Valentina Ekimova Ekimova
Institution: Professor
Address: Gorki st., 31a,12
Postal Code: 300044
Country: Russian Federation
1. Ekimova V. - Doctor of Psychology, Professor in Developmental and Educational Psychology
Head of the Chair of Scientific Foundation of Extreme Psychology at the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
2. Kokurin A. - PhD, Head of the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
3. Litvinova A. - PhD, Dozent of the Chair of Scientific Foundation of Extreme Psychology at the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
4. Orlova E. - Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Educationa Psychology, Professor of the Chair of Scientific Foundation of Extreme Psychology at the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Head of the Chair of Scientific Foundation of Extreme Psychology at the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
2. Kokurin A. - PhD, Head of the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
3. Litvinova A. - PhD, Dozent of the Chair of Scientific Foundation of Extreme Psychology at the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
4. Orlova E. - Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Educationa Psychology, Professor of the Chair of Scientific Foundation of Extreme Psychology at the Extreme Psychology Department of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education