Guadalupe Martínez Borreguero
Institution: University of Extremadura. Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences
Address: Avenida de Elvas, s/n
Postal Code: 06006
Country: Spain
Guadalupe Martínez Borreguero (BSc, BEng, MSc, PhD) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences at the University of Extremadura (UEx) in Spain. She received her BS in Physics and her BS in Material Engineering, both from the UEx. Later she received her MSc in Optics & Physics Education, and she was awarded her PhD on the field of Physics Education Research. She is member of the research group “Professional Development of Science and Mathematics Teachers”. She has been involved in several projects related to physics education research, detection of misconceptions, concept mapping and collaborative learning. Her research interests include science education, affective domain in relation to science education, knowledge management, pedagogical content knowledge, photorealistic simulations and development of didactic multimedia tools.
She has authored a large number of scientific contributions at prestigious international congresses, all entirely related to Science Teaching Research, Physics Education Research and Science Teacher Training. She has been advisor, in the framework of the research line of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, in various Final Degree Projects and Master’s Thesis. She has been member of Committees in various academic courses to evaluate Final Degree Projects and Master’s Thesis in Secondary Teacher Training and Research Master Degree. Finally, it is worth noting that she has been member of different scientific committees in various international conferences.
She has authored a large number of scientific contributions at prestigious international congresses, all entirely related to Science Teaching Research, Physics Education Research and Science Teacher Training. She has been advisor, in the framework of the research line of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, in various Final Degree Projects and Master’s Thesis. She has been member of Committees in various academic courses to evaluate Final Degree Projects and Master’s Thesis in Secondary Teacher Training and Research Master Degree. Finally, it is worth noting that she has been member of different scientific committees in various international conferences.