New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Using ITC in order to improve Chemistry learning at the University degrees.

María del Mar López Guerrero, University of Malaga, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Analytical Chemistry (Spain)

Santiago Rojano Ramos, Department of Didactic of Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Malaga, Spain (Spain)

Gema López Guerrero, University of Málaga (Spain)


Introduction. The teaching of chemistry has several difficulties for several reasons: the lack of interest and motivation in students, complex experimental processes and little connection between the curriculum of compulsory education and university. This causes a negative idea about the subject of chemistry. For these reasons, it was thought that the use of ICTs could be very beneficial for chemistry teaching and learning in students. In general, ICT can help us to increase participation of students in the area and would improve the direct intervention of the students which motivates their learning. On the other hand, every students have smartphone and internet access, therefore they are able to take photos, search on internet and download videos.
Among the large number of ICT tools that exist, we have chosen to enhance the learning of students who are studying Science education, creating a blog. The main novelty consists of developing a blog, where the students are responsible for the design, development and inclusion of material in the blog. Thus, they are developing the blog and they are enhanced since they are looking for materials to include in the blog.
On the other hand, it was studied Mechanical Engineering degree students. it was identified student misconceptions and misinterpretation as they are attempting to interpret and explain the chemical processes. Oxidation-reduction reactions were identified the most difficult concept. The objective has been to carry out a proposal for teaching contents of chemistry using didactic resources for virtual environment, the use of a simulation that lets students to construct useful mental models. 
Experimental – The first experience was based in a comparative test of 10 questions related with the topics of the subject. Two groups of 60 students of Science education have participated, during the course 2013/14. A group of students, who participated, designed and entered the blog and another group that had not been involved in the blog. 
And the second experience was created as a descriptive study in which the survey technique was used. The study was carried out during 2014-2015. The sample consisted of 50 volunteer students from the first course of Mechanical Engineer degree.
Results. In the use of the blog, this study demonstrated that developing blogs by students significantly increased the number scientifically acceptable ideas in student´s conceptions of science.
The use of animation has been demonstrated that showing animations to students, allow them to practise, so significantly increased the number of scientifically acceptable ideas in student’s conceptions of redox reactions.
Conclusion. The use of either the blog or the simulation can be helpful in improving problem solving. This encourages students to develop new ideas about science in their minds, and allow them to create a memory from viewing animations, leading to confirmation or modification of the existing mental model.

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