Previous Editions
Accepted Abstracts
Curricula Session Planning | |||
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The Curriculum Development Model of the Turkish Ministry of Education: a Search for Balance Between Global Trends and National Demands | Kamil Aydın Siirt University Dept. of Education (Turkey) |
The Whole Human Being Paradigm and Holistic Curriculum Approach | Faysal Özdaş Dr. Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin (Turkey) Burhan Akpınar Fırat University Dept. of Education, Elazığ (Turkey) Veli Batdı Dr.,Fırat University Faculty of Education, Elazığ, Turkey. (Turkey) Osman Karahan Mustafa Hakkari University, Hakkari (Turkey) Bilal Yıldırım Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay (Turkey) |
Enhancing students’ motivation | |||
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A Way of Boosting Students’ Interest in Statistics: Approach and Results | Daniel Palací Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) Jesús Palací Nanophotonics Technology Center, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) Mª Isabel López Rodríguez Economic Faculty, Universitat de València (Spain) |
Achieving Excellence in Students’s Learning Using New Technology | Michele Harutunian New York University College of Dentistry (United States) Martine Mandracchia New York University College of Dentistry (United States) Angela De Bartolo New University College of Dentistry (United States) David Hershkowitz NYU College of Dentistry (United States) Denise Estafan New York University College of Dentistry (United States) |
Are PISA Science Questions Authentic according to Pupils and Teachers? | Laura Weiss IUFE - Université de Genève (Switzerland) Mueller Andreas Universite de Geneve Fac. des Sciences/Sect. Physique Institut Universitaire de Formation des Enseignants (IUFE) (Switzerland) |
Challenging Students with CAD/CAM Technology Going Beyond the Comfort Zone of Senior Students | Angela De Bartolo New University College of Dentistry (United States) Michele Harutunian New York University College of Dentistry (United States) Morey Gendler New York University College of Dentistry (United States) David Hershkowitz NYU College of Dentistry (United States) Denise Estafan New York University College of Dentistry (United States) |
Creative Coding: A Unique Pedagogical Model for Teaching Computer Science to Artists | Ajay Kapur California Institute of the Arts (United States) Perry Cook California Institute of the Arts (United States) Michael Bryant California Institute of the Arts (United States) Jennifer Hutton California Institute of the Arts (United States) |
Engaging Science Education: Turning Students into Partners | Shiri Vivek Eastern Michigan University, MI (United States) Vivek Dalela Grand Valley State University, MI (United States) |
Ethical Issues in Chemical Education. Evaluating Daily Life Products | Teresa Celestino University of Camerino, School of Advanced Studies (Italy) |
Initiating Learning through Innovative Technological Advances | Gerry Klaczany New York University College of Dentistry (United States) Samantha Wolff New York University College of Dentistry (United States) Angela De Bartolo New University College of Dentistry (United States) Michele Harutunian New York University College of Dentistry (United States) Denise Estafan New York University College of Dentistry (United States) |
School Climate: a Comparison of Students’ Perception | Barbara Bocchi Faculty of Education, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen (Italy) |
The Corporate Volunteering as a Bridge between the World of Work and Schools – CVE Project | Maria Francuz Krakowskie Centrum Zarzadzania i Administracji Sp. z o.o. (Poland) |
The Effect of Visual Materials Usage on Increasing Motivation in Primary School Art Lessons | Yelda Usal Firat University Dept of Education, Elazığ (Turkey) İsmail Aytaç Firat University Dept of Education, Elazığ (Turkey) |
Tutorial Methods in a Distance Study Course on Qualitative Empirical Education Research | Karin Krey FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany) Wencke Bauhaus Department of Educational Science FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany) Sebastian Vogt Department of Educational Science FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany) |
Why Doing More Practical Work Does Not Necessarily Mean Enhanced Student Motivation | Ian Abrahams University of Leeds (United Kingdom) |
New Technologies for Science Teaching | |||
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“NANO” – An Attractive Dimension for School Chemistry Education | Timm Wilke Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
A Novel Blended Learning Environment For Sustainable Energy Management – First Evaluation Results | Roswitha Avalos Ortiz University of Vienna (Austria) Ilse Bartosch University of Vienna (Austria) |
Biotechnology Background of Science Teachers in Turkey | Evrim Öcal Inonu University (Turkey) Sibel Kahraman Inonu Universitesi (Turkey) |
Change and Development in Environmental Engineering Education in Libya | Satya Pal Bindra Bindra UNCSD Rio+20 Focal Point ABC Corporation (Libya) Salem Abulifa Ministry of Local Governance, Tripoli (Libya) Khalifa Hammuda Ministry of Labor, Tripoli Libya (Libya) Ali Lawafi civil aviation college Sphea (Libya) Waled Astiata Tripoli University (Libya) |
Change and Development in Environmental Sciences Education in Libya | Satya Pal Bindra Bindra UNCSD Rio+20 Focal Point ABC Corporation (Libya) Ali. Lawafi civil aviation college Sphea (Libya) Salem Abulifa Ministry of Local Governance, Tripoli (Libya) Khalifa Hammuda Ministry of Labour Tripoli (Libya) |
Digital English Language Literacy in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. | Oscar J. Martinez-Alaniz International Reading Association, Colegio Cervantes A.C Guadalajara Jalisco (Mexico) |
Efficiency Of Virtual Experiment In Elementary Chemical Education | Jasna Adamov Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Novi Sad (Serbia) Stanislava Olic Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Novi Sad (Serbia) Mirjana Segedinac Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Novi Sad (Serbia) |
How the “ Go-Lab” Project Will Open Up Laboratories for Large Scale Use in Science Education | Christine Kourkoumelis Physics Professor,University of Athens (Greece) Stylianos Vourakis Researcher, IASA (Institute of Acceleraing Systems and Applications),Athens (Greece) Sofoklis Sotiriou Head of R and D department, Ellinogermaniki Agogi,Athens (Greece) |
Investigating Creative Inquiries with Tablet-Cloud Systems in Elementary Science | Charles Max University of Luxembourg Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (Luxembourg) Nathalie Hack University of Luxembourg Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (Luxembourg) |
M-learning Course: Analysis of Pre-service Teacher’s Profile | Kamelia Yotovska Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Department of Biology Education (Bulgaria) Asya Asenova Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Department of Biology Education (Bulgaria) |
Robotics for Children | Julio Vega Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) |
Silica-Based Nanomaterials in Chemistry Education | Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Stefanie Haffer Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Timm Wilke Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
Social Media Technologies in Distance Learning: New Capabilities for Future Higher Education | Gianluca Gigante Freelance (Italy) |
Social Networks to Improve Education: Empirical Analysis | Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón Universitat Abat Oliba CEU and CECABLE (Spain) Marta Carreras-Alcalde CECABLE (Spain) Lluís Feliu-Roé Universitat de Girona (Spain) María-Jesús Pesqueira-Zamora Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (Spain) Carmen Ruiz-Viñals Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (Spain) |
Teachingearthscience: a Website for Teachers | Lorenzo Lancellotti School of Science and Technology, Geology Division, University of Camerino (Italy) Chiara Invernizzi School of Science and Technology, Geology Division, University of Camerino (Italy) Eleonora Paris School of Science and Technology, Geology Division, University of Camerino (Italy) |
The Effect of Small-Scale Chemistry Experimentation on Undergraduate Students’ Chemistry Achievement, Attitude and Motivation | Gebrekidan Tesfamariam Department of Chemistry, Norwegian University of science and Technology (NTNU). (Norway) |
The Role of Virtual Lab in Professional Training for Pre-service Biology Teachers and Engineers Student | Asya Asenova Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Department of Biology Education (Bulgaria) Vladislav Savov Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria) Kamelia Yotovska Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Department of Biology Education (Bulgaria) |
The Self-efficacy on Adult Students in an Online Learning Context | Maria de Fátima Goulão Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Educação e Formação / Universidade Aberta (Portugal) Rebeca Cerezo Menéndez Departement of Psychology, University of Oviedo (Spain) |
Use of e-Portfolios in Undergraduate Education and a Postgraduate Research Training Programme, ED4LIFE | Siobhán O' Sullivan Cork Institute of Technology (Ireland) |
Virtual Reality Educational Games: a Case Study in Large Scale Particle Physics Research | Till Bergmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany) Andreas Kopmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany) Markus Steidl Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany) Joachim Wolf Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany) |
Science Communication | |||
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A Cultural Perspective on Informal Science Education | Talal Alajmi Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (Kuwait) |
Controlling Dreams and Watching Them in Real Sense | Mizna Rehman Rehman Student Of Wroclaw University Of Technology (Poland) |
Development of Skills Necessary for Public Communication of Science within an Undergraduate Health Science Curriculum | Andrew M Petzold University of Minnesota Rochester (United States) Robert L Dunbar University of Minnesota Rochester (United States) |
How to Communicate Science with Secondary Science Teachers? Bridging Science Education with Science Research. | Nicolas Robin University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (Switzerland) |
Women's Awareness towards Good Shopping for Clothes | Ebtessam Ibrahim Mohammed Salim Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandrian University (Egypt) |
Science Education and Disabled People | |||
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Inspirations from Scientists and Engineers Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired - Lessons to Initiate New Direction for Science Education of Blind Students in Nigeria | Sariat Adelakun University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) |
Narrative Based Medicine, Parents Pedagogy and International Classification of Functioning (who, 2001). A Multidisciplinary and Integrated Approach for People Care | Sabrina Grigolo Gradenigo Hospital SIPEM ASSIF (Italy) Carla Bena ASLTO4 Piedmont (Italy) |
Perception of Visually Impaired Students Equal Sign and Equality | Ümmügülsüm Cansu Middle East Technical University (Turkey) |
Schools for All | Belkıs Garip Middle East Technical University (Turkey) Emrah Özpolat Harran University (Turkey) Dilber Demirtaş Middle East Technical University (Turkey) M. Şahin Bülbül Middle East Technical University (Turkey) |
The Multiple Languages of Mathematics and Children with Disabilities | Lara Albanese Associazione GOOGOL (Italy) |
Science Education Projects and Initiatives | |||
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Case Study of Teamwork Coordination in Teaching Energy Engineering Sciences | María Jesús González-Fernández Universidad de Burgos Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) Eduardo Montero Universidad de Burgos Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) |
Chemistry Content Knowledge of University Freshmen: A Relevant Aspect for the Design of Introductory Chemistry Courses | Maximilian Konrad Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Kai Wolf Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-Universität (Germany) Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
Collaborative Project on Marketing and International Business Among Public Universities | Ricardo Ortiz Ayala Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (Mexico) Karina Cerón Pérez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (Mexico) Marlet Isamar Martínez González Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (Mexico) |
Copyright Literacy in Memory Institutions: Findings from Scientific Project in Bulgaria | Tania Todorova State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria) Tereza Trencheva The State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria) |
Development of Blended Learning Units for an Introductory Course in Chemistry | Kai Wolf Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-Universität (Germany) Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
Development of LMS-based Teaching Materials for the Preparation of Chemistry Lab Courses: Principles for the Design of Conducive Learning Environments | Lotte Bautzmann Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University of Göttingen (Germany) Jennifer Kölling Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University of Göttingen (Germany) Kai Wolf Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-Universität (Germany) Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
European Cooperation Opportunities and Funds in the Field of Science Education | Elisabetta Delle Donne Pixel (Italy) |
From Sunscreen to Solar Cell - A Science Outreach Project Connecting School and University | Johanna Schakowske Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Christian Jooß Institute for Material Physics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Kay Langemeier Institute for Material Physics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
From Surfactants to Membranes – a Science Outreach Project Connecting School and University | Anne Steinkuhle Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Claudia Steinem Institute of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
Introducing Entrepreneurship Thinking into STEM Curriculum through Hands-on Projects | Kai Jin Texas A&M University - Kingsville (United States) Hua Li Texas A&M University - Kingsville (United States) Lian Yang Texas A&M University - Kingsville (United States) Qing Song Texas A&M University - Kingsville (United States) |
Junior Science - Nurturing Children’s Interest in Scientific Knowledge | Flora Teixeira e Costa Centro de Química da Universidade do Minho Campus de Gualtar (Portugal) Helena Pratas CEIA - Centro de Estudos e Investigação Aplicada Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (Portugal) Ana Paramés Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências, Alameda das Linhas de Torres (Portugal) |
Learning Science through the Conception of Comics: the SARABANDES Research Project | Cecile de Hosson LDAR – EA 1547 – Université Paris Diderot (France) Laurence Bordenave Association Stimuli (France) Nicolas Decamp LDAR – EA 1547 – Université Paris Diderot (France) Christophe Hache LDAR – EA 1547 – Université Paris Diderot (France) |
Professional Learning of Partner Organisations while Participating in the European FP7 Inquire Project | Suzanne Kapelari Universität Innsbruck, School of Education (Austria) Elaine Regan Kings College London (United Kingdom) Justin Dillon Kings College London (United Kingdom) Asimina Vergou Botanic Garden Conservation International (United Kingdom) Julia Willison Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, London (United Kingdom) Gail Bromley Consultant in Biodiversity Education (United Kingdom) Costa Bonomi Museo delle Scienze, Trento (Italy) |
Science and Engineering Students as Teaching Assistants in High Schools: the "Educational Clinic" Program | Aharon Gero Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) |
Science Curriculum for the Most Marginalized Children in India | Prema Rangachary Vidya Vanam School for tribal and underpriviledged children (India) |
Social innovation and social networks to improve education: empirical analysis. | Carmen Ruiz-Viñals Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (Spain) Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón Universitat Abat Oliba CEU and CECABLE (Spain) |
TEMI: Teaching Enquiry with Mysteries Incorporated. An Insight from Ireland | Joanne Broggy National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (Ireland) Peter Childs University of Limerick (Ireland) Orla McCormack Department of Education and professional Studies (Ireland) Beulah McManus University of Limerick (Ireland) Anne O’ Dwyer National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick (Ireland) |
The Impact of Scientific Project-based Teaching on Classroom Climate and Educational Achievement | Muhamad Hugerat The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel – Haifa (Israel) Ahmad Basheer The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel - Haifa (Israel) |
The New Reality of Intellectual Property at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies: Project Initiatives | Tereza Trencheva The State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria) |
The Science Garage, an Approach for Self-Motivated Science Learning, in Comparison of Heterogenous European and Asian Classrooms | Georg Pestal PH Wien Fachdidaktikzentrum NaWi (Austria) |
To Determine and Overcome Biological Misconceptions Held by Students and Educators in the Irish Schooling System | Elaine Galvin University of Limerick (Ireland) Audrey O’ Grady University of Limerick (Ireland) |
Water in a Changing World: Developing Learning Materials for Pre-Professional Teachers in Brazil and the United States | Michael Taber Colorado College (United States) Fabio Roland Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil) Bruno Milanez Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil) Fabricio Alvin Carvalho Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil) Elisabeth Pasin Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Brazil) |
Science Education Resources and Activities | |||
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A Review of Foundation Chemistry Teaching and Learning Material in a Four Year Engineering Programme | Nadine Dharsey University of Johannesburg (South Africa) |
Activities on Photovoltaic Potential | Francesca Taponecco EURAC research (Italy) Giorgio Belluardo Institute for Renewable Energy - European Academy of Bolzano EURAC (Italy) |
Compilation on Metacognition Concept | Ayşenur Kuloğlu Fırat University Faculty of Education (Turkey) Osman Karahan MsE, Hakkari University Faculty of Education, Hakkari, Turkey. (Turkey) Veli Batdı Dr.,Fırat University Faculty of Education, Elazığ, Turkey. (Turkey) Hasan Aydemir Asist. Prof. Dr. İnonu University Faculty of Education, Turkey (Turkey) A. Egemen akmençe Fırat University Faculty of Education, Elazığ, Turkey. (Turkey) |
Enhancing Mathematical Understanding through an Optimization Problem of Delay at Fixed-cycle Traffic Lights | Tanja Van Hecke University Ghent (Belgium) |
Enhancing Scientific Thinking in Children: Suggestions Based on Studies about Creativity | Roberta Cardarello University Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) |
From the Experience of Creating the Electronic Educational and Methodical Resource for «History of Asia and Africa in the Middle Ages» | Natalia Smirnova Associate Professor of the Department of General History of Petrozavodsk State University, Republic of Karelia, Russia (Russian Federation) |
Numerical Methods Online Course | Rogelio Ramos Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Armando Aguilar Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Frida León Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Omar García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Miguel Pineda Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) |
The Educational Function of the Library | Sabina Eftimova State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) Sofia/Bulgaria (Bulgaria) |
The Impact of the TEMPUS-Project SALiS on Innovations in Chemistry and Science Teacher Training in Israel | Muhamad Hugerat The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel – Haifa (Israel) Naim Najami The Academic Arab for Education in Israel - Haifa (Israel) |
Towards a Teaching Framework for Computer Science 1 | Alejandro Adorjan Universidad ORT Uruguay (Uruguay) |
Using Visual Materials in Teaching Vocabulary in English as a Foreign Language Classrooms with Young Learners | Dorela Kaçauni Konomi "Fan S. Noli" University (Albania) |
Science Teaching Methods | |||
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A Case Study on the Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Electric Force through a Longitudinal Study | Lina Viviana Melo Niño Department of Sciences and Mathematics Educations. University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) Florentina Cañada Department of Science and Mathematics Education, University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) Mabel Díaz Colegio Santa María (Bogotá-Colombia) (Colombia) |
A One Day Innovation Business Game for Pupils and Students | Börge Kummert FH Campus02, Stg. Innovationsmanagement (Austria) |
A WebQuest on Alkali Metals | Benjamin Heuer Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) Kai Wolf Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-Universität (Germany) Thomas Waitz Department of Chemistry Didactics, Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany) |
Are We There Yet: Teaching and Learning of Science Education at the Primary School Level in a Province in South Africa | Bongani D. Bantwini Human Sciences Research Council, Research Use and Impact Assessment Unit (South Africa) |
Candidates of Mathematics Teacher's Opinions about the Relationship Between Physics and Mathematics Lessons | Esra Macit Inonu University (Turkey) Turabi Geyikli Inonu University (Turkey) |
CLIL Science Teaching – Progression of Scientific Inquiry by the Use of Selective Scaffolding | Marisa Rimmele University of Education Weingarten - Department of Didactics of Biology (Germany) Michael Ewig University of Education Weingarten - Department of Didactics of Biology (Germany) |
Conceptual Change Activities of Light Rays by the Learning Cycle Model Approach | Yun-Ju Chiu Chang Gung University (Taiwan, Republic of China) Feng-Yi Chen Chang Gung University (Taiwan, Republic of China) |
Development of an eBike as a Demonstator for Teaching the Principles of Electric Vehicles | Detlef Heinemann Beuth Hochschule für Technik – Beuth University of Applied Sciences (Germany) Dragan Macos Beuth Hochschule für Technik – Beuth University of Applied Sciences (Germany) Hans Harte Beuth Hochschule für Technik – Beuth University of Applied Sciences (Germany) Frank Stenzel Beuth Hochschule für Technik – Beuth University of Applied Sciences (Germany) |
Development of Children’s Communicative Competence through Drama-Activity: Attitude of Teachers | Giedre Straksiene Klaipeda University (Lithuania) |
Effect of Conceptual Change Instruction on Students’ Understanding of Electricity Concepts | Refik Dilber Ataturk University, K. K. Education Faculty, Dept. of Physics (Turkey) Rıza Salar Ataturk University, K. K. Education Faculty, Dept. of Physics (Turkey) |
How Does Science Teachers’ Understanding of Their Own Learning Style Influence the Teaching and Learning of Their Students? A Case study from South Africa | Bongani D. Bantwini Human Sciences Research Council, Research Use and Impact Assessment Unit (South Africa) Nkopodi Nkopodi Department of Science and Technology, University of South Africa (South Africa) |
Impact of “Relation with Learning” on Scientific Conceptions and Knowledge among Gymnasium Pupils | Emmanuella Di Scala-Fouchereau CIMEOS laboratory - University of Burgundy/ESPE Dijon (France) Philippe Ricaud CIMEOS Laboratory - University of Burgundy (France) Nathalie Pinsard ESPE Bourgogne (France) Robert Andres ESPE Bourgogne (France) |
Improving the Efficacy of Questioning Techniques in Science Teachers’ Inquiry Instruction | Zheng Zhu University of Queensland (Australia) Xin Xin Fan University of Queensland (Australia) |
Introduction of Progressive Assessment Criteria within Problem Based Learning Approach to Teach Engineering Sciences | María Jesús González-Fernández Universidad de Burgos Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) Fatima Ezzahrae M\'Hamdi Alaoui Ecole Nationale des Sciences Appliquées d\'El Jadida, Université Chouaib Doukkali-El Jadida, (Morocco) Fernando Aguilar Universidad de Burgos, Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) José Antonio Barón Universidad de Burgos, Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) Jesús Marcos García-Alonso Universidad de Burgos Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares Universidad de Burgos, Department of Educational Sciences (Spain) Fernando Lara Universidad de Burgos, Department of Educational Sciences (Spain) Jesús Meneses Universidad de Burgos, Department of Specific Didactics (Spain) Eduardo Montero Universidad de Burgos, Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) |
The Effect of Project Based Learning Approach in Biology Lessons to the First Grade High School Student’s Achievement | Tugba Tafli Selcuk University (Turkey) |
The Effect of Reflectıve Thinking Strategies on Students’ Achievement | Banu Çiçek Seyhan Giresun Universty (Turkey) Aysel Temelli Ataturk Universty (Turkey) |
The Effective Teacher as a "Reflective Practitioner" | Gina Chianese Libera Università di Bolzano (Italy) |
The Use of Rubric-Based Method to Assess Skill’s Development. a Case Study in Science and Engineering Courses | María Jesús González-Fernández Universidad de Burgos Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) Jesús Marcos García-Alonso Universidad de Burgos Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) Eduardo Montero Universidad de Burgos Department of Electromechanical Engineering (Spain) |
Towards Learner Centred Science Lessons in Zambia: An Experience of Problem Solving Approach in Biology Lessons | Benson Banda Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Directorate of Teacher Education and Speciliased Services, National Science Center (Zambia) Vincent Mudenda Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Nkrumah College of Education (Zambia) Edward Tindi Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialised Services (Zambia) Kazuyoshi Nakai Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialised Services (Zambia) |
Studies on Science Education | |||
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“The Idiots Named the South North, and the North, South”: Co-construction of Science Culture and Negotiation of Science Aligned Identities in the Classroom | Lilian Pozzer Ardenghi University of Manitoba (Canada) |
A Study on Primary School Students’ Understandings of Energy Concepts | Mehmet Yilmaz Ataturk University, K.K Education Faculty, Dept. of Elementary Science (Turkey) Rabia Yilmaz Ataturk University, K.K Education Faculty, Dept. of Computer (Turkey) Refik Dilber Ataturk University, K. K. Education Faculty, Dept. of Physics (Turkey) |
Adaptability of TIMSS Study for Developing Country: A Case study in Mymensingh, Bangladesh | Taro Kawahara Hiroshima University (Japan) |
Analyses of Secondary School Science Curricula According to Quantum Paradigm | Çetin Tan Siirt University Faculty of Education (Turkey) |
Analyzing the Features of Solving the Science Problems by Proficiency Levels of Middle School Students in Korea | Jaeho Sim Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (Korea, Republic of) Inho Lee Korea Institutefor Curriculum and Evaluation (Korea, Republic of) Wonho Choi Sunchon National University (Korea, Republic of) Young-shin Park Chosun University (Korea, Republic of) |
Budget and Expenditure Trends in the Public Health Sector of Pakistan | Asma Salman American University in the Emirates (United Arab Emirates) Nasir Idrees Technical Resource Facility (Pakistan) Adeel Khalid Technical Resource Facility (Pakistan) |
Context-based Science Education by Newspaper Story Problems and other authentic learning activities: A Research Program on Motivation and Learning Effects | Mueller Andreas Universite de Geneve, Fac. des Sciences/Sect. Physique, Institut Universitaire de Formation des Enseignants (IUFE) (Switzerland) Jochen Kuhn University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Physics/Physics Education Group (Germany) |
Developments and Emphases in Science Teaching in the Israeli Educational System | Muhamad Hugerat The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel – Haifa (Israel) Naji Kortam the academic arab college for education haifa (Israel) |
Does Homework Increase Students' Autonomy? | Floriana Battaglia University of Pisa (Italy) Lucio Bontempelli University of Pisa (Italy) |
Effect of Concept Map Use on Attitudes Regarding General Biology Course | Bilgi Başak Özgün İnönü Üniversitesi (Turkey) Sevil Yalçin Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi (Turkey) |
Environmental Education Studies: an Epistemological and Conceptual Perspective about Environment | Iluska Lobo Braga GEITEC - Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology / Postgraduation Program in Administration of the Federal University of Rondônia (Brazil) Jeoval Batista da Silva GEITEC - Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology / Postgraduation Program in Administration by the Federal University of Rondônia (Brazil) Flávio de São Pedro Filho GEITEC - Research Group on Management of Innovation and Technology. Professor and Researcher at the Postgraduation Program in Administration at the Foundation Federal University of Rondônia (Brazil) José Moreira da Silva Neto Postgraduation Program in Administration by the Federal University of Rondônia (Brazil) |
Evaluation of Environmental Attitudes: Pre-service Teachers | Serdar Aydın Ataturk University (Turkey) Mustafa Derman Ataturk University (Turkey) Mürşet Çakmak Mardin Artuklu University (Turkey) Güven Turgut Ataturk University (Turkey) Hasan Gürbüz Ataturk University (Turkey) |
Factors Affecting the Development of Science Process Skills in the Students of the Middle School | Mustafa Yalçin Science and Technology Teacher, Urgup Technical and Vocational High School for Girls, Nevsehir. (Turkey) Renan Seker Department of Science Education, Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya. (Turkey) |
Factors Influencing Undergraduate Students’ Motivation to Study Science | Ghali Hassan Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology (Australia) |
Formative Assessment Tools for Developing Topic-Specific Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of Teaching Topics Related to Force & Motion | Saiqa Azam University of Calgary (Canada) |
Goerudio: A Network to Enhance Students’ Motivation in Science Education | Lorenzo Martellini Pixel (Italy) |
Green School - Teaching Children to Value Solar Energy Through Educational Initiatives | Muhamad Hugerat The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel – Haifa (Israel) |
Identifying Pedagogical Functions in University Science and Engineering Lectures | Nílson Kunioshi Waseda University (Japan) Judy Noguchi Mukogawa Women’s University (Japan) Kazuko Tojo Osaka Jogakuin College (Japan) Hiroko Hayashi Osaka University (Japan) |
Impact of Emerging Web Technologies on Undergraduate Medical Education Process in Tabuk University | Amina Unis Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine, University of Tabuk (Saudi Arabia) Reham El Khubrani Faculty of Medicine, University of Tabuk (Saudi Arabia) Ameera El Howatee Faculty of Medicine, University of Tabuk (Saudi Arabia) |
Mathematical Models in Chemistry Lessons | Ines Schmidt University of Kassel, Didactics of Chemistry (Germany) David-S. Di Fuccia University of Kassel, Didactics of Chemistry (Germany) |
Pedagogical Content Knowledge of a High School Science Teacher of the Topics Related to Force & Motion: A Narrative Configuration | Saiqa Azam University of Calgary (Canada) |
Pre-service Classroom Teachers’ Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs and their Locus of Control Status | Koray Serin Kastamonu University Faculty of Education (Turkey) Sule Bayraktar Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education (Turkey) |
Right Assessment of teachers key of success in learning process – Action Research | Violeta Buza Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina Kosova (Albania) |
Science Education in Out-of-School Contexts | Ines Schmidt University of Kassel, Didactics of Chemistry (Germany) David-S. Di Fuccia University of Kassel, Didactics of Chemistry (Germany) |
Science Education: A Look into the Future | Ivor Hickey The Leonardo Effect (United Kingdom) |
ScienceCom: A Tool to Improve Researchers and Teachers Linguistic Competence to Disseminate Scientific Results in English. A Pilot Study for the Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy Faculty. | Leidanys Nunez English Teacher at Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨de Las Villas (Cuba) |
Students’ Conceptions about Natural Selection – How Task Contexts Influence Evolution Assessment | Ulrike Betzitza University of Education Weingarten (Germany) Holger Weitzel University of Education Weingarten Kirchplatz 2 88250 Weingarten (Germany) |
Students' Perceptions about Quality of Teaching Performance of Faculty Members in Science College at King Saud University | Jabber Aljabber College of Education King Saud University (Saudi Arabia) |
Students' Use of Analogies in Making Predictions of Novel Situations | Nikolaos Fotou University of Leeds, School of Education (United Kingdom) |
The Analysis of the Development Level of Physics Concepts by Students’ Proficiency Levels | Inho Lee Korea Institutefor Curriculum and Evaluation (Korea, Republic of) |
The Effect of Learner-directed Scientific Investigations on Students' Questionings and their Nature of Science Views | Banu Avsar Erumit I am a PhD student and Associate instructor in Indiana University, USA. (United States) |
The Features of Solving the Biology Problems by Proficiency Levels of 9 Grade Korean Students | Jaeho Sim Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) (Korea, Republic of) |
The In-Service Training Needs Analysis of Non-Specialist Physics Teachers in Saudi Arabia | Yousef Alhaggass Victoria University (Australia) |
The Investigation of Influence of Visual Approach on University Students’ Academic Achievement in Physics Courses | Bahattin Duzgun Ataturk University, K. K. Education Faculty, Dept. of Physics (Turkey) Duzgun Elif Ataturk University, K. K. Education Faculty, Dept. of Physics (Turkey) Refik Dilber Ataturk University, K. K. Education Faculty, Dept. of Physics (Turkey) |
The Perceptıon of 8th Class Students agaınst Vaccınatıon ın Scıence Lesson | Mehmet Barış Yılmaz Inonu University (Turkey) Yasemin Kuruca Inonu University (Turkey) Sümeyra Akkaya Inonu University (Turkey) Erman Ertürk Inonu University (Turkey) |
The Power of Context - From Learning Facilitation to Context Facilitation in Education and Development | Oana Mosoiu University of Bucharest Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education (Romania) |
The Relationship Between 5. Grade Student's Scientific Process Skills and Attitudes Toward the "Science" Lesson (Sampling Malatya) | Feridun Merter Inonu University (Turkey) Sümeyra Akkaya Inonu University (Turkey) |
Vocational Orientation and Guidance Services for the Youth in Latvian Maritime Academy | Inese Barbare University of Latvia (Latvia) |
What Korean Students of Grade 9 Know in Chemistry | Wonho Choi Sunchon National University (Korea, Republic of) |
What Students of Secondary Know about Physical and Chemical Properties of Water | Florentina Cañada Cañada Department of Sciences and Mathematics Educations. University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) María Teresa Giraldo Toro Department of Sciences and Mathematics Educations. University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) Lina Viviana Melo Niño Department of Sciences and Mathematics Educations. University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) Guadalupe Martínez Borreguero University of Extremadura. Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences (Spain) Jesús Sánchez-Martín Department of Sciences and Mathematics Education. University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) |
Training of Science Teachers | |||
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A Case Study on the Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Electric Force through a Longitudinal Study | Lina Viviana Melo Niño Department of Sciences and Mathematics Educations. University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) Florentina Cañada Department of Science and Mathematics Education, University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) Vicente Mellado Jiménez Department of Sciences and Mathematics Educations. University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) (Spain) Mabel Díaz Colegio Santa María (Bogotá-Colombia) (Colombia) |
Breaking the Vicious Cycle in Chemistry Education | Peter Childs University of Limerick (Ireland) |
Challenges to Establish Internal Quality Assurance with an Information System to Create Self-assessment Reports | Masao Mori Office of Institutional Research, Kyushu University (Japan) Eiichi Takata Office of Institutional Research, Kyushu University (Japan) Tetsuya Oishi Office of Institutional Research, Kyushu University (Japan) Toshie Tanaka Office of Institutional Research, Kyushu University (Japan) |
Chemical Safety: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Science Teachers | Samina Malik International Islamic University, Islamabad (Pakistan) Nadia Ijaz International Islamic University, Islamabad (Pakistan) |
Correct the Deficiency of Pre-service Physics Teachers’ Knowledge with Differentiated Instruction | Umit Turgut Ataturk University, Kazım Karabekir Faculty of Education (Turkey) Rıza Salar Ataturk University, K. K. Education Faculty, Dept. of Physics (Turkey) Güven Turgut Ataturk University (Turkey) Fatih Gurbuz Bayburt University, Education Faculty (Turkey) |
Dealing with Model-Centered Instruction: from Discourse Acquisition to Lesson Plan Design | Isabel Jiménez Bargalló Departament de Didàctica de les Arts i les CiènciesnFacultat d'Educació, Traducció i Ciències HumanesnUniversitat de Vic (Spain) Jordi Martí Feixas Departament de Didàctica de les Arts i les CiènciesnFacultat d\'Educació, Traducció i Ciències HumanesnUniversitat de Vic (Spain) |
Developing Pre-service Primary School Teachers’ Conceptual Understanding of Energy and Forces | Maeve Liston Mary Immaculate College and the NCE-MSTL (National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching & Learning), Limerick (Ireland) |
Does Online CPD Programme Work - a Saudi Case | Suliman Binmohsen Leeds University (United Kingdom) |
Elaboration of Treasure Hunts to Focus the Learning of Physics and Chemistry in Secondary Education | Guadalupe Martínez University of Extremadura. Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences (Spain) Francisco Luis Naranjo University of Extremadura. Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences (Spain) |
Engaging Students in Gathering, Reasoning, and Communicating through Evidence: Findings from the Partnership for Effective Science Teaching and Learning | Brett Moulding Ogden School District (United States) |
Exploring the Influence of Argumentation on Epistemological Views of Science | Christine V. McDonald Griffith university (Australia) |
Facilitating Conceptual Change in Teachers: a Study | Neeraja Raghavan Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India (India) |
How Students Learn to Teach Cosmology | Jindriska Svobodova Masaryk University Brno (Czech Republic) Jan Novotny Masaryk University (Czech Republic) Jana Jurmanova Masaryk University (Czech Republic) |
Lesson Study Practice of Science Teachers in Zambia: Its Effects, Enhancing and Hindering Factors | Benson Banda Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Directorate of Teacher Education and Speciliased Services, National Science Center (Zambia) Vincent Mudenda Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early EducationnDirectorate of Teacher Education and Specialised Services (Zambia) Edward Tindi Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialised Services (Zambia) Kazuyoshi Nakai Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education, Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialised Services (Zambia) |
Math-Science Integration Collaborative Project for Teacher Development | Michael Taber Colorado College (United States) Paul Kuerbis Colorado College (United States) David Sawtelle Colorado Springs School District 11 (United States) Linda Sanders Colorado Springs School District 11 (United States) Steve Getty Colorado College (United States) Diane Comstock Colorado College (United States) |
Recruiting and Retaining Minority & Women Faculty in the Sciences in the U.S. | Carmine Gibaldi Harvard & St. John's University (United States) |
Simple Experiences for Physics Teaching in Primary Education: the Magic of Physics | Guadalupe Martínez University of Extremadura. Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences (Spain) Francisco Luis Naranjo University of Extremadura. Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences (Spain) Florentina Cañada Department of Science and Mathematics Education, University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain) |
The Analysis of Art Teacher Candidates’ Motivation and Anxiety Patterns with Regards to Different Variant | İsmail Aytaç Firat University Dept of Education, Elazığ (Turkey) Yelda Usal Firat University Dept of Education, Elazığ (Turkey) |
Use of Pre-service Science Teacher Creativity in Elementary Science Classrooms | Esme Hacieminoglu Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey) |