Vladimir Gutu
Institution: State University of Moldova
Address: Address: 5/3, street Deleanu
Country: Moldova, Republic of

Formation and Diplomas:
1999 - University professor, Higher Commission of Certificate, Chişinău
1997 - Diploma „L’evaluation d’un sistem educatif”, Centre international d’etudes pedagogigues.
1996 - Senior Doctor of pedagogy (13 00. 01), Institute of Sciences of Education,
1990 - Lecturer, Pedagogical State University "Ion Creangă", Chişinău
1989 - Higher scientific Researcher, Institute of Pedagogical and
Psychological Sciences, Chişinău
1983 - PhD, Doctor of pedagogy (13 00 02) Academy of Pedagogical Sciences,
1975 - Pedagogical State University "Ion Creangă", Chişinău
1980-1983 - Doctor’s Program, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow
1971-1975 - Pedagogical State University "Ion Creangă", Chişinău
1961-1971 - General School, Căinarii-Vechi
Professional activities:
2008-present - Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Director of the Center for Educational Policy
2004-2007 – International Expert in Education, World Bank.(Tadjikistan)
2004 – 2007 – International Expert in Preschool Education Standards elaboration
2001- (until now) - Directing of the Department Sciences of Education, State
University, Moldova, Chişinău
1992-1999 - Deputy Manager, Institute of Sciences of Education, Chişinău
1992-1999 - Director of the laboratory, Institute of Sciences of Education,
1980-1983 - Doctor’s Program, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow
Additional activities:
2012-(until now) - International Expert in Education, European Council/ Comission for Educational Practices and Policies.
2012- (until now) – The head of Scientific specialized seminar
2011 - present - Member of the Board of the Ministry of Education
2010 - present - President of National Council for Curriculum "Ministry of Education"
2005 - present- Editor of the magazine “Studia Universitatis”, Series of Education Sciences
2004 - 2008 - Member of the Assembly on the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
2003 - (until now) - President of the Scientific Council Specialized in the
defense of the theses of doctors and senior doctors, State University,
1997-2001 - Scientific Coordinator, the National Council for Curriculum and
Evaluation, Ministry for the Education of the Moldova Republic
2000-2003 - President of the Commission of experts to the National Council for
Science and the Technological Development, Chişinău
2000-2001 - Scientific Coordinator of the Guide „Preschool Education in the
Republic of Moldova”
1995-2002/2003 - Member of the Scientific Councils Specialized to
the Institute of Sciences of the Education and the National Institute of
Physical Education and Sport
1998 - (until now)- National Trainer to the Project of the Reform of the General
Education, financed by the World Bank and Expert of the World
Bank in the curricular area
Activities to the Projects:
1997-2003 - Joint author and scientific coordinator of the Project of the Reform of the General Education financed by the World Bank and the Government of the Moldova Republic
2001-2003 - National consultant to the Project of the Reform of Agrarian Teaching, TACIS
2000-2003 - Coordinator of the Project "Development and implementation of the University Curriculum", financed by the National Council for Science and the Technological Development, Chişinău
2003 - Educational Consultant to the Project "The student - future professor: face to face with the school ", financed by the Soros Foundation
2002 - (until now) - Collaborator higher scientist to the Project "Development of the educational standards for the University Education", financed by the National Council for Science and Technological Development, Chişinău
2006 - National Expert to the Project "Education of quality in the rural medium" financed by the World Bank
2006 - Educational Expert of the Council European to the Project "Diversity and intercultural education"
2007-2008 – International Expert in the Project „Institutional Management of Quality Assurance” developed by Tempus-TACIS.
2007-2010 - Coordinator of the project "Monitoring of the development of the education system", funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
2008 – 2009 - Coordinator of the Project “Education focused on student”, UNICEF.
2008 - 2009 - Local Expert on the project "Higher education and the labour market" Tempus-TACIS.
2009-present – Project Coordinator, "Education focused on student", UNICEF,Moldova.
2010-2011- Coordinator of project "Development of the Concept of modernization of education system, Education Code, consolidated strategy of education development and action plan for the years 2011-2015".
2010-2014 - Coordinator of the institutional project "Reconceptualization of iniatial and continous professional training of specialists from the perspective of interconnection between higher education and economic environement ".
2011-2013 - Coordinator of the project ”The management in the context of quality assurance policies in education in the Republic of Moldova” funded by UNICEF Moldova.
Spheres of the scientific activity:
Educational policies:
• The planning and the Development of Teaching;
• The reform of the educational systems;
• The management of the change in the educational area;
• The evaluation and monitoring in the evaluation;
• The educational management;
• The strategic projection in education.
Preschool Education:
• The elaboration of “Preschool Education” conception in the Republic of Moldova;
Educational curriculum:
• Teaching teleology;
• The planning and the development of the curriculum;
• Educational contents;
• Active and interactive educational technologies;
• The evaluation of the school performance;
• Specific didactics.
Pedagogy of the university education:
• Professional standards;
• The methodology of teaching/learning/evaluation;
• Institutional management;
• The Framework for Qualifications.
Scientific coordination:
1997-(until now) - prepared 27 PhDs in pedagogical sciences.
Training courses:
2010 - ”Chid-friendly school” Geneva, Switzerland
2007 - “The Management of quality, University from Vienna ”
2004 - "The project of the standards of continuous training", Technical University,
2002 - "Management of the University education", University of Alicante, Spain
2001 - "The project of the curriculum of Agrarian Education", Royal College,
Great Britain
1999 - "Realization of the applying researches", Bulgaria
1998 - Institute of Curriculum, Holland
1998 - Institute of Evaluation, Holland
1997 - University Cambridge, Great Britain
1997 - "The evaluation of the education system", International Center of Teaching
Studies, Paris, France
Author and joint author with approximately 150 works (scientific monographs, handbooks, curriculum, studies, articles):
1. Design of the development of teaching in the Moldova Republic, Official Monitor, 1995.
2. The Law of Teaching, Official Monitor, 1995.
3. Design of the teaching/learning of the Romanian language in the foreign schools, Chişinău, 1996.
4. The Romanian language in the foreign schools, Chişinău, 1997.
5. The national Program of the development of teaching in the Moldova Republic, the Ministry for Education, 1999.
6. Scientific bases of the development of teaching in the Moldova Republic, Prometeu, 1998, (collective monograph).
7. The project of the basic curriculum, Tip Cim, 1998.
8. The basic curriculum vitae, Tip Cim, 1999.
9. The theory and the methodology of the University curriculum, USM, 2000.
10. The handbook of the Management of quality, Chişinău, USM, 2005.
11. Integration of science and higher education - concepts, guidelines and strategies", Chisinau, 2007.
12. "Teaching adults in terms of motivation", Chisinau, 2007, CEP USM.
13. "Design of teaching in higher education", Chisinau, 2007, CEP USM.
14. "Education focused on student." Methodological guide. Chisinau, CEP USM, 2009.
15. "Consolidated Strategy for Development of Education ", Chisinau 2010
16. "Curriculum evaluation", Chisinau, IES, 2010.
17. "Teleology of the Competence-Oriented Approach in the system of Higher Education: Traditions and Innovations", The 4th International Conference EDU-WORLD 2010 "Education Facing Contemporary world issues", University of Pitesti, Pitesti 2010.
18. "Educational policies in terms of interconnection of higher education, research and labour market", Scientific Conference with international participation devoted to the 65th anniversary from 21 to 22 September USM, V-II, Social Sciences, 2011.
19. "Competence-focused education: a teleological approach", in "Didactica Pro", no. 1 (65), Chisinau, 2011.
20. "Competences versus educational objectives: teleological approach", in: Studia Universitatis, Series of Educational Sciences, no. 5 (45), Chisinau, 2011.
21. "National Curriculum: Retrospective change of educational paradigm", in: Universe Teacher, no. 3, Chisinau, 2011.
22. Educational management, Moldova State University, Chișinău, 2013 (monography).
23. VL. Guțu, A.Chiriac, Intercultural Education in higher education, Chișinău, 2013 (monography).
24. The Project of Standards of the Child-Friendly school, Chișinău, 2012.
25. The system of quality assurance in general secondary education, Moldova State University, Chișinău, 2013.
26. The Project of Educational Code in the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău, 2012.
27. Pedagogy. Chişinău, CEP USM, 2013.
28. Educational Curriculum, Chişinău, CEP Moldova State University, 2014.
29. A Treaty on Pedagogy: between modernism and postmodernism. Iaşi, Performantica, 2014.
Taking part in the many national and international scientific conferences:
• "Teaching in the contemporary world", Dakar, 2000.
• "The system of evaluation in Europe", Prague, 2000.
• "Education for all", Warsaw, 2001.
• "The problem of the standards in teaching", Minsk, 2003.
• „Integration through research and innovation”, Chişinău, 2013.
• „Postmodern education: efficiency and functionality”, Chişinău, 2013.
State Awards:
• The Order of Labour Glory
Romanian – mother tongue
Russian – read, written, spoken
French – read, written, spoken (with dictionary)
English – read, written, spoken (with dictionary)
1999 - University professor, Higher Commission of Certificate, Chişinău
1997 - Diploma „L’evaluation d’un sistem educatif”, Centre international d’etudes pedagogigues.
1996 - Senior Doctor of pedagogy (13 00. 01), Institute of Sciences of Education,
1990 - Lecturer, Pedagogical State University "Ion Creangă", Chişinău
1989 - Higher scientific Researcher, Institute of Pedagogical and
Psychological Sciences, Chişinău
1983 - PhD, Doctor of pedagogy (13 00 02) Academy of Pedagogical Sciences,
1975 - Pedagogical State University "Ion Creangă", Chişinău
1980-1983 - Doctor’s Program, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow
1971-1975 - Pedagogical State University "Ion Creangă", Chişinău
1961-1971 - General School, Căinarii-Vechi
Professional activities:
2008-present - Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Director of the Center for Educational Policy
2004-2007 – International Expert in Education, World Bank.(Tadjikistan)
2004 – 2007 – International Expert in Preschool Education Standards elaboration
2001- (until now) - Directing of the Department Sciences of Education, State
University, Moldova, Chişinău
1992-1999 - Deputy Manager, Institute of Sciences of Education, Chişinău
1992-1999 - Director of the laboratory, Institute of Sciences of Education,
1980-1983 - Doctor’s Program, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow
Additional activities:
2012-(until now) - International Expert in Education, European Council/ Comission for Educational Practices and Policies.
2012- (until now) – The head of Scientific specialized seminar
2011 - present - Member of the Board of the Ministry of Education
2010 - present - President of National Council for Curriculum "Ministry of Education"
2005 - present- Editor of the magazine “Studia Universitatis”, Series of Education Sciences
2004 - 2008 - Member of the Assembly on the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
2003 - (until now) - President of the Scientific Council Specialized in the
defense of the theses of doctors and senior doctors, State University,
1997-2001 - Scientific Coordinator, the National Council for Curriculum and
Evaluation, Ministry for the Education of the Moldova Republic
2000-2003 - President of the Commission of experts to the National Council for
Science and the Technological Development, Chişinău
2000-2001 - Scientific Coordinator of the Guide „Preschool Education in the
Republic of Moldova”
1995-2002/2003 - Member of the Scientific Councils Specialized to
the Institute of Sciences of the Education and the National Institute of
Physical Education and Sport
1998 - (until now)- National Trainer to the Project of the Reform of the General
Education, financed by the World Bank and Expert of the World
Bank in the curricular area
Activities to the Projects:
1997-2003 - Joint author and scientific coordinator of the Project of the Reform of the General Education financed by the World Bank and the Government of the Moldova Republic
2001-2003 - National consultant to the Project of the Reform of Agrarian Teaching, TACIS
2000-2003 - Coordinator of the Project "Development and implementation of the University Curriculum", financed by the National Council for Science and the Technological Development, Chişinău
2003 - Educational Consultant to the Project "The student - future professor: face to face with the school ", financed by the Soros Foundation
2002 - (until now) - Collaborator higher scientist to the Project "Development of the educational standards for the University Education", financed by the National Council for Science and Technological Development, Chişinău
2006 - National Expert to the Project "Education of quality in the rural medium" financed by the World Bank
2006 - Educational Expert of the Council European to the Project "Diversity and intercultural education"
2007-2008 – International Expert in the Project „Institutional Management of Quality Assurance” developed by Tempus-TACIS.
2007-2010 - Coordinator of the project "Monitoring of the development of the education system", funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
2008 – 2009 - Coordinator of the Project “Education focused on student”, UNICEF.
2008 - 2009 - Local Expert on the project "Higher education and the labour market" Tempus-TACIS.
2009-present – Project Coordinator, "Education focused on student", UNICEF,Moldova.
2010-2011- Coordinator of project "Development of the Concept of modernization of education system, Education Code, consolidated strategy of education development and action plan for the years 2011-2015".
2010-2014 - Coordinator of the institutional project "Reconceptualization of iniatial and continous professional training of specialists from the perspective of interconnection between higher education and economic environement ".
2011-2013 - Coordinator of the project ”The management in the context of quality assurance policies in education in the Republic of Moldova” funded by UNICEF Moldova.
Spheres of the scientific activity:
Educational policies:
• The planning and the Development of Teaching;
• The reform of the educational systems;
• The management of the change in the educational area;
• The evaluation and monitoring in the evaluation;
• The educational management;
• The strategic projection in education.
Preschool Education:
• The elaboration of “Preschool Education” conception in the Republic of Moldova;
Educational curriculum:
• Teaching teleology;
• The planning and the development of the curriculum;
• Educational contents;
• Active and interactive educational technologies;
• The evaluation of the school performance;
• Specific didactics.
Pedagogy of the university education:
• Professional standards;
• The methodology of teaching/learning/evaluation;
• Institutional management;
• The Framework for Qualifications.
Scientific coordination:
1997-(until now) - prepared 27 PhDs in pedagogical sciences.
Training courses:
2010 - ”Chid-friendly school” Geneva, Switzerland
2007 - “The Management of quality, University from Vienna ”
2004 - "The project of the standards of continuous training", Technical University,
2002 - "Management of the University education", University of Alicante, Spain
2001 - "The project of the curriculum of Agrarian Education", Royal College,
Great Britain
1999 - "Realization of the applying researches", Bulgaria
1998 - Institute of Curriculum, Holland
1998 - Institute of Evaluation, Holland
1997 - University Cambridge, Great Britain
1997 - "The evaluation of the education system", International Center of Teaching
Studies, Paris, France
Author and joint author with approximately 150 works (scientific monographs, handbooks, curriculum, studies, articles):
1. Design of the development of teaching in the Moldova Republic, Official Monitor, 1995.
2. The Law of Teaching, Official Monitor, 1995.
3. Design of the teaching/learning of the Romanian language in the foreign schools, Chişinău, 1996.
4. The Romanian language in the foreign schools, Chişinău, 1997.
5. The national Program of the development of teaching in the Moldova Republic, the Ministry for Education, 1999.
6. Scientific bases of the development of teaching in the Moldova Republic, Prometeu, 1998, (collective monograph).
7. The project of the basic curriculum, Tip Cim, 1998.
8. The basic curriculum vitae, Tip Cim, 1999.
9. The theory and the methodology of the University curriculum, USM, 2000.
10. The handbook of the Management of quality, Chişinău, USM, 2005.
11. Integration of science and higher education - concepts, guidelines and strategies", Chisinau, 2007.
12. "Teaching adults in terms of motivation", Chisinau, 2007, CEP USM.
13. "Design of teaching in higher education", Chisinau, 2007, CEP USM.
14. "Education focused on student." Methodological guide. Chisinau, CEP USM, 2009.
15. "Consolidated Strategy for Development of Education ", Chisinau 2010
16. "Curriculum evaluation", Chisinau, IES, 2010.
17. "Teleology of the Competence-Oriented Approach in the system of Higher Education: Traditions and Innovations", The 4th International Conference EDU-WORLD 2010 "Education Facing Contemporary world issues", University of Pitesti, Pitesti 2010.
18. "Educational policies in terms of interconnection of higher education, research and labour market", Scientific Conference with international participation devoted to the 65th anniversary from 21 to 22 September USM, V-II, Social Sciences, 2011.
19. "Competence-focused education: a teleological approach", in "Didactica Pro", no. 1 (65), Chisinau, 2011.
20. "Competences versus educational objectives: teleological approach", in: Studia Universitatis, Series of Educational Sciences, no. 5 (45), Chisinau, 2011.
21. "National Curriculum: Retrospective change of educational paradigm", in: Universe Teacher, no. 3, Chisinau, 2011.
22. Educational management, Moldova State University, Chișinău, 2013 (monography).
23. VL. Guțu, A.Chiriac, Intercultural Education in higher education, Chișinău, 2013 (monography).
24. The Project of Standards of the Child-Friendly school, Chișinău, 2012.
25. The system of quality assurance in general secondary education, Moldova State University, Chișinău, 2013.
26. The Project of Educational Code in the Republic of Moldova, Chișinău, 2012.
27. Pedagogy. Chişinău, CEP USM, 2013.
28. Educational Curriculum, Chişinău, CEP Moldova State University, 2014.
29. A Treaty on Pedagogy: between modernism and postmodernism. Iaşi, Performantica, 2014.
Taking part in the many national and international scientific conferences:
• "Teaching in the contemporary world", Dakar, 2000.
• "The system of evaluation in Europe", Prague, 2000.
• "Education for all", Warsaw, 2001.
• "The problem of the standards in teaching", Minsk, 2003.
• „Integration through research and innovation”, Chişinău, 2013.
• „Postmodern education: efficiency and functionality”, Chişinău, 2013.
State Awards:
• The Order of Labour Glory
Romanian – mother tongue
Russian – read, written, spoken
French – read, written, spoken (with dictionary)
English – read, written, spoken (with dictionary)