Conference Proceedings

The Conference Proceedings are published:

  • On a book entitled �The Future of Education, Conference Proceedings 2013� (ISBN code: 978-88-6292-386-6) published by the Italian publisher Edizioni. Edizioni is a publisher accredited by Anvur (Italian National Agency for the evaluation of Universities and research Institutes). The price is 55 Euros.

  • On CD-Rom to be distributed to all conference participants.

  • On-line on the conference website, please see below.

Art Education

Title of Paper



Designing Social Change: Inquiry-Based Teaching in Graphic Design (pdf)

Donald Tarallo

Bridgewater State University (USA)

Development the Creative and Innovative Thinking through Studying the Design of the Art of Drafting Metal Ornaments to Emphasize the Arab Cultural Identity in the Arabian Gulf States (pdf)

Neivein Abdul Ghaffar

Alexandria University (Egypt)

�I Am a Cultural Producer� - An Educational Project to Create Culture Actively and Collaboratively (pdf)

Elke Zobl

University of Salzburg (Austria)

Siglinde Lang

University of Salzburg (Austria)

Arts for Roma Children (pdf)

Marianne Poncelet

International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium)

Cinzia Laurelli

International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium)

Education and New Technologies

Title of Paper



Humour and the Quirky Nature of Online Teaching (pdf)

Ian Broinowski

Curtin University (Australia)

Blog, Blog, Blog (pdf)

Lyubov Elle Laroche

Western Washington University (USA)

Barbara Newman Young

Middle Tennessee State University (USA)

Dorothy Valcarcel Craig

Western Washington University (USA)

The Intersection of Ethical Decision-Making Modules and Classroom Response Systems in Business Education (pdf)

Perry Binder

Georgia State University (USA)

New Teaching Technologies and Possible Hurdles (pdf)

Kamo P. Chilingaryan

Peoples� Friendship University of Russia (Russia)

Establishing a New Paradigm for Teaching Mathematics at Engineering Schools (pdf)

Agust�n de la Villa

Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain)

Alfonsa Garcia

Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid (Spain)

Francisco Garcia

Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid (Spain)

Alejandro Lois

Universidad Tecnol�gica Nacional (Argentina)

�ngel Mart�n del Rey

Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

Liliana Milevicich

Universidad Tecnol�gica Nacional (Argentina)

Gerardo Rodriguez

Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)

Best Technology Practices for Educational Leaders: Technology Use in Middle School Classrooms (pdf)

Nicole Diamante

Stony Brook University (USA)

Karen Sobel- Lojeski

Stony Brook University (USA)

Virtual Distance and Learning: an Application of Organizational Best Practices in Education (pdf)

Karen Sobel- Lojeski

Stony Brook University (USA)

Nicole Diamante

Stony Brook University (USA)

Paradoxes between Personalisation and Massification (pdf)

Kumiko Aoki

The Open University of Japan (Japan)

Comparison of Five Systems that Use Mobile Cellular Phones, Tablets, or Internet Browsers for Immediate Student Response (pdf)

Ken Lee

The Ohio State University (USA)

Pokemon Phenomenon vs the Classroom: First Do No Harm (pdf)

Janene Sproul

Murdoch University (Australia)

Supporting Formative Assessment and Appraisal by Smart, Competence-based, Probabilistic Systems. (pdf)

Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust

Graz University of Technology (Austria)

Dietrich Albert

Graz University of Technology (Austria)

Multimodal Approaches to Teaching Reading in Hong Kong Primary Classrooms (pdf)

Christopher Shepard

City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

The Future of Accounting Education with the Integration of ICT (pdf)

Nadia Rhodes

University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

Lessons Learned: Outcomes from the Development and Delivery of an Online Games Based Learning Platform using Silverlight 5/XNA and Windows Azure (pdf)

Neil Gannon

Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland)

Tony McCabe

Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland)

Paul Powell

Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland)

Tying Odysseus to the Mast: Using the Research on Online Reading to Resist the Call of New Educational Technologies (pdf)

Randy Connolly

Mount Royal University (Canada)

An Action Research: Instruction Videos for Developing Writing Skills of Prep Students (pdf)

�zge Kutlu

Toros University (Turkey)

Novel Model to Foster Technology Base Entrepreneurship through the Doctorate Spinoff Program (pdf)

Nancy Aceves

ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico)

Oscar Martinez-Romero

ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico)

Andrea Siller

ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico)

Adriana Torres

ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico)

New Reproductive Technologies and Politics of Choice (pdf)

Kateryna Karpenko

Kharkiv National Medical University (Ukraine)

Identifying Core Issues in Concept Maps (pdf)

Thanasis Giouvanakis

Technological and Educational Institute (Greece)

Evangelos Kehris

Technological and Educational Institute (Greece)

Asterios Mpakavos

Technological and Educational Institute (Greece)

Haido Samaras

Anatolia College (Greece)

Maria Tsourela

Technological and Educational Institute (Greece)

Improving Collective Awareness in Education about the Privacy and Ethical Issues Connected with the Genome Technologies (pdf)

Lucia Bianchi

University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)

Pedro Fernandes

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ci�ncia (Portugal)

Pietro Lio

University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)

Digital Curation and Mobile Technology in Teacher Education (pdf)

Rethinking Education � DDLUB Case Study (pdf)

Bogdan Logofatu

University of Bucharest (Romania)

Michaela Logofatu

University of Bucharest (Romania)

Maria Pruna

University of Bucharest (Romania)

The Digital School and its Competing Discourses (pdf)

Mads Bo-Kristensen

Vejle Digital Schools (Denmark)

DIAMOND � Dialoguing Museums for a New Cultural Democracy (pdf)

Cristina Da Milano

Eccom-European Centre for Cultural Organisation and Management (Italy)

Elisabetta Falchetti

Museo Civico di Zoologia (Italy)

Bridging Traditional Culture with ICT Education (pdf)

Gohar Grigoryan

Yerevan State University (Armenia)

Empowering Teachers with ICT Competencies (pdf)

Michaela Logofatu

University of Bucharest (Romania)

Bogdan Logofatu

University of Bucharest (Romania)

A Project to Foster Behavioural Monitoring in the Field of the ADHD (pdf)

Antonella Chifari

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (ITD) U.O. Palermo (Italy)

M.S. Maia

School of Education of the Polytechnic of Porto Institute (UAEI) (Portugal)

P Bamidis

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) (Greece)

G. Doherty

Trinity College Dublin (TCD) (Ireland)

A. Bilbow

National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service (ADDISS) (United Kingdom)

R Rinaldi

Centro per i disturbi dell� apprendimento (Ce.D.Ap.) (Italy)

Training to the Web Training with the Web (pdf)

Andrea Alfieri

L.E.N. Learning Education Network (Italy)

Marco Fabbri

L.E.N. Learning Education Network (Italy)

Implementation of Specific Forms for Improving of Teaching Methods in Education � The Ways How to Improve the Learning Process (pdf)

Zuzana Stofkova

University of �ilina (Slovakia)

Ondrej Maslak

University of �ilina (Slovakia)

Jana Stofkova

University of �ilina (Slovakia)

Web2LLP: Improving Web Strategies and Maximizing Social Media Presence of LLP Projects (pdf)

Federico Fragasso

Pixel (Italy)

STAY@SCHOOL: Prevention of Early School Leaving (pdf)

Lorenzo Martellini

Pixel (Italy)

Skills Possessed and Needed in Universities in Nigeria for the Application of Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Teaching in Science Education (pdf)

Ezeugwu Justin Ohabuenyi

University of Nigeria (Nigeria)

Discover the COSMOS: e-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom (pdf)

John Alan Wilson

University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)


Title of Paper



The Quality of Social Interaction in Distance Education: an Experiment Based on User�s Perspective (pdf)

Bastien Sasseville

Universit� du Qu�bec � Rimouski (Canada)

The Functions of Distance Learning (pdf)

Lii Peirchyi

Tamkang University (Taiwan)

The Effects of a Web-Supported and Well-Structured Problem-Based Method on Achievements of Learners (pdf)

The Impact of E-learning System on Conventional Teaching Environment (pdf)

Rashad Al Saed

Skyline University (United Arab Emirates)

The Application and Effectiveness of an E-Learning Platform MOODLE on Intermediate Chinese Speaking and Listening Course (pdf)

Tungyue Hon

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)

Tailored Resources to Facilitate and Enhance E-learning (pdf)

Sherie Elliott

Central Queensland University (Australia)

Nadine Adams

Central Queensland University (Australia)

Clinton Hayes

Central Queensland University (Australia)

The Professor�s Perspective on the Use of New Information Technology in Romanian University Education (pdf)

Anca Andronic

Spiru Haret University (Romania)

Cornel Lazar

Spiru Haret University (Romania)

Razvan-Lucian Andronic

Spiru Haret University (Romania)

Web-based SQL-Teaching (pdf)

Markus Siepermann

Technische Universit�t Dortmund (Germany)

Richard Lackes

Technische Universit�t Dortmund (Germany)

Chris B�rgermann

Technische Universit�t Dortmund (Germany)

Distance Learning Implementation at Preschool Teacher Training Colleges in Serbia (pdf)

Dejan Savicevic

Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia)

Maja Cvijetic

Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia)

Mirjana Nikolic

Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia)

Saudi Women and E-learning (pdf)

Yahya Al Alhareth

De Montfort University (United Kingdom)

Neil McBride

De Montfort University (United Kingdom)

Mary Prior

De Montfort University (United Kingdom)

Mike Leigh

De Montfort University (United Kingdom)

Catherine Flick

De Montfort University (United Kingdom)

The Use of Immersive Learning Environments in Social Work Education (pdf)

Anne Llewellyn

Leeds Metropolitan University (United Kingdom)

Solving ESP Problems Using Moodle Platform: E-Learning for Postgraduates and Masters of Physics (pdf)

Nellie Z. Shamsutdinova

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Russia)

The Future of E-Learning in Kazakhstan (pdf)

Daniyar Sapargaliyev

International Academy of Business (Kazakhstan)

A New E-Learning System Design Focusing on Emotional Aspect Using Biological Signals (pdf)

Saromporn Charoenpit

Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan)

Michiko Ohkura

Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan)

De-Coursing a Course: Promoting Student Reflection and Initiative Via ePortfolios (pdf)

Susan Oaks

Empire State College (USA)

Technology: a Tool Supporting Teacher Change in the Context of the Targeted Reading Intervention (pdf)

Jeanne Gunther

Francis Marion University (USA)

Marnie Ginsberg

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)

Lynne Vernon-Feagans

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)

Intelligent Examination System to Support Teacher�s Reflection Measurement of Student�s Guided Feedback (pdf)

Essam Kosba

College of Computing and Information Technology (Egypt)

Osama Badawy

Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt)

Passant Sabri

Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt)

ELF: e-Learning Courses and Register for Fitness Professionals (pdf)

Gabriella Pappada

CERES - Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (Italy)

Academicas Asesorias in the Open Wonderland Metaverse, Computer Technology as a Good Alternative for E-learning (pdf)

Oscar Arturo Ju�rez Huescas

Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico)

Marisol Mu�oz Hern�ndez

Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico)

Jose Guadalupe Garcia Lopez

Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico)

Carlos Alberto Juarez Huescas

Autonomous University of Tlaxcala (M�xico)

Use of E-Learning Support For Education at University (pdf)

Katar�na Stofkova

University of �ilina (Slovakia)

Stanislav Stofko

University of �ilina (Slovakia)

Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies

Title of Paper



Using a Virtual World for High-impact Educational Practices (pdf)

Suzanne Aurilio

San Diego State University (USA)

Time to Implement a Neglected Revolutionary Idea (pdf)

Ronald J. Glossop

Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville � SIUE (USA)

A Student, a Horizon: An Innovating Methodology of Learning (pdf)

Carla Manuela Pimentel Fernandes Baptista

Col�gio Vizela (Portugal)

Big Foot � The Intergenerational Joy of Learning and Teaching (pdf)

Barbara Di Pietro

Gour� s.r.l (Italy)

Thomas Fischer

MENON Network EEIG (Belgium)

Vanina Stoyanova

Centre for the Development of North-West Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

Glykeria Thymiakou

Trikala Development Agency KENAKAP (Greece)

Christina Strapatsa

Trikala Development Agency KENAKAP (Greece)

Juvenile Delinquency and the Threat to National Security: Possible Causes and Remedies (pdf)

Georgeta Chirlesan

University of Pitesti (Romania)

Dumitru Chirlesan

University of Pitesti (Romania)

Teacher 2.0 � Engaging Learning Environments through Tablets (pdf)

Mark Verbeke

Cvo Kisp (Belgium)

Tine Lievrouw

Cvo Kisp (Belgium)

The Glottodrama Method. Be Yourself in Every Language! (pdf)

Carlo Nofri

Novacultur Srl (Italy)

Innovative Methods of Teaching (pdf)

Maria-Eleni Sachou

Kantas School � Vrilissia (Greece)

Constructivism and Instructivism � Opposition or Unity (pdf)

Nataliya Belenkova

People�s Friendship University of Russia (Russia)

Implementing CLIL at the Primary School Level � A Pilot Study (pdf)

Artur Stepniak

Catholic University of Lublin (Poland)

Evaluating Interdisciplinary Teaching of Art and Science (pdf)

Ivor Hickey

St Mary�s University College (United Kingdom)

Deirdre Robson

St Mary�s University College (United Kingdom)

Open Learning Approach with Remote Experiments (pdf)

Rita Balazs

Europa Media Non-profit Ltd (Hungary)

Engaging the Community in a Problem-Based Model of English Language Learning (pdf)

Melissa Lavitt

Boise State University (USA)

Diane Boothe

Boise State University (USA)

Educational Organizations� Innovation Activity (pdf)

Eeva Kuoppala

Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

GOOD GUIDANCE STORIES � Case Studies as an Innovative Cross-Cultural Training Material for Guidance Practitioners � GUIDE (pdf)

Jasmin Zouizi

MetropolisNet European Metropolis Employment Network EEIG (EWIV) (Germany)

Diana Peitel

gsub-Projektegesellschaft mbH (Germany)

Development of Policies for the Socialization of Cultural Heritage through University Education - Best Practices of the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (pdf)

Stoyan Denchev

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - SULSIT (Bulgaria)

Sofia Vassileva

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - SULSIT (Bulgaria)

An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Pupil Engagement with Science and Technology (pdf)

Kieran McGeown

St Mary�s University College Belfast (United Kingdom)

Damian Knipe

St Mary�s University College Belfast (United Kingdom)

A Framework for Facilitating Meta-Learning as Partof Subject Teaching(pdf)

Tara Winters

The University of Auckland (New Zealand)

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Training with Alternative Equipment: Motor Learning and Motivational Aspects. (pdf)

Veerle Van Raemdonck

Erasmus University College Brussels (Belgium)

Dirk Aerenhouts

Erasmus University College Brussels (Belgium)

Koenraad Monsieurs

Antwerp University Hospital (Belgium)

Kristine De Martelaer

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)

Innovative Methods in Teaching of Mathematics at the University (pdf)

Lilla Kremzarova

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic)

Lucien Tesni�re, the Cognitive Science and Classical Languages in the Third Millennium (pdf)

Gloria Larini


Transferable Skills for Ph.D. Students: Pedagogical Shifts and Culture Change (pdf)

Peter R. Mulvihill

York University (Canada)

Using Key Competencies to Define a School�s Identity (pdf)

Enric Ortega Torres

Florida Grup Educatiu Cooperatiu (Spain)

Capture the King: Using Analogies to Teach Mathematics to Adults (pdf)

Nadine Adams

Central Queensland University (Australia)

Sherie Elliott

Central Queensland University (Australia)

The Combination of Traditional and Modern Models for Higher Education in the Humanities in a Country in Transition: an Innovative Model in Iran (pdf)

Reza Samim

Institute for Social and Cultural Studies (Iran)

Reflection and Knowledge by Means of Integrated Practices in Courses for Initial and Continued Education of Mathematics and Physics Teachers (pdf)

Cristiane da Silva Stamberg

Instituto Federal Farroupilha � campus S�o Borja (Brazil)

Adilson Ribeiro Paz Stamberg

Instituto Federal Farroupilha � campus S�o Borja (Brazil)

Scientific Studying: Increasing Learning Power through Experiments (pdf)

Marco Pasteris


Stanca Somesfalean

Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al (Canada)

Lecturers Changing Andragogy during Implementation of Integrated Information and Communication Technology (IICT) in Accounting Education (pdf)

Raymond Rhodes

University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

Remote Laboratory for Secondary School Physics Curriculum (pdf)

Olga Dziabenko

University of Deusto (Spain)

Olatz Alzola Colinas

P. Andr�s Urdaneta School (Spain)

Javier Garcia-Zubia

University of Deusto (Spain)

An Implement of Goal Setting Learning Model to Increase Students� Learning Motivation (pdf)

Phawika Paksa

Suratthani Rajabhat University (Thailand)

Learning from: Social Innovation for Tertiary Education: An Experiment with Socionext (pdf)

Richard C. Gerritsen

University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Using Web 2.0 Tools for Professional Development (pdf)

D�nercan Donuk

Mersin University (Turkey)

An ICT Enhanced Application in Initial Teacher Education (pdf)

Vildan Ozdemir

Mersin University (Turkey)

The Use of Concept Mapping Software in Initial Teacher Education Programs (pdf)

Esin Tezbasaran

Mersin University (Turkey)

Theatre, Film &Visual Arts: Building Harmonies for 2020�s Educative Horizon (pdf)

Gloria Padura

Asoc. Arts & Education (Spain)

The Dispelling of Cognitive Dissonance: the Sour Grapes of Common Core Standards and the Scholastic Impact on African-American Students (pdf)

Nkemjika N. Ofodile

Howard University (USA)

Learning Mobility to the Global South: the Need for Intense Follow-Up and Guidance of Students (pdf)

Barbara Van Wijnendaele

University College Leuven (Belgium)

Klaas Vansteenhuyse

University College Leuven (Belgium)

Multimodal Approaches to Non-Fiction Reading (pdf)

Bethany A. Silva

University of Pennsylvania (USA)

David J. Baroody

Germantown Academy (USA)

The Future is Now: an Innovative E-learning Teaching Design (pdf)

Marlies Rijbroek

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)

Lex Stomp

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)

Critical Media Literacy: Enhance Democratization and Participation (pdf)

Davide Celoria

San Francisco State University (USA)

Pluralistic Approaches to Language Learning: Sample Projects for Language Education in Diversity (pdf)

Olga Ivanova

University of Salamanca (Spain)

Vega Llorente

Official School of Languages of Salamanca (Spain)

Creating Excitement through Active Learning Opportunities in Fully Online Courses in Sociology (pdf)

Anne Tuominen

Cascadia Community College (USA)

Learning, lIving, Working for Neet-group (pdf)

Adriana Branni

CESIE (Italy)

Chris Janssen

EURICON (The Netherlands)

DEPICT: Developing Employability Programmes using Interactive Curriculum Technologies (pdf)

Esme Caulfield

The University of Salford (United Kingdom)

Claire MacLean

The University of Salford (United Kingdom)

Jon Monk

The Business Group (United Kingdom)

Erik Artnsen

University of Agder (Norway)

Jan Ole Rypestol

Entreprenorskapakademiet (Norway)

Domingo Galiana

University Miguel Hernandez de Elche (Spain)

Pablo Navarro

COEPA (Spain)

Galina Zilgalve

RISEBA (Latvia)

Aigars Ceplitis

LKRA (Latvia)

Promoting Post 16 Stem Related Education by Introducing Java Fundamentals in School (pdf)

Sonya A. Coleman

University of Ulster (United Kingdom)

H. M. Sayers

University of Ulster (United Kingdom)

A. Hinds

University of Ulster (United Kingdom)

K. McCreadie

University of Ulster (United Kingdom)

Effectiveness of Program Based on Mind Habits in Developing Creative Writing Skills in Poetry Field for High School Female Students in Saudi Arabia (pdf)

Amal Bint Abdullah Bin Abdulrahman Al-Khudair

Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University (Saudi Arabia)

Education Project as a Means for Developing Teachers' Intercultural Communicative Competence (pdf)

Marijona Barkauskaite

Lithuanian University of Education Sciences (Lithuania)

Loreta Chodzkiene

Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Family Education as a Part of Quality of Life (pdf)

Iveta Kokle-Narbuta

Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia)

Design Thinking in a Technology-mediated Discourse: Studying the Impact of Students Purposeful Learning (pdf)

Dennis Toh

Ministry of Education (Singapore)

Yeo Tiong Meng

Marsiling Secondary School (Singapore)

The Future of Education Can Be Messy (pdf)

Brett Fifield

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

European Graduate Placement Scheme � An Education Partnership Developing Global Translation Graduates (pdf)

Anne Marie Graham

Skills CfA (United Kingdom)

Donald Kiraly

Universit�t Mainz (Germany)

SciCamp: Science Holiday Camps in Europe (pdf)

Martin Lindner

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)

Christian Kubat

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)

Path to E-Competency and E-Education Project (pdf)

Breda Gruden

Mi�ka d.o.o. (Slovenia)

Nives Kreuh

Zavod RS za �olstvo (Slovenia)

Ingrid Mo�ina Podbr�cek

KOPO, d.o.o. (Slovenia)

Andrej Flogie

Zavod Antona Martina Slom�ka (Slovenia)

Igor Razbornik

PIA, d.o.o. (Slovenia)

Bernarda Trstenjak

Mi�ka d.o.o. (Slovenia)

Business Strategy Development Training - BeSTrain (pdf)

Johann Laister

Multidisciplinary European Research Institute Graz (Austria)

Innovating EFL Teacher Training in Spain: Post-Structuralist Approaches to Gender (pdf)

Gloria Alvarez Bernardo

University of Granada (Spain)

Juan Ram�n Guijarro-Ojeda

University of Granada (Spain)

Ra�l Ruiz-Cecilia

University of Granada (Spain)

T-STORY � Storytelling Applied to Training (pdf)

Paola Chesi

ISTUD Business School (Italy)

Cristina Godio

ISTUD Business School (Italy)

Ana Barroca

Advancis Business Services (Portugal)

Laura Malita

Romanian Institute for Adult Education (Romania)

Yvor Broer

In Dialogue (The Netherlands)

Tharrenos Bratitsis

University of Western Macedonia (Greece)

Emilia Szczygielska

University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Poland)

Raul Gonzalez

FASE.Net Training and Consultancy in Selection and Employment (Spain)

Intercultural Relationship and Mentoring: Case Study of Italian Air Force in Afghanistan (pdf)

Matteo Perchiazzi

SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy)

Sara Tempestini

SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy)

Elena Vannuccini

SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy)

A Virtual University Platform for University of Bucharest, Romania (pdf)

Mihai Logofatu

University of Bucharest (Romania)

Cristian Logofatu

University of Bucharest (Romania)

Bogdan Logofatu

University of Bucharest (Romania)

Internationalising Finland�s Leading Graduate School of Universities of Applied Sciences (pdf)

Ulla Kotonen

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

P�ivi Huotari

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Katri Ojasalo

Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Healthcare Logistician: A New Profession Needs a New Education (pdf)

Ulla Kotonen

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Ullamari Tuominen

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Miika Kuusisto

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Sustainable Urban Growth and Climate Change � Challenges to the Future Education (pdf)

Eeva Aarrevaara

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Emmanuel Rohinton

Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom)

Riccardo Buccolieri

University di Salento (Italy)

Caroline Gallagher

Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom)

Silja Kostia

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Hans Rosenlund

Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Silvana di Sabatino

University di Salento (Italy)

Craig Thomson

Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom)

Effective Training Tools Application to Qualification Improvement in the Library Sector (pdf)

Marta Dziluma

National Library of Latvia (Latvia)

Fostering Integrated Journalism Education in Europe (pdf)

Irene Da Rocha

Pompeu Fabra University (Spain)

Andreea Mogos

Babes-Bolyai University (Romania)

Radu Meza

Babes-Bolyai University (Romania)

Learning Games

Title of Paper



Home-made Didactic Games (pdf)

Danijela Horvat Samardzija

University of Primorska (Slovenia)

Comparison between Two Development Platforms of Games to E-learning Courses (pdf)

Bruno Rodrigues Froz

UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil)

Antonio Jos� Grandson Busson

UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil)

R�mulo Martins Fran�a

UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil)

Ana Emilia Figueiredo de Oliveira

UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil)

Game Based Learning for Teachers (pdf)

Anisoara Dumitrache

University of Bucharest (Romania)

Media Education

Title of Paper



Millennials and Media: New Messages or New Perception (pdf)

Violeta Cvetkovska Ocokoljic

Megatrend University (Serbia)

Tatjana Cvetkovski

Megatrend University (Serbia)

Ana Langovic Milicevic

Megatrend University (Serbia)

Digital Literacy 2.0: the Future of Adult Education (pdf)

Barbara Blum

Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Germany)

Jutta Croll

Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Germany)

Katrin Schuberth

Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Germany)

Teaching Teachers to Use Films in Education. Experiences of a Decade (pdf)

Mar�a G. Amilburu

Universidad Nacional de Educaci�n a Distancia (UNED) (Spain)

Studies on Education

Title of Paper



Instructional Leadership: It Isn't Just for Administrators Anymore! (pdf)

John William McCoy

Southern Adventist University (USA)

Pre-Service Teachers on the Use of New Media Literacies in K-12 Schools in the United States (pdf)

Antonio Causarano

Alfred University (USA)

Narratives: of the Future of Education when It Comes to an End (pdf)

Olivier Allain

Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Helen Clemes Cardoso

Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Glenda Clemes

Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Perceptions of Students� Parents in a School Health Approach in Quebec: Two Case Studies (pdf)

Marie-Claude Rivard

Universit� du Qu�bec � Trois-Rivi�res (Canada)

Sylvain Turcotte

Universit� de Sherbrooke (Canada)

Adapting to Climate Challenges in Architectural Education in Light of Feng-shui (pdf)

Ping Xu

University of Colorado Boulder (USA)

A Meta-Analysis Designed to Identify the Factors that Most Reliably Reduce the Achievement Gap (pdf)

William H. Jeynes

California State University (USA)

Graduates� Perception of Educational Weaknesses at School of Medicine (pdf)

Mladen Mimica

University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Danijel Pravdic

University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Monika Tomic

University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Emil Babic

University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Maja Karin

University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Success in Education and Misunderstood: Gifted with Learning Disabilities (pdf)

Catherine Wormald

University of Notre Dame Sydney (Australia)

Thrown in at the Deep End? Exploring Students�, Lecturers� and Teachers� Views on Additional Support Lessons at University (pdf)

Sanjana Mehta

Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom)

Simon Child

Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom)

Sally Brown

Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom)

Irenka Suto

Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom)

Evaluation of Conceptual Knowledge: Review of the Experimental Study (pdf)

Evgeny A. Eremin

Perm State Pedagogical University (Russia)

Intellectual Property Education in University Environment in Bulgaria (pdf)

Tereza Trencheva

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) (Bulgaria)

Stoyan Denchev

State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) (Bulgaria)

Development of a Questionnaire on Mentoring School Principals (pdf)

Roula Hadchiti

Universit� Laval (Canada)

�ric Frenette

Universit� Laval (Canada)

Marc Dussault

Universit� Laval (Canada)

A Stud y on the Reintroduction of Logic in Secondary Schools (pdf)

Milbou Lotte

University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Johan Deprez

University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Els Laenens

University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Professional Development of Physics Teachers through Postgraduate Programmes in Romania (pdf)

Gabriela Eugenia Iacobescu

University of Craiova (Romania)

Radu Dan Constantinescu

University of Craiova (Romania)

A Teaching-learning Experience on Reading to University Students (pdf)

Mois�s Selfa Sastre

University of Lleida (Spain)

Gl�ria Jov� Moncl�s

University of Lleida (Spain)

Montserrat N�ria Jov�

University of Lleida (Spain)

Enric Falguera Garcia

University of Lleida (Spain)

The Influence of a Strategy Implemented Using the Balanced Scorecard Method on the Effective Integration of Change within the Teaching Process at an Institution of Collegiate Business Education (pdf)

Agnieszka Ches

Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa we Wroclawiu (Poland)

Adrianna Lewandowska

Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Poznaniu (Poland)

The Future of YOUR Education: Using Positive Psychology for Career Planning (pdf)

Janet Miller

Mount Royal University (Canada)

Anna-Lisa Ciccocioppo

University of Calgary (Canada)

Sonya Flessati

Mount Royal University (Canada)

Thinking about Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Student Success in Post-Secondary Studies (pdf)

Janet Miller

Mount Royal University (Canada)

Brandon Smith

McMaster University (Canada)

Don Best

Mount Royal University (Canada)

Laurie Hellsten-Bzovey

Mount Royal University (Canada)

The Place of Value Attitudes in Competence-based Learning at Universities (pdf)

Roma Kriauciuniene

Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Attaining Standard through Quality Assessment Practice in Nigeria Educational System (pdf)

Amos Adekunle Adediran

Federal College of Education (Nigeria)

Gabriel Kehinde Adelegun

Federal College of Education (Nigeria)

Mahroofu-deen Abiodun Balogun

Federal College of Education (Nigeria)

Teacher Targeting and Developing of Student Social Skills within a Personal and Social Capabilities Curriculum (pdf)

Michael Davies

Griffith University (Australia)

A Case for a Networked University. Opportunities and Challenges (pdf)

Luce Jacovella

University of London (United Kingdom)

Business Education and Georgia (pdf)

Maia Tetruashvili

Tbilisi Teaching University (Georgia)

Tsiuri Duruli

Gori State Teaching University (Georgia)

Putting Financial Education into Work (pdf)

Kathrin Uedl

FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria)

Roland Mestel

FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria)

University Access and Academic Performance of Vulnerable Groups in Latin American Risk Environments (pdf)

David Rodriguez-Gomez

Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain)

Diego Castro

Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain)

Joaqu�n Gairin

Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain)

A Survey on the Absence of Chinese University English Majors� Critical Thinking Skills (pdf)

Li Meixia

Beijing International Studies University (China)

Siyuan Huang

University of Macau (China)

Self Evaluation of Key Competences � Fostering Adult Lifelong Learning (pdf)

Laura Vettraino

Learning Community srl (Italy)

Eleonora Guglielman

Learning Community srl (Italy)

Marco Guspini

Educommunity � Educational Community (Italy)

The Vocation above All. Portrait of Students Who Prepare the Competitive Exam of Primary School Teachers (pdf)

Fabienne Skoc-Gerome

Education Nationale. Acad�mie de Versailles (France)

Study on the Promotion of Indigenous Education by Informal Education - The Implementation of Science Education Camps (pdf)

Chun-Feng Joy Lin

National Pingtung University of Education (Taiwan)

Female and Male Students from Upper Secondary School towards their University Choice (pdf)

Antonella Bonf�

University of Genoa (Italy)

Michela Freddano

University of Genoa (Italy)

Creative Education: Building the Creative Economy � What Competences and Skills Should We Develop? The Role of Education in the Development of the Creative Industries � Case Study of Portugal (pdf)

Tania Carraquico

Portuguese Catholic University (Portugal)

Aggression and Antisocial Behaviour of Teenagers (pdf)

Ida Kruti

European University of Tirana (Albania)

Alternative Text as Indicator of the Educational Reform in Pre-university Education System in Albania (pdf)

Tomi Treska

European University of Tirana (Albania)

Hysni Elezi

European University of Tirana (Albania)

Zenel Sina

University of Durr�s �Aleksand�r Moisiu� (Albania)

Studies on Second Language Acquisition

Title of Paper



Teacher Preparation for Educating English Language Learners (pdf)

Paul Markham

University of Kansas (USA)

Effects of Genre-Based Framework on Students� Writing (pdf)

Chitra Varaprasad

National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Back to the Source for Advanced Learners of English (pdf)

Filip Moens

University College Arteveldehogeschool Ghent (Belgium)

Carolyn De Meyer

University College Arteveldehogeschool Ghent (Belgium)

Insights into the Present and Future of Language and Communication Training (pdf)

Ivan Berazhny

HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Student Learning Outcomes in Hybrid and Face-to-Face Beginning Spanish Language Courses (pdf)

Casilde A. Isabelli

University of Nevada (USA)

Knowledge Construction and Knowledge Transfer in Technical Writing (pdf)

Irina Orlova

Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia)

English Language Learning through Innovative ICT Solutions that Promote Enculturation and Role-playing (pdf)

Hariklia Tsalapatas

University of Thessaly (Greece)

Olivier Heidmann

Institute for Research and Technology Thessaly (Greece)

Rene Alimisi

Institute for Research and Technology Thessaly (Greece)

Elias Houstis

University of Thessaly (Greece)

Easy Latin for English Speakers (pdf)

Annamaria Pucacco

Liceo Scientifico-Linguistico �Galileo Galilei� (Italy)

Foreign Languages and the Edition Dilemma: Is Tutoring out of Control? (pdf)

Maite Correa

Colorado State University (USA)

Evaluating the Use of Novel and Film in the Language Classroom (pdf)

Ramadan Shalbag

Al Mergeb University (Lybia)

The Use of Talking Chips Technique in Improving Students� Speaking Achievement (pdf)

Syafry Adin

Indonesia University of Education (Indonesia)

The Intercultural Approach in the Classes that Teach Foreign Languages (pdf)

Nahed Emaish

University of Jordan (Jordan)

Occasioning Emergence: from Epistemology to Changing Praxis in SLA and Translator Education (pdf)

Donald Kiraly

Johannes Gutenberg University (Germany)

European Projects for Language Learning: The NELLIP Network (pdf)

Elisabetta Delle Donne

Pixel (Italy)