Conference Proceedings

The Conference Proceedings are published:
- On a book entitled �The Future of Education, Conference Proceedings 2013� (ISBN code: 978-88-6292-386-6) published by the Italian publisher Edizioni. Edizioni is a publisher accredited by Anvur (Italian National Agency for the evaluation of Universities and research Institutes). The price is 55 Euros.
- On CD-Rom to be distributed to all conference participants.
- On-line on the conference website, please see below.
Art Education |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
Designing Social Change: Inquiry-Based Teaching in Graphic Design (pdf) |
Bridgewater State University (USA) |
Development the Creative and Innovative Thinking through Studying the Design of the Art of Drafting Metal Ornaments to Emphasize the Arab Cultural Identity in the Arabian Gulf States (pdf) |
Alexandria University (Egypt) |
�I Am a Cultural Producer� - An Educational Project to Create Culture Actively and Collaboratively (pdf) |
University of Salzburg (Austria) |
University of Salzburg (Austria) |
Arts for Roma Children (pdf) |
Marianne Poncelet |
International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium) |
International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium) |
Education and New Technologies |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
Humour and the Quirky Nature of Online Teaching (pdf) |
Curtin University (Australia) |
Blog, Blog, Blog (pdf) |
Western Washington University (USA) |
Barbara Newman Young |
Middle Tennessee State University (USA) |
Dorothy Valcarcel Craig |
Western Washington University (USA) |
The Intersection of Ethical Decision-Making Modules and Classroom Response Systems in Business Education (pdf) |
Georgia State University (USA) |
New Teaching Technologies and Possible Hurdles (pdf) |
Peoples� Friendship University of Russia (Russia) |
Establishing a New Paradigm for Teaching Mathematics at Engineering Schools (pdf) |
Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain) |
Alfonsa Garcia |
Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid (Spain) |
Francisco Garcia |
Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid (Spain) |
Alejandro Lois |
Universidad Tecnol�gica Nacional (Argentina) |
�ngel Mart�n del Rey |
Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) |
Liliana Milevicich |
Universidad Tecnol�gica Nacional (Argentina) |
Gerardo Rodriguez |
Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) |
Best Technology Practices for Educational Leaders: Technology Use in Middle School Classrooms (pdf) |
Stony Brook University (USA) |
Karen Sobel- Lojeski |
Stony Brook University (USA) |
Virtual Distance and Learning: an Application of Organizational Best Practices in Education (pdf) |
Stony Brook University (USA) |
Nicole Diamante |
Stony Brook University (USA) |
Paradoxes between Personalisation and Massification (pdf) |
The Open University of Japan (Japan) |
Comparison of Five Systems that Use Mobile Cellular Phones, Tablets, or Internet Browsers for Immediate Student Response (pdf) |
The Ohio State University (USA) |
Pokemon Phenomenon vs the Classroom: First Do No Harm (pdf) |
Murdoch University (Australia) |
Supporting Formative Assessment and Appraisal by Smart, Competence-based, Probabilistic Systems. (pdf) |
Graz University of Technology (Austria) |
Dietrich Albert |
Graz University of Technology (Austria) |
Multimodal Approaches to Teaching Reading in Hong Kong Primary Classrooms (pdf) |
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) |
The Future of Accounting Education with the Integration of ICT (pdf) |
University of Johannesburg (South Africa) |
Lessons Learned: Outcomes from the Development and Delivery of an Online Games Based Learning Platform using Silverlight 5/XNA and Windows Azure (pdf) |
Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland) |
Tony McCabe |
Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland) |
Paul Powell |
Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland) |
Tying Odysseus to the Mast: Using the Research on Online Reading to Resist the Call of New Educational Technologies (pdf) |
Mount Royal University (Canada) |
An Action Research: Instruction Videos for Developing Writing Skills of Prep Students (pdf) |
Toros University (Turkey) |
Novel Model to Foster Technology Base Entrepreneurship through the Doctorate Spinoff Program (pdf) |
Nancy Aceves |
ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Oscar Martinez-Romero |
ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Andrea Siller |
ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Adriana Torres |
ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
New Reproductive Technologies and Politics of Choice (pdf) |
Kharkiv National Medical University (Ukraine) |
Identifying Core Issues in Concept Maps (pdf) |
Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Evangelos Kehris |
Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Asterios Mpakavos |
Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Haido Samaras |
Anatolia College (Greece) |
Maria Tsourela |
Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Improving Collective Awareness in Education about the Privacy and Ethical Issues Connected with the Genome Technologies (pdf) |
University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) |
Pedro Fernandes |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ci�ncia (Portugal) |
University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) |
Digital Curation and Mobile Technology in Teacher Education (pdf) |
Rethinking Education � DDLUB Case Study (pdf) |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Michaela Logofatu |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Maria Pruna |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
The Digital School and its Competing Discourses (pdf) |
Vejle Digital Schools (Denmark) |
DIAMOND � Dialoguing Museums for a New Cultural Democracy (pdf) |
Eccom-European Centre for Cultural Organisation and Management (Italy) |
Elisabetta Falchetti |
Museo Civico di Zoologia (Italy) |
Bridging Traditional Culture with ICT Education (pdf) |
Yerevan State University (Armenia) |
Empowering Teachers with ICT Competencies (pdf) |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Bogdan Logofatu |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
A Project to Foster Behavioural Monitoring in the Field of the ADHD (pdf) |
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (ITD) U.O. Palermo (Italy) |
M.S. Maia |
School of Education of the Polytechnic of Porto Institute (UAEI) (Portugal) |
P Bamidis |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) (Greece) |
G. Doherty |
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) (Ireland) |
A. Bilbow |
National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service (ADDISS) (United Kingdom) |
R Rinaldi |
Centro per i disturbi dell� apprendimento (Ce.D.Ap.) (Italy) |
Training to the Web Training with the Web (pdf) |
L.E.N. Learning Education Network (Italy) |
L.E.N. Learning Education Network (Italy) |
Implementation of Specific Forms for Improving of Teaching Methods in Education � The Ways How to Improve the Learning Process (pdf) |
University of �ilina (Slovakia) |
University of �ilina (Slovakia) |
University of �ilina (Slovakia) |
Web2LLP: Improving Web Strategies and Maximizing Social Media Presence of LLP Projects (pdf) |
Federico Fragasso |
Pixel (Italy) |
STAY@SCHOOL: Prevention of Early School Leaving (pdf) |
Lorenzo Martellini |
Pixel (Italy) |
Skills Possessed and Needed in Universities in Nigeria for the Application of Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Teaching in Science Education (pdf) |
University of Nigeria (Nigeria) |
Discover the COSMOS: e-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom (pdf) |
University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) |
E-Learning |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
The Quality of Social Interaction in Distance Education: an Experiment Based on User�s Perspective (pdf) |
Universit� du Qu�bec � Rimouski (Canada) |
The Functions of Distance Learning (pdf) |
Tamkang University (Taiwan) |
The Effects of a Web-Supported and Well-Structured Problem-Based Method on Achievements of Learners (pdf) |
The Impact of E-learning System on Conventional Teaching Environment (pdf) |
Rashad Al Saed |
Skyline University (United Arab Emirates) |
The Application and Effectiveness of an E-Learning Platform MOODLE on Intermediate Chinese Speaking and Listening Course (pdf) |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China) |
Tailored Resources to Facilitate and Enhance E-learning (pdf) |
Sherie Elliott |
Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Central Queensland University (Australia) |
The Professor�s Perspective on the Use of New Information Technology in Romanian University Education (pdf) |
Spiru Haret University (Romania) |
Cornel Lazar |
Spiru Haret University (Romania) |
Razvan-Lucian Andronic |
Spiru Haret University (Romania) |
Web-based SQL-Teaching (pdf) |
Technische Universit�t Dortmund (Germany) |
Richard Lackes |
Technische Universit�t Dortmund (Germany) |
Chris B�rgermann |
Technische Universit�t Dortmund (Germany) |
Distance Learning Implementation at Preschool Teacher Training Colleges in Serbia (pdf) |
Dejan Savicevic |
Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia) |
Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia) |
Mirjana Nikolic |
Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia) |
Saudi Women and E-learning (pdf) |
De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Neil McBride |
De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Mary Prior |
De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Mike Leigh |
De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Catherine Flick |
De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
The Use of Immersive Learning Environments in Social Work Education (pdf) |
Leeds Metropolitan University (United Kingdom) |
Solving ESP Problems Using Moodle Platform: E-Learning for Postgraduates and Masters of Physics (pdf) |
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Russia) |
The Future of E-Learning in Kazakhstan (pdf) |
International Academy of Business (Kazakhstan) |
A New E-Learning System Design Focusing on Emotional Aspect Using Biological Signals (pdf) |
Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan) |
Michiko Ohkura |
Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan) |
De-Coursing a Course: Promoting Student Reflection and Initiative Via ePortfolios (pdf) |
Empire State College (USA) |
Technology: a Tool Supporting Teacher Change in the Context of the Targeted Reading Intervention (pdf) |
Francis Marion University (USA) |
Marnie Ginsberg |
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) |
Lynne Vernon-Feagans |
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) |
Intelligent Examination System to Support Teacher�s Reflection Measurement of Student�s Guided Feedback (pdf) |
College of Computing and Information Technology (Egypt) |
Osama Badawy |
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt) |
Passant Sabri |
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt) |
ELF: e-Learning Courses and Register for Fitness Professionals (pdf) |
CERES - Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (Italy) |
Academicas Asesorias in the Open Wonderland Metaverse, Computer Technology as a Good Alternative for E-learning (pdf) |
Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico) |
Marisol Mu�oz Hern�ndez |
Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico) |
Jose Guadalupe Garcia Lopez |
Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico) |
Carlos Alberto Juarez Huescas |
Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico) |
Use of E-Learning Support For Education at University (pdf) |
University of �ilina (Slovakia) |
University of �ilina (Slovakia) |
Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
Using a Virtual World for High-impact Educational Practices (pdf) |
San Diego State University (USA) |
Time to Implement a Neglected Revolutionary Idea (pdf) |
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville � SIUE (USA) |
A Student, a Horizon: An Innovating Methodology of Learning (pdf) |
Col�gio Vizela (Portugal) |
Big Foot � The Intergenerational Joy of Learning and Teaching (pdf) |
Gour� s.r.l (Italy) |
Thomas Fischer |
MENON Network EEIG (Belgium) |
Vanina Stoyanova |
Centre for the Development of North-West Bulgaria (Bulgaria) |
Glykeria Thymiakou |
Trikala Development Agency KENAKAP (Greece) |
Christina Strapatsa |
Trikala Development Agency KENAKAP (Greece) |
Juvenile Delinquency and the Threat to National Security: Possible Causes and Remedies (pdf) |
University of Pitesti (Romania) |
Dumitru Chirlesan |
University of Pitesti (Romania) |
Teacher 2.0 � Engaging Learning Environments through Tablets (pdf) |
Cvo Kisp (Belgium) |
Tine Lievrouw |
Cvo Kisp (Belgium) |
The Glottodrama Method. Be Yourself in Every Language! (pdf) |
Novacultur Srl (Italy) |
Innovative Methods of Teaching (pdf) |
Kantas School � Vrilissia (Greece) |
Constructivism and Instructivism � Opposition or Unity (pdf) |
People�s Friendship University of Russia (Russia) |
Implementing CLIL at the Primary School Level � A Pilot Study (pdf) |
Catholic University of Lublin (Poland) |
Evaluating Interdisciplinary Teaching of Art and Science (pdf) |
St Mary�s University College (United Kingdom) |
Deirdre Robson |
St Mary�s University College (United Kingdom) |
Open Learning Approach with Remote Experiments (pdf) |
Europa Media Non-profit Ltd (Hungary) |
Engaging the Community in a Problem-Based Model of English Language Learning (pdf) |
Boise State University (USA) |
Boise State University (USA) |
Educational Organizations� Innovation Activity (pdf) |
Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
GOOD GUIDANCE STORIES � Case Studies as an Innovative Cross-Cultural Training Material for Guidance Practitioners � GUIDE (pdf) |
MetropolisNet European Metropolis Employment Network EEIG (EWIV) (Germany) |
gsub-Projektegesellschaft mbH (Germany) |
Development of Policies for the Socialization of Cultural Heritage through University Education - Best Practices of the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (pdf) |
State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - SULSIT (Bulgaria) |
Sofia Vassileva |
State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - SULSIT (Bulgaria) |
An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Pupil Engagement with Science and Technology (pdf) |
St Mary�s University College Belfast (United Kingdom) |
St Mary�s University College Belfast (United Kingdom) |
A Framework for Facilitating Meta-Learning as Partof Subject Teaching(pdf) |
The University of Auckland (New Zealand) |
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Training with Alternative Equipment: Motor Learning and Motivational Aspects. (pdf) |
Erasmus University College Brussels (Belgium) |
Erasmus University College Brussels (Belgium) |
Koenraad Monsieurs |
Antwerp University Hospital (Belgium) |
Kristine De Martelaer |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) |
Innovative Methods in Teaching of Mathematics at the University (pdf) |
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) |
Lucien Tesni�re, the Cognitive Science and Classical Languages in the Third Millennium (pdf) |
(Italy) |
Transferable Skills for Ph.D. Students: Pedagogical Shifts and Culture Change (pdf) |
York University (Canada) |
Using Key Competencies to Define a School�s Identity (pdf) |
Florida Grup Educatiu Cooperatiu (Spain) |
Capture the King: Using Analogies to Teach Mathematics to Adults (pdf) |
Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Sherie Elliott |
Central Queensland University (Australia) |
The Combination of Traditional and Modern Models for Higher Education in the Humanities in a Country in Transition: an Innovative Model in Iran (pdf) |
Institute for Social and Cultural Studies (Iran) |
Reflection and Knowledge by Means of Integrated Practices in Courses for Initial and Continued Education of Mathematics and Physics Teachers (pdf) |
Instituto Federal Farroupilha � campus S�o Borja (Brazil) |
Adilson Ribeiro Paz Stamberg |
Instituto Federal Farroupilha � campus S�o Borja (Brazil) |
Scientific Studying: Increasing Learning Power through Experiments (pdf) |
Marco Pasteris |
(Canada) |
Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al (Canada) |
Lecturers Changing Andragogy during Implementation of Integrated Information and Communication Technology (IICT) in Accounting Education (pdf) |
University of Johannesburg (South Africa) |
Remote Laboratory for Secondary School Physics Curriculum (pdf) |
University of Deusto (Spain) |
Olatz Alzola Colinas |
P. Andr�s Urdaneta School (Spain) |
Javier Garcia-Zubia |
University of Deusto (Spain) |
An Implement of Goal Setting Learning Model to Increase Students� Learning Motivation (pdf) |
Suratthani Rajabhat University (Thailand) |
Learning from: Social Innovation for Tertiary Education: An Experiment with Socionext (pdf) |
University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) |
Using Web 2.0 Tools for Professional Development (pdf) |
Mersin University (Turkey) |
An ICT Enhanced Application in Initial Teacher Education (pdf) |
Mersin University (Turkey) |
The Use of Concept Mapping Software in Initial Teacher Education Programs (pdf) |
Mersin University (Turkey) |
Theatre, Film &Visual Arts: Building Harmonies for 2020�s Educative Horizon (pdf) |
Asoc. Arts & Education (Spain) |
The Dispelling of Cognitive Dissonance: the Sour Grapes of Common Core Standards and the Scholastic Impact on African-American Students (pdf) |
Howard University (USA) |
Learning Mobility to the Global South: the Need for Intense Follow-Up and Guidance of Students (pdf) |
Barbara Van Wijnendaele |
University College Leuven (Belgium) |
Klaas Vansteenhuyse |
University College Leuven (Belgium) |
Multimodal Approaches to Non-Fiction Reading (pdf) |
University of Pennsylvania (USA) |
Germantown Academy (USA) |
The Future is Now: an Innovative E-learning Teaching Design (pdf) |
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) |
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) |
Critical Media Literacy: Enhance Democratization and Participation (pdf) |
San Francisco State University (USA) |
Pluralistic Approaches to Language Learning: Sample Projects for Language Education in Diversity (pdf) |
University of Salamanca (Spain) |
Vega Llorente |
Official School of Languages of Salamanca (Spain) |
Creating Excitement through Active Learning Opportunities in Fully Online Courses in Sociology (pdf) |
Cascadia Community College (USA) |
Learning, lIving, Working for Neet-group (pdf) |
CESIE (Italy) |
EURICON (The Netherlands) |
DEPICT: Developing Employability Programmes using Interactive Curriculum Technologies (pdf) |
Esme Caulfield |
The University of Salford (United Kingdom) |
The University of Salford (United Kingdom) |
Jon Monk |
The Business Group (United Kingdom) |
Erik Artnsen |
University of Agder (Norway) |
Jan Ole Rypestol |
Entreprenorskapakademiet (Norway) |
Domingo Galiana |
University Miguel Hernandez de Elche (Spain) |
Pablo Navarro |
COEPA (Spain) |
Galina Zilgalve |
RISEBA (Latvia) |
Aigars Ceplitis |
LKRA (Latvia) |
Promoting Post 16 Stem Related Education by Introducing Java Fundamentals in School (pdf) |
University of Ulster (United Kingdom) |
H. M. Sayers |
University of Ulster (United Kingdom) |
A. Hinds |
University of Ulster (United Kingdom) |
K. McCreadie |
University of Ulster (United Kingdom) |
Effectiveness of Program Based on Mind Habits in Developing Creative Writing Skills in Poetry Field for High School Female Students in Saudi Arabia (pdf) |
Amal Bint Abdullah Bin Abdulrahman Al-Khudair |
Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University (Saudi Arabia) |
Education Project as a Means for Developing Teachers' Intercultural Communicative Competence (pdf) |
Lithuanian University of Education Sciences (Lithuania) |
Vilnius University (Lithuania) |
Family Education as a Part of Quality of Life (pdf) |
Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia) |
Design Thinking in a Technology-mediated Discourse: Studying the Impact of Students Purposeful Learning (pdf) |
Ministry of Education (Singapore) |
Yeo Tiong Meng |
Marsiling Secondary School (Singapore) |
The Future of Education Can Be Messy (pdf) |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
European Graduate Placement Scheme � An Education Partnership Developing Global Translation Graduates (pdf) |
Anne Marie Graham |
Skills CfA (United Kingdom) |
Donald Kiraly |
Universit�t Mainz (Germany) |
SciCamp: Science Holiday Camps in Europe (pdf) |
Martin Lindner |
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) |
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) |
Path to E-Competency and E-Education Project (pdf) |
Breda Gruden |
Mi�ka d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Nives Kreuh |
Zavod RS za �olstvo (Slovenia) |
Ingrid Mo�ina Podbr�cek |
KOPO, d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Andrej Flogie |
Zavod Antona Martina Slom�ka (Slovenia) |
Igor Razbornik |
PIA, d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Mi�ka d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Business Strategy Development Training - BeSTrain (pdf) |
Multidisciplinary European Research Institute Graz (Austria) |
Innovating EFL Teacher Training in Spain: Post-Structuralist Approaches to Gender (pdf) |
Gloria Alvarez Bernardo |
University of Granada (Spain) |
University of Granada (Spain) |
University of Granada (Spain) |
T-STORY � Storytelling Applied to Training (pdf) |
ISTUD Business School (Italy) |
Cristina Godio |
ISTUD Business School (Italy) |
Ana Barroca |
Advancis Business Services (Portugal) |
Laura Malita |
Romanian Institute for Adult Education (Romania) |
Yvor Broer |
In Dialogue (The Netherlands) |
Tharrenos Bratitsis |
University of Western Macedonia (Greece) |
Emilia Szczygielska |
University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Poland) |
Raul Gonzalez |
FASE.Net Training and Consultancy in Selection and Employment (Spain) |
Intercultural Relationship and Mentoring: Case Study of Italian Air Force in Afghanistan (pdf) |
SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy) |
Sara Tempestini |
SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy) |
Elena Vannuccini |
SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy) |
A Virtual University Platform for University of Bucharest, Romania (pdf) |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Cristian Logofatu |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Bogdan Logofatu |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Internationalising Finland�s Leading Graduate School of Universities of Applied Sciences (pdf) |
Ulla Kotonen |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Katri Ojasalo |
Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Healthcare Logistician: A New Profession Needs a New Education (pdf) |
Ulla Kotonen |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Miika Kuusisto |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Sustainable Urban Growth and Climate Change � Challenges to the Future Education (pdf) |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Emmanuel Rohinton |
Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom) |
Riccardo Buccolieri |
University di Salento (Italy) |
Caroline Gallagher |
Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom) |
Silja Kostia |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Hans Rosenlund |
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Silvana di Sabatino |
University di Salento (Italy) |
Craig Thomson |
Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom) |
Effective Training Tools Application to Qualification Improvement in the Library Sector (pdf) |
National Library of Latvia (Latvia) |
Fostering Integrated Journalism Education in Europe (pdf) |
Pompeu Fabra University (Spain) |
Andreea Mogos |
Babes-Bolyai University (Romania) |
Radu Meza |
Babes-Bolyai University (Romania) |
Learning Games |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
Home-made Didactic Games (pdf) |
University of Primorska (Slovenia) |
Comparison between Two Development Platforms of Games to E-learning Courses (pdf) |
Bruno Rodrigues Froz |
UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
Antonio Jos� Grandson Busson |
UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
Game Based Learning for Teachers (pdf) |
University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Media Education |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
Millennials and Media: New Messages or New Perception (pdf) |
Megatrend University (Serbia) |
Tatjana Cvetkovski |
Megatrend University (Serbia) |
Ana Langovic Milicevic |
Megatrend University (Serbia) |
Digital Literacy 2.0: the Future of Adult Education (pdf) |
Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Germany) |
Jutta Croll |
Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Germany) |
Katrin Schuberth |
Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Germany) |
Teaching Teachers to Use Films in Education. Experiences of a Decade (pdf) |
Universidad Nacional de Educaci�n a Distancia (UNED) (Spain) |
Studies on Education |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
Instructional Leadership: It Isn't Just for Administrators Anymore! (pdf) |
Southern Adventist University (USA) |
Pre-Service Teachers on the Use of New Media Literacies in K-12 Schools in the United States (pdf) |
Alfred University (USA) |
Narratives: of the Future of Education when It Comes to an End (pdf) |
Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
Helen Clemes Cardoso |
Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
Glenda Clemes |
Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
Perceptions of Students� Parents in a School Health Approach in Quebec: Two Case Studies (pdf) |
Universit� du Qu�bec � Trois-Rivi�res (Canada) |
Sylvain Turcotte |
Universit� de Sherbrooke (Canada) |
Adapting to Climate Challenges in Architectural Education in Light of Feng-shui (pdf) |
University of Colorado Boulder (USA) |
A Meta-Analysis Designed to Identify the Factors that Most Reliably Reduce the Achievement Gap (pdf) |
California State University (USA) |
Graduates� Perception of Educational Weaknesses at School of Medicine (pdf) |
University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Danijel Pravdic |
University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Monika Tomic |
University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Emil Babic |
University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Maja Karin |
University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Success in Education and Misunderstood: Gifted with Learning Disabilities (pdf) |
University of Notre Dame Sydney (Australia) |
Thrown in at the Deep End? Exploring Students�, Lecturers� and Teachers� Views on Additional Support Lessons at University (pdf) |
Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
Simon Child |
Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
Sally Brown |
Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
Irenka Suto |
Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
Evaluation of Conceptual Knowledge: Review of the Experimental Study (pdf) |
Perm State Pedagogical University (Russia) |
Intellectual Property Education in University Environment in Bulgaria (pdf) |
State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) (Bulgaria) |
Stoyan Denchev |
State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) (Bulgaria) |
Development of a Questionnaire on Mentoring School Principals (pdf) |
Universit� Laval (Canada) |
�ric Frenette |
Universit� Laval (Canada) |
Marc Dussault |
Universit� Laval (Canada) |
A Stud y on the Reintroduction of Logic in Secondary Schools (pdf) |
University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
Johan Deprez |
University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
Els Laenens |
University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
Professional Development of Physics Teachers through Postgraduate Programmes in Romania (pdf) |
University of Craiova (Romania) |
Radu Dan Constantinescu |
University of Craiova (Romania) |
A Teaching-learning Experience on Reading to University Students (pdf) |
University of Lleida (Spain) |
Gl�ria Jov� Moncl�s |
University of Lleida (Spain) |
Montserrat N�ria Jov� |
University of Lleida (Spain) |
Enric Falguera Garcia |
University of Lleida (Spain) |
The Influence of a Strategy Implemented Using the Balanced Scorecard Method on the Effective Integration of Change within the Teaching Process at an Institution of Collegiate Business Education (pdf) |
Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa we Wroclawiu (Poland) |
Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu (Poland) |
The Future of YOUR Education: Using Positive Psychology for Career Planning (pdf) |
Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Anna-Lisa Ciccocioppo |
University of Calgary (Canada) |
Sonya Flessati |
Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Thinking about Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Student Success in Post-Secondary Studies (pdf) |
Janet Miller |
Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Brandon Smith |
McMaster University (Canada) |
Don Best |
Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Laurie Hellsten-Bzovey |
Mount Royal University (Canada) |
The Place of Value Attitudes in Competence-based Learning at Universities (pdf) |
Vilnius University (Lithuania) |
Attaining Standard through Quality Assessment Practice in Nigeria Educational System (pdf) |
Amos Adekunle Adediran |
Federal College of Education (Nigeria) |
Gabriel Kehinde Adelegun |
Federal College of Education (Nigeria) |
Federal College of Education (Nigeria) |
Teacher Targeting and Developing of Student Social Skills within a Personal and Social Capabilities Curriculum (pdf) |
Griffith University (Australia) |
A Case for a Networked University. Opportunities and Challenges (pdf) |
University of London (United Kingdom) |
Business Education and Georgia (pdf) |
Tbilisi Teaching University (Georgia) |
Gori State Teaching University (Georgia) |
Putting Financial Education into Work (pdf) |
FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria) |
Roland Mestel |
FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria) |
University Access and Academic Performance of Vulnerable Groups in Latin American Risk Environments (pdf) |
Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain) |
Diego Castro |
Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain) |
Joaqu�n Gairin |
Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain) |
A Survey on the Absence of Chinese University English Majors� Critical Thinking Skills (pdf) |
Beijing International Studies University (China) |
Siyuan Huang |
University of Macau (China) |
Self Evaluation of Key Competences � Fostering Adult Lifelong Learning (pdf) |
Laura Vettraino |
Learning Community srl (Italy) |
Eleonora Guglielman |
Learning Community srl (Italy) |
Marco Guspini |
Educommunity � Educational Community (Italy) |
The Vocation above All. Portrait of Students Who Prepare the Competitive Exam of Primary School Teachers (pdf) |
Education Nationale. Acad�mie de Versailles (France) |
Study on the Promotion of Indigenous Education by Informal Education - The Implementation of Science Education Camps (pdf) |
National Pingtung University of Education (Taiwan) |
Female and Male Students from Upper Secondary School towards their University Choice (pdf) |
University of Genoa (Italy) |
University of Genoa (Italy) |
Creative Education: Building the Creative Economy � What Competences and Skills Should We Develop? The Role of Education in the Development of the Creative Industries � Case Study of Portugal (pdf) |
Portuguese Catholic University (Portugal) |
Aggression and Antisocial Behaviour of Teenagers (pdf) |
European University of Tirana (Albania) |
Alternative Text as Indicator of the Educational Reform in Pre-university Education System in Albania (pdf) |
European University of Tirana (Albania) |
Hysni Elezi |
European University of Tirana (Albania) |
Zenel Sina |
University of Durr�s �Aleksand�r Moisiu� (Albania) |
Studies on Second Language Acquisition |
Title of Paper | Author | Institution |
Teacher Preparation for Educating English Language Learners (pdf) |
University of Kansas (USA) |
Effects of Genre-Based Framework on Students� Writing (pdf) |
National University of Singapore (Singapore) |
Back to the Source for Advanced Learners of English (pdf) |
University College Arteveldehogeschool Ghent (Belgium) |
University College Arteveldehogeschool Ghent (Belgium) |
Insights into the Present and Future of Language and Communication Training (pdf) |
HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Student Learning Outcomes in Hybrid and Face-to-Face Beginning Spanish Language Courses (pdf) |
University of Nevada (USA) |
Knowledge Construction and Knowledge Transfer in Technical Writing (pdf) |
Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia) |
English Language Learning through Innovative ICT Solutions that Promote Enculturation and Role-playing (pdf) |
Hariklia Tsalapatas |
University of Thessaly (Greece) |
Olivier Heidmann |
Institute for Research and Technology Thessaly (Greece) |
Institute for Research and Technology Thessaly (Greece) |
Elias Houstis |
University of Thessaly (Greece) |
Easy Latin for English Speakers (pdf) |
Liceo Scientifico-Linguistico �Galileo Galilei� (Italy) |
Foreign Languages and the Edition Dilemma: Is Tutoring out of Control? (pdf) |
Colorado State University (USA) |
Evaluating the Use of Novel and Film in the Language Classroom (pdf) |
Al Mergeb University (Lybia) |
The Use of Talking Chips Technique in Improving Students� Speaking Achievement (pdf) |
Indonesia University of Education (Indonesia) |
The Intercultural Approach in the Classes that Teach Foreign Languages (pdf) |
Nahed Emaish |
University of Jordan (Jordan) |
Occasioning Emergence: from Epistemology to Changing Praxis in SLA and Translator Education (pdf) |
Johannes Gutenberg University (Germany) |
European Projects for Language Learning: The NELLIP Network (pdf) |
Pixel (Italy) |