Ladislav Burita
Institution: University of Defence
Address: Kounicova Street 65
Postal Code: 66210
Country: Czech Republic

Ladislav Burita is the Senior Lecturer – Professor at the University of Defence (UoD) and at the Tomas Bata University (TBU). He graduated from the Military Academy, Computer Technology, 1975; worked for Computer Centre and Research Centre Army of the Czech Republic; since 1987 is a member of the UoD; since 2007 is a member of TBU.
He became an associate professor in 1991 and a professor in 2003. He is a member of Academic Board of the 2 Faculties and one University, worked for the NATO/MIP team in an interoperability project; has been head research programs; and participated at the university departmental research projects.
He has written several monographs, published papers at national and international conferences. His professional interest is focused on information and knowledge systems, project management, data modeling, and databases.
He became an associate professor in 1991 and a professor in 2003. He is a member of Academic Board of the 2 Faculties and one University, worked for the NATO/MIP team in an interoperability project; has been head research programs; and participated at the university departmental research projects.
He has written several monographs, published papers at national and international conferences. His professional interest is focused on information and knowledge systems, project management, data modeling, and databases.