New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14


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Natasha Kazmaj

Institution: Teacher in New York High School

Country: Albania

Natasha Kamzaj (Kalemi) attends the third year of doctoral school branch of ’’Albanian Language’’, defending the topic: ‘’Comparative and updating view of Albanian Language curriculum in the Pre-University education” at the Faculty of Philology, University of Tirana.

Currently, she is a teacher of Albanian Language and Literature at the upper secondary school “New York High School, Tirana-Albania” and has 20 years of experience in teaching Albanian language at public schools in Albania, where she has attended a series of training seminars related to the qualification of teachers on new teaching methods, design of objectives and use of new technology in teaching.

She has previously been leader of the subject team at “Naim Frashëri” public school and head of the professional network of Albanian language teachers for a number of schools in Tirana city. Additionally, she has participated in the correction of all tests for school completion examinations of the students of public schools.

Natasha has participated in various conferences on education and has a series of articles published related to this field, in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, Italy and beyond. She has prepared the review of the book of students “Albanian Language 6”, “Albanian Language 7” and is an author of guidebooks of teachers for “Albanian Language 6”, “Albanian Language 7” and “Albanian Language 10” with publishing house Albas, Tirana. Natasha is a national trainer on the use of digital book, a training to be annually organized with the teachers of respective subjects by the publishing house “Albas”.
Currently, she is a collaborator of the Institute of Education Development (IED) for the design of new plan programs for the subject of Albanian Language, formulation of tests for testing teachers and correcting their tests.

Areas of expertise: teaching, Albanian language, literature, drafter of programs, drafter of national tests, trainer of digital book, school education, high education.

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