The Future of Education

Edition 15

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Conference Proceedings

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Art Education
Title of Paper Name Institution
I CREATE: A New Paradigm for Arts Education PDF

Salvo Pitruzzella

Accademia di Belle Arti di Bari (Italy)

The "Pollicina" Project: a Social Learning Management System in the Cultural Heritage Domain PDF

Silvia Calegari

Milan (Italy)

Floriana Meluso

University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)

Matteo Dominoni

University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)

Gabriella Saudati

Pollicina Project (Italy)

The Benefits of Studio-Based Education and Expert Reviewers for Critiques PDF

Diane M. Bender

Arizona State University (United States)

The Effect of Using Modular Training in the Educational Process in Architecture and Environmental Design PDF

Anna Viktorovna Solovieva

Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation)

Tatiana Semichevskaya

Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation)

Oleg Vitalievich Bik

Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation)

The Emotional Power of Play. Drama and Child-Centered Play Therapy as Effective Teaching Support on Social and Emotional Learning PDF

Elisa Fontana

University of Roehampton (United Kingdom)

The Munich Model Brings Mindfulness and Meditation to University Students PDF

Andreas De Bruin

Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Title of Paper Name Institution
A MOOC on How to Address Global Citizenship Education through Digital Storytelling PDF

Vicky Maratou

Hellenic Open University (Greece)

Achilles Kameas

Hellenic Open University (Greece)

Barbara Quarta

All Digital (Belgium)

Vassilis Vassiliadis

Hellenic Open University (Greece)

Global Chinese Language Pedagogy in the Era of MOOCs PDF

Haohsiang Liao

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States)

Making the Shift to E-Learning: Eliminating Blocks and Barriers to the Effective and Active Participation of Adult Learners in Online Courses PDF

Joseph Vancell

School of Education and Social Sciences Faculty of the Arts, Cultures and Education University of Hull (United Kingdom)

Online Theatre Education: Theatre’s Doom or Salvation? PDF

Eric Eidson

Texas Tech University (United States)

The Challenges of the Upcoming Educational Age: Critical Thinking Versus Digital Thinking PDF

Sergiu Jelihovschii

Pedagogical University Ion Creangă (Moldova, Republic of)

Diana Jelihovschii

Pedagogical University Ion Creangă (Moldova, Republic of)

The Importance of Pedagogical Student Support in Online Higher Education PDF

Maria de Fátima Goulão

Universidade Aberta (Portugal)

Using the Backward Design Model and Formative Assessment to Develop and Refine Online Courses PDF

Frank Del Favero

University of Louisiana at Lafayette (United States)

Video Clips of Dialogues in E-class Assignments PDF

Lidija Štefić

School of Dental Medicine (Croatia)

Nađa Dešpalj

Faculty of Chemical Engineering & Technology, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Education and New Technologies
Title of Paper Name Institution
Challenges of Using Digital Fabrication Techniques for Design Education in Countries with Developing Educational Level PDF

Thorsten Lomker

Zayed University Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Katharina Richter

Zayed University Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Designing an Electronic Performance Support System for Medical Students PDF

Baris Sezer

Hacettepe University (Turkey)

Do Students Listen to Flipped Learning Recordings? PDF

Ingibjorg B. Frimannsdottir

University of Iceland (Iceland)

Emotion Capsule: A New Form of Communication Designed Together with Teenagers PDF

Roberta Bonetti

University of Bologna (Italy)

Yavuz Ugur Secil

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)

Cohen Nitzan

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)

Exploring Educational Econometric Software: A Decade of Experiences with Gretl PDF

Ana Jesús López-Menèndez

University of Oviedo (Spain)

Rigoberto Pérez-Suárez

University of Oviedo (Spain)

Learning in the Digitalised Society PDF

Albrecht Metzler

Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany)

Moodle: the More you Use it, the More you Love it? Evidence about Perceived Usefulness of Moodle from International Business Students PDF

María-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina

University of Valencia (Spain)

Antonio Marín-García

University of Valencia (Spain)

Maria-Pilar Llopis-Amorós

ESIC Business & Marketing School - Valencia (Spain)

Motivational Measures for Heterogeneous Groups in Web-Based Adult Education PDF

Sonja Klante

German Institute for Adult Education (Germany)

Martin Steber

German Institute for Adult Education (Germany)

Carmen Biel

German Institute for Adult Education (Germany)

Professional Development through Communities of Practice - Cultivating Exchange and Learning Using the Example of the Online Portal Wb-Web PDF

Carmen Biel

German Institute for Adult Education (Germany)

Regina Kahle

German Institute for Adult Education (Germany)

Jan Koschorreck

German Institute for Adult Education (Germany)

Self-Regulated Learning in Informal Learning Environments: An Exploratory Study PDF

Maha Al-Freih

Princess Noura Bint Abdulrahman University (Saudi Arabia)

Successful Learning at University – an Adaptive Online Learning Strategies Training for Freshmen PDF

Tino Endres

Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg (Germany)

Jasmin Leber

Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg (Germany)

Alexander Renkl

Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg (Germany)

Teaching Art as a Reflection of History On-Line. A Case Study PDF

María Luz Arroyo Vázquez

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (Spain)

The Eye of the Storm: Educational Resets for the Jobless Society PDF

Martin Laba

Simon Fraser University, School of Communication (Canada)

The Use of Moodle in Teaching a Foreign Language: Development of Moral and Aesthetic Qualities of Students PDF

Anna Bobunova

Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation)

Using Digital Content to Enhance Education: Vlogs as a Resource for MA Theses in Linguistics PDF

Mădălina Chitez

West University of Timișoara (Romania)

Education and Special Needs
Title of Paper Name Institution
ASD: an Opportunity for Social Learning? PDF

Sandra Patricia Pereira

University of Lisbon (Portugal)

Tereza Ventura

University of Lisbon (Portugal)

Disentangling Poverty and Educational Achievement: Let’s Go All-Inclusive!

Ruth Leitch

Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom)

Joanne Hughes

Queen’s University Belfast (United Kingdom)

Distance Learning in Hospital School in Ljubljana PDF

Tjaša Funa Štamfelj

Hospital School Ledina (Slovenia)

Extending the Culture of Mentoring to Support Learning and Identity Development of Culturally Diverse College Students PDF

Klavdija Zorec

University of Hawaii - Manoa (United States)

Identification of the Target Groups' Needs for an Efficient Social Inclusion of People with Communication Deficiencies by M-Learning PDF

Madalina Cerban

University of Craiova (Romania)

Gabriela-Eugenia Iacobescu

University of Craiova (Romania)

L2 Vocabulary Retention in Typically Developing Children and Children with Learning Disabilities: Comparing Individual Words and Multi-Word Items PDF

Panagiota Kotsoni

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

George Ypsilandis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

Pedagogical Relational Teachership - A Multi-Relational Perspective PDF

Ann-Louise Ljungblad

Department of Education and Special Education, University of Goteborg (Sweden)

Using Simple Vocabulary Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension of Scientific Articles PDF

Angela Gamba Buitrago

Universidad de la Sabana (Colombia)

Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies
Title of Paper Name Institution
A Transformational Approach to Grammar Pedagogy PDF

Qizhong Chang

National Institute of Education (Singapore)

Advanced Digital and Professional Training (ADaPT): A Preliminary Case Study

Wendy Cukier

Ted Rogers School of Management - Ryerson University (Canada)

Brian Robson

Ryerson University (Canada)

Sara Rodrigues

Ryerson University (Canada)

Art-Based Education for Inclusive Learning Environments PDF

Giovanna Del Gobbo

University of Florence (Italy)

Glenda Galeotti

University of Florence (Italy)

Gilda Esposito

University of Florence (Italy)

Barriers of Social Innovation in Academic Curricula PDF

Diego Galego

University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Marlene Amorim

University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Marta Ferreira Dias

University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Maria Sarmento

University of Aveiro (Portugal)

Be Agile with COZMO - Learn Agile Project Management with a Programmable Robot PDF

Holger Guenzel

Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Lars Brehm

Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Andreas Humpe

Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Henrike Martius

Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

BRIGHTS Project: Digital Storytelling as a Useful Tool for Promoting Global Citizenship Education PDF

Sara Cella

Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi (Italy)

Federica Funghi

Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi (Italy)

Children’s Literature as a Means to Global Cultural Connections PDF

Deborah Marciano

Valdosta State University (United States)

Co-Innovation Lab - a Platform for Learning the Competencies of the Future PDF

Holger Guenzel

Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Lars Brehm

Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Contextual Education System and its Principles PDF

Austeja Landsbergiene

Vaikystes sodas (Lithuania)

Corporate Social Responsibility: a New Mission for HEI´s PDF

Joana Santos

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Ana Teresa Ferreira Oliveira

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Goretti Silva

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Sara Paiva

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Defining Italian Grammar Laboratory Model: First Results from a Participatory Research PDF

Loredana Camizzi

Italian National Agency Erasmus+ INDIRE (Italy)

Margherita Di Stasio

INDIRE (Italy)

Laura Messini

INDIRE (Italy)

Francesco Perrone

INDIRE (Italy)

Designing Student Centered Learning Methodologies in Applied Sciences Engineering Education PDF

Jorge Ribeiro

Polytecnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Goretti Silva

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Joana Santos

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Maria João Rauch

PPLConsult (Portugal)

Educating for Tomorrow’s Industry PDF

Donna Wynne-Markham

Australian Industry Trade College (Australia)

Effect of Disfluency on Learning Outcomes, Metacognitive Judgements and Cognitive Load in Computer Assisted Learning Environments PDF

Ulaş İlic

Pamukkale University (Turkey)

Yavuz Akbulut

Anadolu University (Turkey)

Embedded Simulated Persons and Virtual Humans in Nursing Education PDF

Tufan Asli Sezer

Ankara University (Turkey)

Empowering Educators to Support Learners’ Social and Emotional Learning through Use of Mindfulness Methods, Meditation, and Growth Mindset Language PDF

Jennifer Lauria

Wagner College (United States)

Empowerment Online Collaborations: Learning Diaries as a Sustainable Learning Tool PDF

Julia Huisman

Stenden University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)

Liisa Wallenius

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Engaging All Actors in the Educational Process: Outcomes of a Collaborative Project of Entrepreneurship Education Developed at Schools of Baixo Alentejo (Portugal) PDF

Sandra Saúde

Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) - CICS.Nova (Portugal)

Sandra Santana Lopes

Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) - CICS.Nova (Portugal)

eTwinning and the Project Based Learning Approach PDF

Emanuela Leto

I C Laura Lanza Baronessa di Carini (Italy)

European Funding Opportunities in the Field of Education PDF

Elisabetta Delle Donne

Pixel (Italy)

Experiential Learning: Taking Students out of their Comfort Zone PDF

Dale Lyon

Concrete Scotland - ExpLearn (United Kingdom)

Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curriculum at Preschool Teacher Training and Business Informatics College of Applied Studies - Sirmium PDF

Maja Cvijetić

Preschool Teacher Training and Business Informatics College of Applied Studies (Serbia)

Dejan Savičević

Preschool Teacher Training and Business Informatics College of Applied Studies (Serbia)

Gordana Mijailović

Preschool Teacher Training and Business Informatics College of Applied Studies (Serbia)

HLW Rankweil Lives Europe with Erasmus+ PDF

Elisabeth Schmid

HLW Rankweil (Austria)

Paolo Notarantonio

HLW Rankweil (Austria)

How to Shape Executive Education in 2020: Being Effective, Unique and Creative PDF

Silvia Dell'Acqua

European University Institute (Italy)

Improvement of Educational Competencies in the Context of Lifelong Learning: Attitude of Higher Education Teachers PDF

Vida Navickienė

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)

Improving Communication Skills Using Simulation-Based Education: Review of Current Interventions and Identification of Best Practice PDF

Anna Siri

University of Genoa (Italy)

Marco Chirico

University of Genoa (Italy)

Giancarlo Torre

University of Genoa (Italy)

Innovative Approach to Academic Training in Business Administration in the University of National and World Economy PDF

Mariana Kuzmanova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Matilda Alexandrova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Atanas Atanassov

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Innovative Education Enabled by Knowledge Organization and IT: Goal-directed, Flexible, Individualized, Collaborative PDF

Dagobert Soergel

University of Buffalo (United States)

Innovative Teaching on Business with Intellectual Property at the Creative Industries PDF

Vladia Borissova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Integrating Computational Thinking into Elementary Mathematics and Science Curriculum Materials and Instruction PDF

Kevin Waterman

Education Development Center (United States)

Lynn Goldsmith

Education Development Center (United States)

Marian Pasquale

Education Development Center (United States)

Paul Goldenberg

Education Development Center (United States)

Joyce Malyn-Smith

Education Development Center (United States)

Anne DeMallie

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (United States)

Irene Lee

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States)

Is There Any Room Left for Interpretivist Research in Education? PDF

Don Kiraly

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany)

Multi-Subject Teaching – Future Of Literature In School PDF

Mindaugas Grigaitis

Knowledge Economy Forum (Lithuania)

Multicultural Service Learning Technology Innovations: Preparing Undergraduate Education Majors Using the SAMR Model PDF

Kristina M. Howlett

University of Arkansas (United States)

Dennis Beck

University of Arkansas (United States)

Johnny B. Allred

University of Arkansas (United States)

Anita Rao Mysore

Indus Training & Research Institute Bangalore (India)

New Approaches to Holocaust Teaching PDF

Christine Berberich

University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom)

Object Based Learning: a New Pedagogical Approach to the Teaching of the Humanities in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne PDF

Fiona Moore

University of Melbourne (Australia)

Preservice Teachers’ Performance of Writing Assessment: a Theoretical Pilot Study PDF

Hyeyoun Kim

Dongguk University (Korea, Democratic People's Republic of)

Project Based Learning: Bringing Citizen Empowerment to the Educational Agenda – Interpreting Three Learning Experiences Developed in Higher Education PDF

Maria Albertina Raposo

Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) - MARE (Centre of Marine sciences and Environment) (Portugal)

Sandra Saúde

Polytechnic Institute of Beja (IPBeja) - CICS.Nova (Portugal)

Ana Paula Zarcos Palma

Polytechnic Institute of Beja (Portugal)

Promoting STEM via Robotics Based Programming PDF

Emmett Kerr

Ulster University (United Kingdom)

Dermot Kerr

Ulster University (United Kingdom)

Sonya Coleman

Ulster University (United Kingdom)

Social Activism in Teacher Education PDF

Adam Haisraeli

The Unit for Community Involvement Activism, Seminar Hakibbutzim College (Israel)

Talent Engagement and Attraction: Strategic Involvement of HEIs in Regional Innovation Ecosystems PDF

Joana Santos

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Ana Teresa Ferreira Oliveira

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Goretti Silva

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Sara Paiva

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Portugal)

Teaching Success through Failure PDF

David Rosner

Metropolitan College of New York (United States)

Tilokie Depoo

Metropolitan College of New York (United States)

Davinder Kaur

State University of New York at Stonybrook (United States)

The Challenges of Adult Pedagogy in Workplace Learning PDF

Inga Zeide

University of Latvia (Latvia)

The Co-Construction of Knowledge by Way of Cooperative Projects PDF

Tânia Sofia da Silva Correia

Colégio Piloto Diese (Portugal)

Valter Rato

Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos Educacionais (Portugal)

The Impact of Anxiety on English Language Learning: the Case of Bahraini University Students PDF

Meryem Fati

Gulf University (Bahrain)

The Model of “Fundamental Values and Elements of Landscape” Proposed for Education and Practice of Landscape Architecture PDF

S-Hassan Taghvaei

Department of Landscape Architecture, Shahid Beheshti University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

The Off Book Project: Changing School Patterns Through Theatrical Means PDF

Anca Colibaba

Gr. T. Popa University / EuroED Foundation (Romania)

Carmen Antonita

Scoala Primara Euroed (Romania)

Irina Gheorghiu

Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University (Germany)

Stefan Colibaba

Al. I. Cuza University (Romania)

Ovidiu Ursa

Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj (Romania)

Rodica Gardikiotis

Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania)

The Use of Innovative Tools for Teaching Entrepreneurship PDF

Elisa Baraibar-Diez

University of Cantabria (Spain)

María Odriozola

University of Cantabria (Spain)

Ignacio Llorente

University of Cantabria (Spain)

José Luis Fernández Sánchez

University of Cantabria (Spain)

Unified Efforts across Language Departments to Teach Efficient Oral Discourse PDF

Ana Belén Martínez García

University of Navarra (Spain)

Alicia Otano

University of Navarra (Spain)

Learning Games
Title of Paper Name Institution
Serious Games for Learning Programming Concepts PDF

Ivona Frankovic

University of Rijeka (Croatia)

Natasa Hoic-Bozic

University of Rijeka (Croatia)

Lucia Nacinovic Prskalo

University of Rijeka (Croatia)

Video Games in Education: an Analysis beyond Prejudice PDF

Martina De Castro

University of Roma Tre (Italy)

Giancarlo Giumini

University of Roma Tre (Italy)

Martina Marsano

University of Roma Tre (Italy)

Umberto Zona

University of Roma Tre (Italy)

Fabio Bocci

University of Roma Tre (Italy)

Videogames for Teachers: An Analysis of Videogames for Education PDF

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Gintarė Dzindzelėtaitė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Neringa Kelpšaitė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Sigitas Drąsutis

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Media Education
Title of Paper Name Institution
Decolonising & Africanising: Discussing Current Challenges of Curriculum Development in a South African University Journalism Programme PDF

Sandra Pitcher

University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)

Nicola Jones

University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)

Music Education
Title of Paper Name Institution
Comparison of Curriculum on Bachelor's Degree Majoring in Western Music PDF

Phatravee Tienchaianan

Bansomdejchaopraya Rajbhat University (Thailand)

Comparison Thai and International Folk Dance Movement Activities for Kindergarteners PDF

Natcha Techaaphonchai

Mahidol University (Thailand)

Music Listening Activities in the Music History Classroom. What, Why, and How? PDF

Giovanna Carugno

University of Parma (Italy)

Perspectives of Béla Bartók’s Mikroskosmos for Teaching PDF

Karn Gularnupong

Mahidol University (Thailand)

Teaching Methods Khim of Chanok Sagarik in Thailand 4.0 PDF

Nuttida Numpranee

Mahidol University (Thailand)

The Correction of Vocal and Personality’s Problems of Thai Blind Female Singers, Age of 20-35 PDF

Pathnitharn Sreeiams

College of Music, Mahidol University (Thailand)

The Development of Learning Media for Enhancing Music Theory Efficiency of Undergraduate Students in Western Music Program PDF

Chutamas Hirungool

Chandrakasem Rajabhat University (Thailand)

Pongpob Sukittiwong

Chandrakasem Rajabhat University (Thailand)

The Teaching Process of Lao Traditional Music PDF

Ratiwut Sudta

Mahidol University (Thailand)

Transitions and Transformations of the Learning Process in Thai String Ensemble PDF

Nachaya Natchanawakul

Mahidol University (Thailand)

Practical Tips for Effective Teaching
Title of Paper Name Institution
Bottom-up Quality Practices in ECEC Services – The SEQUENCES Project PDF

Sylvia Liuti

FORMA.Azione (Italy)

Adina Curta

FORMA.Azione (Italy)

Efficiency of an Experimental Program for Young Volleyball Players under Field Conditions PDF

Ralitza Arsova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Emotional Leadership: Implications for Teachers and Leaders PDF

Hanwei Cheng

University of Nottingham (China)

Yijie Wang

Beijing Normal University (China)

Innovative Usage of Waste and Applications of Theoretical Science PDF

Selin Öz

Hisar School (Turkey)

Ali Maga

Hisar School (Turkey)

Teaching a Foreign Language to Very Young Learners in a Natural Way PDF

Edita Hornáčková Klapicová

SS Cyril and Methodius University (Slovakia)

Translation and the Use of L1 in Spanish Language Classes PDF

Yunsuk Chae

Middle Georgia State University (United States)

Strategies for Effective Teaching
Title of Paper Name Institution
An Application to Close the Gap in General Chemistry Teaching: Chemistry Visualisations PDF

Ayşegül Derman

Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)

Nuriye Koçak

Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)

Better Vision – Better Reading PDF

Gunvor Wilhelmsen

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)

Brain-Based Strategies for Struggling Readers PDF

Benita Bell

Concordia University Chicago (United States)

Building Inclusive and Fair Classrooms: Spotting Sources of Bias in University Classrooms

Katelyn Cooper

Arizona State University (United States)

Sara Brownell

Arizona State University (United States)

Connecting Engineering Education in Universities to the Real World PDF

Chi-Cheng Cheng

National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan, Republic of China)

Chua-Chin Wang

National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan, Republic of China)

Ying-Yao Cheng

National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan, Republic of China)

Effects of Using Further Math Beyond Curriculum on the Development of High School Students PDF

Emir Kutay

Sev American College (Turkey)

Burhan Südekan

Sev American College (Turkey)

It Takes the Entire University Community to Educate Students in Becoming Academics PDF

Eeva Koponen

University of Jyväskylä (Finland)

Johanna Kinnunen

University of Jyväskylä (Finland)

Päivikki Jääskelä

University of Jyväskylä (Finland)

Pedagogical Experience Design PDF

Susana Leonor

UNIDCOM/IADE - Europeia University (Portugal)

Cláudia Pernencar

UNIDCOM/IADE - Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação (Portugal)

Carlos Rosa

UNIDCOM/IADE - Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação (Portugal)

Ricardo Loução

UNIDCOM/IADE - Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação (Portugal)

Project Based Learning Methodology to Promote Essential Skills in Mechanical Engineers. A case of Study in Structural Mechanics PDF

Silvia De la Flor

Department of Mechanical Engineering. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Diego Ramos

Department of Mechanical Engineering. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Francesc Ferrando

Department of Mechanical Engineering. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Xavier Zamora

Department of Mechanical Engineering. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Luis López de Zamora

Department of Mechanical Engineering. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

Students Generating Questions as a Way of Learning PDF

Ester Aflalo

Hemdat Hadarom College of Education (Israel)

Teacher-Learner Dynamics from a Transactional Analysis perspective. Examples from a language classroom PDF

Luisa Panichi

University of Pisa (Italy)

The Future of Teaching Translation to Opera Singers: Strategies to Follow or Not to Follow PDF

Katerina Stroblova

University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic)

Studies on Education
Title of Paper Name Institution
A Study on Behavioral Indicators of Teacher Candidates' Critical Thinking Dispositions PDF

Vildan Özdemir

Mersin University (Turkey)

Esin Tezbaşaran

İstanbul University Hasan Ali Yücel Education Faculty (Turkey)

Addressing Complexities of Critical and Creative Thinking: Dialogic Relationships among Policies, Communities, and Young Children PDF

Dasha Shalimo

University of Toronto (Canada)

Becoming an Academic: Processes of Role Transformation PDF

Hana Navrátilová

Tomas Bata University (Czech Republic)

Adriana Wiegerová

Tomas Bata University (Czech Republic)

Challenges of Working in Multicultural Teams and Cultural Differences: a Case Study PDF

María-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina

University of Valencia (Spain)

Antonio Marín-García

University of Valencia (Spain)

Civic Education in the Republic of Croatia – Familiarity with the Institutions of the European Union among Students of the Faculty of Teacher Education PDF

Damir Velicki

Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Co-Teaching in "Academy- Class" Program: From Theory to Practical Experience PDF

Yonit Nissim

Ohalo Academic College (Israel)

Edni Nifeld

Ohalo Academic College (Israel)

Community Needs, Values, and Engagement in the Planning and Building of an Advanced Higher Education System in Cambodia PDF

Tithchanbunnamy Lor

Charles Darwin University (Australia)

Ngoy Mak

Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (Cambodia)

Comparison of an Immunology Cookbook Lab Course and a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience

Katelyn Cooper

Arizona State University (United States)

Taija Hendrix

Arizona State University (United States)

Joseph Blattman

Arizona State University (United States)

Sara Brownell

Arizona State University (United States)

Correlation Structures of Sport Preparation with Futsal Players from the University of National and World Economy PDF

Ivan Stoilov

UNWE (Bulgaria)

Development for an Introductory Educational Program Before the Full Immersion to the Advanced Active Learning Curriculum: Utilize an Animation as a Communication Method PDF

Kazuya Takemata

Kanazawa Technical College (Japan)

Megumi Takabatake

Kanazawa Technical College (Japan)

Akiyuki Minamide

Kanazawa Technical College (Japan)

Early Literacy during the Period of Transition from Preschool to Primary School PDF

Vladimira Velicki

Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Education and Emotions: from one Emotional Logic to Another PDF

Tomas Wedin

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Effective Learning In Science Education through Experimental Procedures PDF

Teoman Ozkan

Hisar School (Turkey)

Sinan Tuna

Hisar School (Turkey)

Exploring Doctoral Students' Integration Experiences Into a Ph.D. Program Using Photovoice PDF

Alicja Sieczynska

University of the Incarnate Word (United States)

Inci Yilmazli Trout

University of the Incarnate Word (United States)

Getting to Great, for All PDF

Hardin L.K. Coleman

Boston University - Wheelock College of Education and Human Development (United States)

Higher Educational Reforms – Institutional Responses: an Analysis of Hungarian Universities’ Enrolment Policies PDF

Rita Csőke

Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)

Zsuzsanna Eszter Tóth

Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)

Immigrant Youth in Canada and their Inclusion in the School System: the Case of French Language Schools in Ontario PDF

Diane Gerin-Lajoie

OISE, University of Toronto (Canada)

Internationalizing Business Education: A Colombian Case Study PDF

Rebecca Geffmer

Africa Business School, Mohamed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco)

Annette E. Craven

University of the Incarnate Word (United States)

Learning Scientific Topics by Experimental Application in Education PDF

Merve Ozdemir

Hisar School (Turkey)

Dila Bagdatli

Hisar School (Turkey)

Moral Education and the Fact/Opinion Dichotomy PDF

Jaron Daniël Schoone

University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

New Education Perspective: The Humanistic Management Paradigm PDF

Angela Dettori

University of Cagliari (Italy)

Federica Caboni

University of Cagliari (Italy)

Ernestina Giudici

University of Cagliari (Italy)

Schools Matter: Equity and Effective Schools in Mexico PDF

Giovanna Valenti Nigrini

Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico (Mexico)

Set4Work, Set4Life PDF

Nigel Studdart

Education Business Solutions (New Zealand)

Ken Eastwood

The Skills Organisation (New Zealand)

Sarah Rennie

Oyster Workshop (New Zealand)

Students’ Thinking about Out-of-Class Teamwork PDF

Elizabeth Ruiz Esparza Barajas

Universidad de Sonora (Mexico)

Sustainable Development Goals and the Future of Higher Education Institutions: the Case of Vietnam PDF

Nguyen Thuy Hang

Waseda University (Japan)

Sustainable Education and Education for Sustainability: Importance of Sustainable Development in Higher Education PDF

Mirna Patricia Bernal Martínez

Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia)

Roberto Enrique Figueroa Molina

Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia)

Carlos Alberto Salazar Díaz

Universidad del Atlántico (Colombia)

The (Further) Development of Social Competences of Children by Learning at Extracurricular Learning Places PDF

Sarah Aldrian

Institute of Educational Sciences (Austria)

The Assessment of Social Capacities of Communicative Competence of Primary School-Age Children PDF

Giedre Straksiene

University of Klaipeda (Lithuania)

The Beautiful Future of Literary Education PDF

Christer Ekholm

Dept. of Literature, History of ideas, and Religion University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Ingrid Lindell

Dept. of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

The Experiences of Indigenous Nursing Students: A Phenomenological Study PDF

Jennifer Kelly

University of Southern Queensland (Australia)

Kim Henschke

University of Southern Queensland (Australia)

The Frames-of-Meaning Hypothesis. A Model for Mathematics Education PDF

Edgar Andrade-Londoño

Alandra- investigación educativa (Colombia)

Amparo Lotero-Botero

Alandra- investigación educativa (Colombia)

Alejandro Andrade-Lotero

Indiana University/ Alandra- investigación educativa (United States)

The Impact of Gender on the Academic Achievement of Students of Foreign Languages at the University of Jordan PDF

Nahed Emaish

University of Jordan, Department of French (Jordan)

The Impact of Inquiry Based Science Education on the Formation of Lifelong Learning Skills PDF

Mihail Calalb

Tiraspol State University (Moldova, Republic of)

The Innovation Imperative: Adding Fire to the Fuel of Genius in UAE Schools? PDF

Carol Webb

Middlesex University Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

The Motivational Profile of Students in Initial Teacher Training Regarding their Competence in Oral Communication: the Two First Years’ Results of a Longitudinal Study of Four Years PDF

Priscilla Boyer

University of Quebec (Canada)

Vincent Chalifour

University of Quebec (Canada)

Geneviève Messier

University of Quebec (Canada)

Christian Dumais

University of Quebec (Canada)

Sylvie Viola

University of Quebec (Canada)

The Problem of Creativity: What Images Do Young People Choose? PDF

Rasa Balte - Balciuniene

HAI.LT Institute (Lithuania)

Gintaras Seputis

Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania)

The Sense of Meaninglessness among College Students: Malfunction or Growth in Disguise? - A Research-Based Analysis and its Implication for Educational Practice PDF

Yijie Wang

Beijing Normal University (China)

Hanwei Cheng

University of Nottingham (China)

Transformative Reading Pedagogies: Perspectives from Indonesia PDF

Ania Lian

Charles Darwin University (Australia)

Muhammad Yunus

Islamic University of Malang (Indonesia)

Views of Poetry as a Competence, Expressed by Students in the Teachers Education PDF

Anna Lyngfelt

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Katharina Dahlbäck

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Viktoria Bengtsdotter Katz

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

What to Do when Pupils Do not Concentrate? PDF

Bente Hvidsten

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)

Gunvor Wilhelmsen

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)

Studies on Second Language Acquisition
Title of Paper Name Institution
"I don' t speak your language. Can we still be friends?" Immigrant Children's Language Barriers in Forming Friendships with Peers in Multicultural Schools: A Case Study from Cyprus PDF

Lambri Trisokka

Primary School of Ayia Napa-Antonis Tsokkos (Cyprus)

Christoforos Mamas

University of California San Diego (UCSD) (United States)

Foreign Language Anxiety in E-Tandem Learners: An Idiodynamic Case Study PDF

Blanca Cristofol Garcia

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)

Christine Appel

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)

Poverty and Empowerment Discourse: Observing Agency and Authentic Language Use in a Dual Language Immersion Classroom PDF

Lauren Johnson

Brigham Young University (United States)

Alessandro Rosborough

Brigham Young University (United States)

Strategic English Language Learning Through Innovative Outreach and Collaboration PDF

Diane Boothe

Boise State University (United States)

Syrian Arab Refugee Students’ Listening Comprehension Problems in Turkish Teaching as a Foreign Language PDF

Serdar Derman

Necmettin Erbakan University (Turkey)

Task-Based Learning: a Research Study on the Use of Web 2.0 Technology in Second Language Acquisition PDF

Ana Boman

Trine University (United States)

The Latest Advances in Technology-Enhanced Language Learning: An Overview of Studies on Vocabulary Acquisition PDF

Vilma Mikašytė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Vida Drasute

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)


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