Laura Thurn
Institution: University of Applied Sciences Aachen
Address: Goethestrasse 1
Postal Code: 52064
Country: Germany

Laura Thurn is working as a Research Assistant and Lecturer in the “GoetheLab for Additive Manufacturing”, a research group of the University of Applied Sciences Aachen – Germany.
Laura Thurn studied industrial and mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Aachen majoring in product development. During her master studies she worked as a research engineer at the IwF (Institut für werkzeuglose Fertigung, Institute for tooless fabrication) Aachen where she worked on the topic: “Additive Manufacturing in Germany – Development Status, Potentials, Challenges, Impacts and Perspectives”.
Since 2014 Laura Thurn is head of the GoethLab for Additive Manufacturing plastic section and permanent delegate in the committee “Additive Manufacturing” of the Association of German Engineers (VDI).
In the course of her doctorate, she deals with the Research on improving the Methodology of Training on and dissemination of Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing.
Laura Thurn studied industrial and mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Aachen majoring in product development. During her master studies she worked as a research engineer at the IwF (Institut für werkzeuglose Fertigung, Institute for tooless fabrication) Aachen where she worked on the topic: “Additive Manufacturing in Germany – Development Status, Potentials, Challenges, Impacts and Perspectives”.
Since 2014 Laura Thurn is head of the GoethLab for Additive Manufacturing plastic section and permanent delegate in the committee “Additive Manufacturing” of the Association of German Engineers (VDI).
In the course of her doctorate, she deals with the Research on improving the Methodology of Training on and dissemination of Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing.