The Future of Education

Edition 15

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Changing Occupational Status of VET Teachers and Trainers: The Case of Lithuania

Aušra Rutkienė

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

Genutė Gedvilienė

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

Vidmantas Tūtlys

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

Praxis in the Digital Age: What Would Paulo Freire Think of Digital Learning?

Joseph Vancell

University of Malta (Malta)

Principles and Application of Connectivism in Adult Education as a Top Modern Learning Model

Evangelia Vassilakou

The English Academy of Languages (Greece)

Restorative Learning: A Theory, an Application, and a Powerful Effect

Christine A. Johnston

Rowan University (Emerita) (United States)

Gabriella B. Klein

University of Perugia (Emerita) - Key & Key Communications (Italy)

Testing Session

Andrea Baldini

Pixel (Italy)

The Adult Cultural Awareness Competencies Development through the Theatre Art

Genutė Gedvilienė

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

Egidijus Stancikas

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

The Importance of Using Technology in Education

Ekaterina Petrovna Rusakova

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

Edgar Young

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

The SMILE Project - A Systemic Approach to Creating an Inclusive Educational Environment

Anca Colibaba

GR.T.Popa University / EuroED Foundation (Romania)

Irina Gheorghiu

Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University (Germany)

Cintia Colibaba

Ion Ionescu de la Brad University Iasi (Romania)

Ramona Cirsmari

Scoala Primara EuroEd Iasi (Romania)

Carmen Antonita

Scoala Primara Euroed Iasi (Romania)

Stefan Colibaba

Al.I. Cuza University (Romania)

A Dictionary for the Collaboration between Schools and Arts Centres

Edwin van Meerkerk

Radboud University (The Netherlands)

Active Pedagogy in Art and Design Education – Case Study on the Heritage and Semantics of the Portuguese Graphic Tradition of ‘Azulejos’

Jorge Brandão Pereira

IPCA Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave - ID+ (Portugal)

Heitor Alvelos

University of Porto ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (Portugal)

Abhishek Chatterjee

University of Porto - ID+ (Portugal)

Exploring Formative Routes, Opportunities, and Events in Music Education

Sandrina Milhano

Ci&DEI - Cics.NOVA - Polo de Leiria - ESECS-IPLeiria (Portugal)

Dynamic Framework for Project-Based Learning: Interrelate Students, Faculty and Industry, towards 21th Century Job Market

Hesham El Marsafawy

Gulf University (Bahrain)

Nahed Matarid

Gulf University (Bahrain)

Sherif Badran

Gulf University (Bahrain)

Perspectives on the Application of Social Media to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education across the UK Business Schools

Zahra Fazeli

University of Brighton (United Kingdom)

Carmen Lopez

University of Southampton (United Kingdom)

Research-Based Learning in Digital Teams

Tobias Schmohl

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Content (Linguistic) Knowledge in Language Learning in High School

Gayane Markosyan

Ayb School (Armenia)

Cultivating Intercultural Competency through Co-Created Student Opportunity

Maria Hussain

University of Sheffield - University of Leeds (United Kingdom)

European Funding Opportunities in the Field of Education

Elisabetta Delle Donne

Pixel (Italy)

From Learners to Educators - Development of Online Courses by Students for Students

Gergana Vladova

Weizenbaum Institute (Germany)

Sylvio Rüdian

Weizenbaum Institute (Germany)

Inter-Curricular Cybersecurity ABET Assessment Perspectives

Suzanna E. Schmeelk

St. John's University (United States)

Denise Dragos

St. John’s University (United States)

Joan E. DeBello

St. John’s University (United States)

Teachers’ Beliefs about Formative Assessment in the Pupil-Centered Curriculum

Petra Pejić Papak

University of Rijeka (Croatia)

Renata Čepić

University of Rijeka (Croatia)

The Future as a Return to the Past – A Look at the Concept of Energy and its Importance in Education

Terezia Jindrova

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Matúš Sitkey

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Using Transcripts of/for Reflective Practice in 21st Century EFL Teacher Training

Sandra Stadler-Heer

Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany)

Challenges and Opportunities for Social and Emotional Capacity Building: Suggestions for Educational Contexts from PSsmile Erasmus+ Project

Lea Ferrari

University of Padova (Italy)

Teresa Maria Sgaramella

University of Padova (Italy)

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Coping with Occupational Stressors. Cross-Sectional Study in Three Kindergartens

Dorin-Gheorghe Triff

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - North University Center (Romania)

Anișoara Pop

GE Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș (Romania)

Mușata Bocoș

Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)

Correlations of Emotional Burnout with Self-Efficacy, Quality of Life, and Work Ability in Pre-University Employees

Dorin-Gheorghe Triff

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - North University Center (Romania)

Anișoara Pop

GE Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș (Romania)

Mușata Bocoș

Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)

Education on Prevention of Burn Injuries

Anushka Dimitrova

Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (Bulgaria)

Petya Trendafilova

Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (Bulgaria)

Healthcare Language Learning Programme 2 - A Free, Online and Offline Learning Programme for Communication in English and German for Healthcare

Anișoara Pop

GE Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș (Romania)

Anca Colibaba

GR.T.Popa University / EuroED Foundation (Romania)

Lukas Merz

Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Nurses' Professional Behavior in Aggression by the Patient

Galina Tchaneva

Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (Bulgaria)

Petya Trendafilova

Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (Bulgaria)

Psychological Mechanisms of Development of Addictive Behavior

Elene Chomakhidze

Sokhumi State University (Georgia)

Maria Arkania

Georgian Technical University (Georgia)

Kakhi Kopaliani

Sokhumi State University (Georgia)

Required Competencies of Managers for Effective Healthcare Management

Kamelia Bogdanova

Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (Bulgaria)

Petya Trendafilova

Medical University - Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (Bulgaria)

(Co)creation & Interaction at the Crossroad of Art, Technology & Special Education. Experimental Workshop with the @postasis Real-Time Multiuser Collaboration Platform

Anastasia-Zoi Souliotou

University of Thessaly (Greece)

Stavroula Zoi

Athens School of Fine Arts - University Paris 8 (Greece)

Manthos Santorineos

Athens School of Fine Arts (Greece)

A Virtual Reality Journey to the University of the Future: What Kind of Impact Could Artificial Intelligence and Learning Analytics Have on Universities?

Alice Watanabe

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany)

Nadine Fröhlich

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany)

Eco-CEO: Understand the Circular Economy by Playing

Emilia Benvenuti

National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Nanostructured Materials (Italy)

Lorenzo Forini

External consultant (Italy)

Armida Torreggiani

National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Alberto Zanelli

National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Escape Room Gamification Technique To Raise Cybersecurity Awareness In SMEs

Bettina Schneider

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) (Switzerland)

Trupti Zanwar

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW (Switzerland)

Examining Twitch as a Multimodal Learning Platform

Rachel Sage

American University of Kuwait (Kuwait)

How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve the Academic Writing of Students

Tobias Schmohl

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany)

Alice Watanabe

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany)

Nadine Fröhlich

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany)

Dominikus Herzberg

Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (Germany)

Teaching Vocabulary through Games in the EFL Classroom: A Case Study

Zhanar Baimbetova

Ahmet Yesevi University (Kazakhstan)

Why Ecology Needs to Be at the Center of Media Education: Communication and how Life Works

Carl Bybee

University of Oregon (United States)

Rachel Guldin

University of Oregon (United States)

“Title to Be Announced”: We Are Living in Uncertain Times

Joseph Vancell

University of Malta (Malta)

Attitudes towards Multiple Choice Questions among Business Students

Leiv Opstad

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

COVID-19 Outbreak: A Critical Reflection on Teaching

Jowati Juhary

National Defence University of Malaysia (Malaysia)

Data Loss Prevention in Higher Education

Petya Biolcheva

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Miglena Molhova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Development of Interpersonal Skills to Benefit Interaction and Teamwork in University Students: A Means and Aim in the Learning Process

Inés María Muñoz-Galiano

University of Jaén (Spain)

Distance Learning: A New Perspective to the Future

Irina Gronik

Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN University) (Russian Federation)

Educational Models for IP Protection of Business Identifiers

Silviya Todorova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Emotional Intelligence versus Intelligence Quotient in Higher Education as a Possible Predictor of Academic and Professional Successful Performance

Julia Huisman

NHLStenden University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)

Generative Model for Cyber Ethical Issues in Education

Stoyan Denchev

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Tereza Trencheva

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Mariyana Nikolova

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Svetoslava Dimitrova

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Management Qualification on the Competitive Performance of their Businesses

Maria Vasilska

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Impressions on Accreditation as a Tool for Quality Assurance of the Internationalization in Higher Education: Gains and Challenges

Sehkar Fayda-Kinik

Istanbul Technical University (Turkey)

Inventions in IP Education

Vladislava Petrova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Media Literacy and Higher Education in Epidemical Aspect: A Short Overview

Evelina Zdravkova

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - Sofia, Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

Tereza Trencheva

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

One Province, Two Education Models: Employers Views of Graduates Produced by Both Conventional and Chinese-Foreign Universities in Guangdong Province, China

Wei Chin Wong

BNU-HKBU United International College (China)

Xun Wang

Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University - United International College (China)

Yanan Jing

Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University - United International College (China)

Practical Guide to Tutor an End-of-Degree Project

María D. Odriozola

University of Cantabria (Spain)

Elisa Baraibar-Diez

University of Cantabria (Spain)

Ignacio Llorente

University of Cantabria (Spain)

Significance of Entrepreneurs' Education for Competitive Performance in International Business Environment

Silviya Georgieva

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Teaching Model in Economics Education, Based on the Interactive Connection ‘Science – Education - Business’

Maria Markova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Teaching Television Business. Binding Theory to Practice and Practice to Theory

Dimitrina Papagalska

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Teaching the Relationship between the Indigenous and the Spanish Colonizers through 'The Mission'

Yunsuk Chae

Middle Georgia State University (United States)

The Creativity of Tourism Undergraduates as Future Creative Tourism Experts

Norbert Beták

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Zuzana Sándorová

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

The Necessity of Learning Litigation Procedure in the High School

Ekaterina Petrovna Rusakova

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

Ocaqli Ulvi

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

The University Course "Protection of Intellectual Rights" in the Training of a Corporate Lawyer

Ekaterina Kupchina

Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN University) (Russian Federation)

Usage of Mathematical Models for Cybersecurity Analysis

Alexey Stefanov

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)

Iliyan Ivanov

South-West University "Neofit Rilski (Bulgaria)

Ivan Trenchev

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" - University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Radoslav Stoev

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Miglena Trencheva

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)

An ICT Based Approach for Italian as L2 in Multicultural Classes

Emanuela Leto

I C Laura Lanza Baronessa di Carini (Italy)

Analysing Learner Motivation

Ana Gimeno-Sanz

Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)

Conceptual Design of an AI-Based Learning Assistant

Tobias Schmohl

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Susanne Schwickert

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Oliver Glahn

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Create 3d Models by Explicitly Describing and Moving the Virtual Camera Using EEG Signals

Ivan Trenchev

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" - University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Dinko Stoykov

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)

Metodi Traykov

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)

Alexey Stefanov

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)

Miglena Trencheva

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)

Iliyan Ivanov

South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)

Design of a Sensemaking Assistant to Support Learning

Dagobert Soergel

University of Buffalo (United States)

Pengyi Zhang

Peking University (China)

Developing Tools for the eLearning Platform MathE

Ana I. Pereira

Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Florbela P. Fernandes

Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

M. Fátima Pacheco

Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Paula Maria Barros

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Flora Silva

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Edite Cordeiro

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Carla Geraldes

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Carla Cruz

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Carlos Balsa

Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Clara Vaz

Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Elisa Barros

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Inês Barbedo

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

João P. Almeida

Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI) - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

M. Cristina Martins

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Manuel Vara Pires

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Marcela Seabra

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal)

Information Communication Technologies and Legal Education Correlation in Russian Federation and European Union

Mikhail Nikolayevich Kuznetsov

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

Ocaqli Ulvi

RUDN University (Russian Federation)

On Robotic Process Automation and its Integration in Higher Education

Cornel Turcu

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania)

Cristina Turcu

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Romania)

Privacy Challenges when Implementing New Technologies in Education

Martin Zahariev

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Redefining Education during a Global Pandemic

Diane Boothe

Boise State University (United States)

Sharing is Caring: A Proposal for the Development of Shared, Semi-Autonomous, Mobile FabLabs to Overcome Obstacles in STEAM Education

Thorsten Lomker

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Katharina Richter

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Telementoring: Taking Learning Global

Deborah Scigliano

Duquesne University (United States)

The Level of Interactivity in a Virtual Reality Learning Environment: A Design Key Factor

Jamil Extremera

University of Salamanca (Spain)

Diego Vergara

Catholic University of Ávila (Spain)

Manuel Rubio

Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

Ana Gómez

Catholic University of Ávila (Spain)

Pablo Fernández-Arias

Catholic University of Ávila (Spain)

The Online Campus. Higher Education Institutions in Time of Pandemics

Dumitrița Iftode

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi (Romania)

The Promotion of Self-Reflection in Students in Online Education: The Use of Exam Wrapper

Maria de Fátima Goulão

Universidade Aberta (Portugal)

Virtual Reality to Solve Spatial Vision Problems: An Experience in High School

Diego Vergara

Catholic University of Ávila (Spain)

Pablo Fernández-Arias

Catholic University of Ávila (Spain)

María Sánchez

Catholic University of Ávila (Spain)

Ana Gómez

Catholic University of Ávila (Spain)

Jamil Extremera

University of Salamanca (Spain)

Manuel Rubio

Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

Wacom for Education - The Pen is Mightier than the Keyboard

Christy Qiang

Wacom Europe GmbH (Germany)

Leonardo Mendolicchio

Wacom Europe GmbH (Germany)

Guido Möller

Wacom Europe GmbH (Germany)

When the Google Generation Meets Academia: Digital Skills of Tomorrow's Students

Siw Olsen Fjørtoft

SINTEF Digital (Norway)

Building the Religious Field in School within the Migration Contexts: The Case of Spain

Mónica Ortiz-Cobo

University of Granada (Spain)

Rosella Bianco

University of Granada (Spain)

Digital Scaffolding: Framing Learner's Social Interactions

Tobias Schmohl

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Katharina Thies

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Dennis Schäffer

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Meyer Kirsten

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

How Much is Inclusive your School? Ideas from the Multinclude Project

Eleonora Pantò

Associazione DSchola (Italy)

Enrica Bricchetto

Associazione DSchola (Italy)

Intergenerational Education: A Proposal for the Recognition of Diversity and Social Inclusion

Inés María Muñoz-Galiano

University of Jaén (Spain)

Advances in the Use of the Model of Flipped Classroom with Collaborative Learning as a Helpful Tool to Study Metabolism

Miguel Ángel Medina Torres

Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech (Spain)

Ángel Luis García-Ponce

Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech (Spain)

Ángel Blanco-López

Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech (Spain)

Ana Mª Rodríguez Quesada

Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech (Spain)

María Fernanda Suárez

Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech (Spain)

Francisco J. Alonso Carrión

Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech (Spain)

Classification Systems of Visual Representations Included in Biology Textbooks

Kalliopi Papatheodosiou

Ionian University (Greece)

Katerina Salta

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

Dionysios Koulougliotis

Department of Environment - Ionian University (Greece)

Development and Manufacturing of an Interactive Three-Dimensional Phase Diagram of Carbon Dioxide for Teaching Sessions in Thermodynamics

Lina Schulze-Buxloh

FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Rolf Groß

FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Kevin Toni Cheng

FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Geoethics and New Medias: Sharing Knowledge and Values

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Stefano Corradi

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Silvia Peppoloni

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy)

Giuseppe Di Capua

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy)

Instructional Technology-Supported Undergraduate Physics Courses

Nilüfer Didiş Körhasan

Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University (Turkey)

Learning Circular Bio-Economy at School by Hands-on Science Experiments

Giovanna Sotgiu

Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) - National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Armida Torreggiani

Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) - National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Gioacchino Schifino

Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) - National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Annalisa Aluigi

Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) - National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Aleix Barrera-Corominas

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

New Learning Models and Modern Educational Trends for the Future of Education

Irena Peteva

University of Library Studies and Information Technology (Bulgaria)

Diana Stoyanova

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Todor Valchev

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - Yambol Regional Historical Museum (Bulgaria)

RM@Schools: Fostering Students’ Interest in Raw Materials and a Sustainable Society

Armida Torreggiani

National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Alberto Zanelli

National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Mariaconcetta Canino

National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) (Italy)

Giovanna Sotgiu

National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) (Italy)

Emilia Benvenuti

National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Nanostructured Materials (Italy)

Lorenzo Forini

External consultant (Italy)

Annalisa Aluigi

National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) (Italy)

Eleonora Polo

National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) (Italy)

Renata Lapinska-Viola

National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity (ISOF) (Italy)

Alessandra Degli Esposti

National Research Council (CNR) (Italy)

Subatomic Physics: A Key Component to Secondary Education

Jasmine Penney

Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)

Svetlana Barkanova

Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)

Needs Must when the Devil Drives - Migration of an Entire University to Digital Teaching Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Julia Nitsche

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Jan Smetana

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Theresa Busse

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Sven Kernebeck

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Angelika Taetz-Harrer

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Michaela Zupanic

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Mona Eulitz

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Jan Ehlers

Witten / Herdecke University (Germany)

Online Synchronous Reading Intervention: A Viable Option for Rural Schools

Jennifer Burkhart

Colorado College (United States)

Paving Educational Pathways towards Sanitation Awareness and Resilience in Afghanistan

David Th. Ausserhuber

ICUMEDA Intercultural Mediation and Art (Austria)

Promoting Diversity: Heterogeneity-Sensitive Teaching of Scientific Writing

Tobias Schmohl

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany)

Louise Hoffmann

OWL Technical University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Germany)

Students with a Migrant Background and Special Educational Needs: Discrimination and Specificities

Rosella Bianco

University of Granada (Spain)

Mónica Ortiz-Cobo

University of Granada (Spain)

St. John's University’s new New York State Registered Master of Science Degree in Cyber and Information Security

Denise Dragos

St. John’s University (United States)

Suzanna E. Schmeelk

St. John’s University (United States)

Joan E. DeBello

St. John’s University (United States)

Talking for Learning: The Professional Discussion as a Summative Assessment

Fiona Kennedy

Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom)

An Examination of Student Crime, Violence, and Academic Performance in Public Schools

Edward J. Sabornie

North Carolina State University (United States)

Cathy L. Crossland

North Carolina State University (United States)

Emily H. Griffith

North Carolina State University (United States)

Mityl Biswas

North Carolina State University (United States)

Assessment of University Students’ Personal Finances Knowledge and Financial Management Skills

Wafaa Sbeiti

American University of Kuwait (Kuwait)

Can Moral Psychology Inform Moral Education? Some Critical Perspectives

Mimmi Norgren Hansson

Umeå University (Sweden)

Niclas Lindström

Umeå University (Sweden)

Constructivist Learning Conversations in Writing Centers: Feedback and Reflection as Integrated Tools

Saziye Yaman

American University of the Middle East (Kuwait)

Controversial Issues and Their Role in RE

Niclas Lindström

Umeå University (Sweden)

Generation Z is Going to Work. What Are its Expectations?

Alexandra Hutanu

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania (Romania)

Patricea-Elena Bertea

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi (Romania)

Dumitrița Iftode

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi (Romania)

Preconceptions of Gifted and Ungifted Pupils of Younger School Age on the Selected Phenomenon “Learning”

Rebeka Stefania Kolenakova

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Jana Duchovicova

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Research Practice Partnerships and School Improvement

Hardin L.K. Coleman

Boston University - Wheelock College of Education and Human Development (United States)

Lynsey Gibbons

Boston University - Wheelock College of Education and Human Development (United States)

Ariel Tichnor-Wagner

Boston University - Wheelock College of Education and Human Development (United States)

Sites of Relevance: Popular Culture and Transformative Education

Martin Laba

Simon Fraser University (Canada)

Spontaneous Cooperation between Children in Automata Construction Workshops

Graça Bidarra

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Anália Santos

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Piedade Vaz-Rebelo

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Oliver Thiel

Queen Maud University College (Norway)

Carlos Barreira

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Valentim Alferes

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Joana Almeida

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Inês Machado

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Corinna Bartoletti

Eureka (Italy)

Francesca Ferrini

Eureka (Italy)

Signe Hanssen

Queen Maud University College (Norway)

Rolf Lundheim

Queen Maud University College (Norway)

Jorn Moe

Queen Maud University College (Norway)

Joel Josephson

Kindersite (United Kingdom)

Veneta Velkova

School "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Bulgaria)

Nelly Kostova

School "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Bulgaria)

Test 1

Federico Innocenti - test1 -

Test (Italy)

Challenges and Opportunities of Croatian EFL Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development for Intercultural Dialogue

Matea Butković

University of Rijeka (Croatia)

Renata Čepić

University of Rijeka (Croatia)

Creation of Relevant Edutainment Scenarios for Language Performance through Learning Games

Lizandro Becerra Valderrama

LIDILEM Laboratory - Grenoble Alpes University (France)

Digital Language Learning Challenges in the Context of Inclusion

Saule Juzeleniene

Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Rita Baranauskiene

Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Drama-Linguistics Based Story Narration for Young Learners

Dönercan Dönük

Mersin University (Turkey)

Family Language Policy: Interdisciplinary Components of an Emerging Research Field in regard to Childhood Bilingualism

Maria Andritsou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

Konstantinos Chatzidimou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

Impact of Intercultural Communication Apprehension upon Student Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence Development

Nemira Macianskiene

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

Page to Stage: Dramatizing Literature for Language and Life Skills

Alison Larkin Koushki

American University of Kuwait (Kuwait)

Shannon Parks

University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)

An International Research Network to Connect Social Emotional Learning and Career Development

Lea Ferrari

University of Padova (Italy)

Scott Solberg

Boston University (United States)

Application of Critical Thinking Strategies in Educational Practice of Lower Secondary Education

Jana Duchovicova

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Rebeka Stefania Kolenakova

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia)

Changes in the System of Pre-Service Computer Science Teachers Training in the Context of Global Digitalization: Mobile Applications both as a Learning Tool for M-learning and a Subject of Study

Mariia Fedotenko

Moscow Pedagogical State University (Russian Federation)

Rapid Shifts Require Rapid Response: Taking Action as the World’s Schools Shut Down

Deb L. Marciano

Valdosta State University (United States)

Teacher Learning within the Process of Lesson Study

Laura Formosa

Stella Maris College Junior School Gzira (Malta)

James Calleja

University of Malta (Malta)

Teachers’ Professional Skills and Competencies: What Are the most Important?

Sofia Cramerotti

University of Verona (Italy)

Teaching in the Time of Corona Crisis: A Study of Norwegian Teachers' Transition into Digital Teaching

Siw Olsen Fjørtoft

SINTEF Digital (Norway)

Teaching Practice in Pre-Service Language Teacher Education: Challenges of Moving a Face-to-Face Course Online

Borbála Samu

University for Foreigners of Perugia (Italy)

The Influence of Professional Burnout on Teachers’ Professional Satisfaction: The Case of Lithuania

Rasa Didžiulienė

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

Genutė Gedvilienė

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

The Potential of LMS-Course-Templates to Foster Informed Acceptance of Digitization in Higher Education

Angelika Neudecker

Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany)

The Third Millennium Teachers Train on their really Needs: The Albania Case

Lekë Pepkolaj

Albanian University (Albania)

Siditë Duraj

University of Shkodra ”Luigj Gurakuqi (Albania)

Dritan Gerbeti

University of Shkodra ”Luigj Gurakuqi” (Albania)


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