Emerich Sousa
Institution: Universidade do Porto
Address: Rua de Oliveira Monteiro, 21/3Dto
Postal Code: 4050-438
Country: Portugal
Student of the Doctoral Program in Teaching and Dissemination of Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal. Graduated in Chemistry from the Uberaba University, Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Viçosa and Master's degree from the Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil ). He teaches in High School for 26 years, and in the University, in addition to teaching activities in the Chemistry and General Chemistry Laboratory subjects, he works in research projects related to the use of modern sensors and in extension projects aimed at the popularization of Science and initial and continuing teacher training. He has worked in institutional projects such as Interdisciplinary Laboratories for Educators (Life) and New Talents, as well as being a member of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Environmental Education with an emphasis on Sustainable Educator Spaces, offered by the College of Application of UFV (CAp-COLUNI/UFV). Author of classes at Professor's Portal, Brazil.