New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14


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Chiara Schettini

Institution: University of Camerino

Country: Italy

Chiara Schettini has been teaching Natural Science in secondary school since 1986 after graduating in Chemistry at the University “Federico II” of Naples (Italy) and having worked for a brief period as a researcher in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Naples.
She teaches Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Education and Astronomy to pupils from 14 to 18 years old. In Liceo Linguistico she teaches these subjects even in English through CLIL (Content and language Integrated Learning) methodology.
She is also involved in teacher training in a number of projects run by INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Resarch) e.g. ‘Scientific Education’ a programme for the training of secondary school Science teachers; OCSE-PISA Evaluation and National Evaluation (INVALSI) of students’ academic performance; ‘Progetto Qualità Merito’ (Quality and Merit Project) for Mathematics, aimed specifically at training secondary school Maths teachers; National Plan I.S.S. (Teaching Experimental Sciences) for the training of Science teachers in both primary and secondary schools.
She has been working since 2000 as Training Supervisor at a postgraduate school in Naples for Natural Science (Seconda Università di Napoli). This included assessing trainees’ professional progress and the planning of contents and methods to be adopted by future Science teachers.
At the moment, Chiara Schettini is doing a PhD in Chemical Sciences at the School of Advanced Studies of the University of Camerino (Italy).

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