recommendations to improve both the quality and uptake of science subjects in school. Recognising the pace of change of science and technology, and the need for promotion of scientific literacy among the general population, the report advocated a change in didactic styles from deductive to inductive. Curricula have changed in response to this and other reports, both national and international, which have addressed the needs of society and of industry in regard to STEM education. This paper will review the responses of curriculum developers to the demands of the legislators and of industry. One point of focus will be Inquiry-based science education, with a survey of projects at a European level. It will also look at subject specific initiatives to engage students and promote science subjects for lifelong learning, such as competitions and science fairs. The impact of these initiatives on the uptake of science subjects at senior secondary level will be assessed.