Accepted Abstracts
Art Education |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
Art for All (pdf) | Bernadette Grosyeux | Centre de la Gabrielle MFPass (France) |
Arts for Roma Children (pdf) | Marianne Poncelet | International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium) |
Cinzia Laurelli | International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium) |
Designing Social Change: Inquiry-Based Teaching in Graphic Design (pdf) | Donald Tarallo | Bridgewater State University (USA) |
Development the Creative and Innovative Thinking through Studying the Design of the Art of Drafting Metal Ornaments to Emphasize the Arab Cultural Identity in the Arabian Gulf States (pdf) | Neivein Abdul Ghaffar | Alexandria University (Egypt) |
I Am a Cultural Producer - An Educational Project to Create Culture Actively and Collaboratively (pdf) | Elke Zobl | University of Salzburg (Austria) |
Siglinde Lang | University of Salzburg (Austria) |
Jan�cek�s the Cunning Little Vixen. An Animated Opera Project from an Educational Perspective (pdf) | Olga Kolokytha | The European Opera Centre (United Kingdom) |
Thou Shalt Not Miss the Forest for the Trees (pdf) | Irena Alperyte | Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Lithuania) |
e-Learning |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
�All Prisoners Shall Have Access to Education�: Transnational Knowledge Sharing on e-Learning in Europe�s Prisons (pdf) | Rhianon Williams | ExOCoP Technical Secretariat, Bremen Ministry of Justice and Constitution (Germany) |
J�rgen Hillmer | ExOCoP Technical Secretariat, Bremen Ministry of Justice and Constitution (Germany) |
Eduard Matt | ExOCoP Technical Secretariat, Bremen Ministry of Justice and Constitution (Germany) |
A New E-Learning System Design Focusing on Emotional Aspect Using Biological Signals (pdf) | Saromporn Charoenpit | Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan) |
Michiko Ohkura | Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan) |
Are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Going to Reshape the Higher Education? What are the Key Challenges and Opportunities for the European Higher Education Institutions? (pdf) | Jean-Dominique Seroen | ICHEC Brussels Management School (Belgium) |
Community Building in Virtual Environments: Experiences and Lessons Learnt (pdf) | Elaine Crable | Xavier University (USA) |
Thilini Ariyachandra | Xavier University (USA) |
De-Coursing a Course: Promoting Student Reflection and Initiative via ePortfolios (pdf) | Susan Oaks | Empire State College (USA) |
Discussion Forum Efficacy in an Online Course: Dialogue vs Interaction (pdf) | Emmanuelle Bernardin | Audencia � PRES LUNAM (France) |
Distance Learning Implementation at Preschool Teacher Training Colleges in Serbia (pdf) | Dejan Savicevic | Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia) |
Maja Cvijetic | Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia) |
Mirjana Nikolic | Preschool Teacher Training College (Serbia) |
eLF: e-Learning Courses and Register for Fitness Professionals (pdf) | Gabriella Pappada | CERES - Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali (Italy) |
Factor Analysis of the Effective Factors on the Intention of the Employees of Governmental Companies in Utilizing Electronic Learning System in In-Service Education Courses (Case Study: Meyar Sanat Khavarmiyaneh Co.) (pdf) | Razieh Ghaheri | Shahid Beheshti University (Iran) |
Manijeh Ahmadi | Allameh Tabatabaee University (Iran) |
Masoumeh Abdi | Shahid Beheshti University (Iran) |
From Blended Learning to �Coached� Learning: Solving Constraints in Complex Learning Contexts (pdf) | Julie Henry | University of Liege (Belgium) |
Etienne Vandeput | University of Liege (Belgium) |
Green Hero (pdf) | Nadya Lieva | Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation SL (Spain) |
Michelle Perello | Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation SL (Spain) |
Improving E-tutor Qualifications through E-learning (pdf) | Yasemin Gulbahar | Ankara University (Turkey) |
M�ge Adnan | Mugla Sitki Ko�man University (Turkey) |
Intelligent Examination System to Support Teacher�s Reflection Measurement of Student�s Guided Feedback (pdf) | Essam Kosba | College of Computing and Information Technology (Egypt) |
Passant Sabri | Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt) |
Osama Badawy | Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt) |
Learning Inference Statistical with Mobile Devices (pdf) | Francisco Javier Tapia-Moreno | University of Sonora (M�xico) |
Hector Antonio Villa-Martinez | University of Sonora (M�xico) |
Planification of the Monografic Research Workshop: a 100% Online Formative Action (pdf) | Ana Pons Fern�ndez de Cordoba | CEEDCV (Spain) |
Proposition of a Content Model for Simulation Based E-Learning (pdf) | Elhassan Laaziz | UH1/FSTS (Morocco) |
Saudi Women and E-learning (pdf) | Yahya Al Alhareth | De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Neil McBride | De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Mike Leigh | De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Catherine Flick | De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Mary Prior | De Montfort University (United Kingdom) |
Solving ESP Problems Using Moodle Platform: E-Learning for Postgraduates and Masters of Physics (pdf) | Nellie Z. Shamsutdinova | Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Russia) |
Tailored Resources to Facilitate and Enhance E-learning (pdf) | Sherie Elliott | Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Nadine Adams | Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Clinton Hayes | Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Technology: a Tool Supporting Teacher Change in the Context of the Targeted Reading Intervention* (pdf) | Jeanne Gunther | Francis Marion University (USA) |
Marnie Ginsberg | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) |
Lynne Vernon-Feagans | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) |
The Application and Effectiveness of an E-Learning Platform MOODLE on Intermediate Chinese Speaking and Listening Course (pdf) | Tungyue Hon | The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China) |
The Effects of a Web-Supported and Well-Structured Problem-Based Method on Achievements of Learners (pdf) | Murat Pasa Uysal | Turkish Military Academy (Turkey) |
The Effects of Web Cultural Appeals on Students� Information Processing Patterns: an Empirical Investigation of Chinese Students (pdf) | Gennadi Gevorgyan | Xavier University (USA) |
Thilini Ariyachandra | Xavier University (USA) |
Mark Frolick | Xavier University (USA) |
The Functions of Distance Learning (pdf) | Lii Peirchyi | Tamkang University (Taiwan) |
The Future of E-Learning in Kazakhstan (pdf) | Daniyar Sapargaliyev | International Academy of Business (Kazakhstan) |
The Impact of E-learning System on Conventional Teaching Environment (pdf) | Rashad Al Saed | Skyline University (United Arab Emirates) |
The Professor�s Perspective on the Use of New Information Technology in Romanian University Education (pdf) | Anca Andronic | Spiru Haret University (Romania) |
Cornel Lazar | Spiru Haret University (Romania) |
Razvan-Lucian Andronic | Spiru Haret University (Romania) |
The Quality Of Social Interaction In Distance Education : An Experiment Based On User�s Perspective (pdf) | Bastien Sasseville | Universit� du Qu�bec � Rimouski (Canada) |
The Use of Immersive Learning Environments in Social Work Education (pdf) | Anne Llewellyn | Leeds Metropolitan University (United Kingdom) |
Web-based SQL-Teaching (pdf) | Markus Siepermann | Technische Universit�t Dortmund (Germany) |
Education and New Technologies |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
A Project to Foster Behavioural Monitoring in the Field of the ADHD (pdf) | Antonella Chifari | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (ITD) U.O. Palermo (Italy) |
P Bamidis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) (Greece) |
M.S. Maia | School of Education of the Polytechnic of Porto Institute (UAEI) (Portugal) |
R Rinaldi | Centro per i disturbi dell� apprendimento (Ce.D.Ap.) (Italy) |
G. Doherty | Trinity College Dublin (TCD) (Ireland) |
A. Bilbow | National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service (ADDISS) (United Kingdom) |
A Survey of the Impact of ICT on Quality Standards in Nigeria�s Future Education (pdf) | Samuel Ikechukwu Ezeani | Federal College of Education (Nigeria) |
An Action Research: Instruction Videos for Developing Writing Skills of Prep Students (pdf) | �zge Kutlu | Toros University (Turkey) |
An English Play Is Hosted by Facebook: Students Achievements and Attitudes towards Studying an English Play Using the Facebook Environment (pdf) | Rikki Rimor | Seminar Hakibutzim College of Education Technology and the Arts (Israel) |
Perla Arie | Seminar Hakibutzim College of Education Technology and the Arts (Israel) |
Biology Support Service - A Model of CPD that Promotes the Development and Use of New Technologies in Biology Teaching. (pdf) | Angela Gammell | St. Joseph�s Secondary School (Ireland) |
Blog, Blog, Blog (pdf) | Barbara Newman Young | Middle Tennessee State University (USA) |
Lyubov Laroche | Western Washington University (USA) |
Blogging, as a Tool for Metacognitively Aware Learning (pdf) | Istv�n Zsigmond | Kecskem�t College (Hungary) |
Bridging Traditional Culture with ICT Education (pdf) | Gohar Grigoryan | Yerevan State University (Armenia) |
Collaborative Writing on Internet: New Practices of Textual Production at School (pdf) | Petrilson A. Pinheiro | State University of Campinas (Brazil) |
Comparison of Five Systems that Use Mobile Cellular Phones, Tablets, or Internet Browsers for Immediate Student Response. (pdf) | Ken Lee | The Ohio State University (USA) |
Designing Mobile Guides for Student Field Trips (pdf) | Hannah Lewi | The University of Melbourne (Australia) |
Wally Smith | The University of Melbourne (Australia) |
DIAMOND � Dialoguing Museums for a New Cultural Democracy (pdf) | Cristina Da Milano | Eccom-European Centre for Cultural Organisation and Management (Italy) |
Digital Curation and Mobile Technology in Teacher Education (pdf) | Shannon Haley-Mize | Elizabethtown College (USA) |
Digital Learning. The Art of Virtual Teach (pdf) | Celestino Aviles Perez | Consejer�a de Educaci�n, Formaci�n y Empleo (Spain) |
Discover the COSMOS: e-Infrastructures for an Engaging Science Classroom (pdf) | John Alan Wilson | University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) |
New Teaching Technologies and Possible Hurdles (pdf) | Kamo P. Chilingaryan | Peoples� Friendship University of Russia (Russia) |
Educational Leaders Best Practices for Encouraging Teacher Technology Use in Middle School Classrooms (pdf) | Nicole Diamante | Stony Brook University (USA) |
Karen Sobel- Lojeski | Stony Brook University (USA) |
Empowering Teachers with ICT Competencies (pdf) | Michaela Logofatu | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Establishing a New Paradigm for Teaching Mathematics at Engineering Schools (pdf) | Agust�n de la Villa | Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain) |
A. Garcia | Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid (Spain) |
F. Garcia | Universidad Polit�cnica de Madrid (Spain) |
A. Lois | Universidad Tecnol�gica Nacional (Argentina) |
L. Milevicich | Universidad Tecnol�gica Nacional (Argentina) |
F A. Mart�n | Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) |
Gerardo Rodriguez | Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) |
Experience of Tablet Pc and Smart Board in Shools in Turkey (pdf) | A. Faruk Yaylaci | Recep Tayyip Erdogan University (Turkey) |
Ismail Aydogan | Erciyes University (Turkey) |
From the Tour of Babel to Internet: Educate Humanity to Peace Restoring Communication (pdf) | Davide Astori | University of Parma - Dpt ALEF (Italy) |
Humour and the Quirky Nature of Online Teaching (pdf) | Ian Broinowski | Curtin University (Australia) |
Hybrid Courses from Students� Perspective (pdf) | Nega Debela | Marshall University (USA) |
Fred Pauley | Marshall University (USA) |
ICT and Second Language Teaching in an Albanian Context (pdf) | Arben Bushgjokaj | �Luigj Gurakuqi� University of Shkodra (Albania) |
ICT, Literature and Education: Designing a New Gadget to Close the Social Divide (pdf) | Mar�a del Carmen Mart�nez Mobilla | Traves�as Publishing Company (Colombia) |
Identifying Core Issues in Concept Maps (pdf) | Thanasis Giouvanakis | Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Evangelos Kehris | Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Asterios Mpakavos | Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Haido Samaras | Anatolia College (Greece) |
Maria Tsourela | Technological and Educational Institute (Greece) |
Impact of Learner Generated Digital Content on Knowledge Acquisition ond Representation (pdf) | Dorothy Cooshna-Naik | University of Mauritius (Mauritius) |
Jamalkhan Fardeen Khan | John Kennedy College (Mauritius) |
Improving Collective Awareness in Education about the Privacy and Ethical Issues Connected with the Genome Technologies (pdf) | Lucia Bianchi | University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) |
Pedro Fernandes | Instituto Gulbenkian de Ci�ncia (Portugal) |
Pietro Lio | University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) |
Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Mathematics for Students with and without Special Needs (pdf) | Chien-Hui Yang | Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) |
Learning Trail Design Toolkit (pdf) | Ramesh Suppiah | Pei Tong Primary School (Singapore) |
Hajera Bibi | Pei Tong Primary School (Singapore) |
Nusraat Begum | Pei Tong Primary School (Singapore) |
Norshafiza | Pei Tong Primary School (Singapore) |
Lessons Learned: Outcomes from the Development and Delivery of an Online Games Based Learning Platform using Silverlight 5/XNA and Windows Azure (pdf) | Neil Gannon | Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland) |
Tony McCabe | Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland) |
Paul Powell | Institute of Technology Sligo (Ireland) |
Multimodal Approaches to Teaching Reading in Hong Kong Primary Classrooms (pdf) | Christopher Shepard | City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) |
New Reproductive Technologies and Politics of Choice (pdf) | Kateryna Karpenko | Kharkiv National Medical University (Ukraine) |
Novel Model to Foster Technology Base Entrepreneurship through the Doctorate Spinoff Program (pdf) | Nancy Aceves | ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Adriana Torres | ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Andrea Siller | ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Jos� Ver�stegui | ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Oscar Mart�nez | ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Hazael Pinto | ITESM Instituto Tecnol�gico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) |
Paradoxes between Personalisation and Massification (pdf) | Kumiko Aoki | The Open University of Japan (Japan) |
Pokemon Phenomenon vs the Classroom: First Do No Harm (pdf) | Janene Sproul | Murdoch University (Australia) |
Rethinking Education � DDLUB Case Study (pdf) | Bogdan Logofatu | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Anisoara Dumitrache | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Mihai Logofatu | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Maria Pruna | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Scenarios for Higher Education and Collective Awareness (pdf) | Luce Jacovella | University of London (United Kingdom) |
Pietro Lio | University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) |
Seizing the Opportunity of e-Jobs, e-Skills, e-Competences (pdf) | Joking Garatea | GAIA - the Association of Electronic and Information Technologies in the Basque Country (Spain) |
Ligia Whyte | GAIA - the Association of Electronic and Information Technologies in the Basque Country (Spain) |
Idoia Mu�oz | GAIA - the Association of Electronic and Information Technologies in the Basque Country (Spain) |
Sound and Music in Virtual Worlds (pdf) | Julian J. Green | University of the West of England (United Kingdom) |
Supporting Formative Assessment and Appraisal by Smart, Competence-based, Probabilistic Systems. (pdf) | Michael D. Kickmeier-Rust | Graz University of Technology (Austria) |
Dietrich Albert | Graz University of Technology (Austria) |
Teachers Opinions on the Use of Interactive White Boards in Classrooms in the United Arab Emirates (pdf) | Ruqiyabi Naz Awan | The British University in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) |
The Digital School and its Competing Discourses (pdf) | Mads Bo-Kristensen | Vejle Digital Schools (Denmark) |
The Future of Accounting Education with the Integration of ICT (pdf) | Nadia Rhodes | University of Johannesburg (South Africa) |
The Intersection of Ethical Decision-Making Modules and Classroom Response Systems in Business Education (pdf) | Perry Binder | Georgia State University (USA) |
The Need To Modernise (pdf) | Ante Demo | Jantar College of Foreign Languages (Croatia) |
Training to the Web Training with the Web (pdf) | Andrea Alfieri | L.E.N. Learning Education Network (Italy) |
Marco Fabbri | L.E.N. Learning Education Network (Italy) |
Transactional Distance within the E-Learning Environment: Using Structure and Dialogue to Bridge the Gap (pdf) | Barbara Newman Young | Middle Tennessee State University (USA) |
Lyubov Laroche | Western Washington University (USA) |
Transition to a Hybrid Course: Strategies for Implementation (pdf) | Hala Tawfik | Misr International University (Egypt) |
Rania El Khayat | Misr International University (Egypt) |
Tying Odysseus to the Mast: Using the Research on Online Reading to Resist the Call of New Educational Technologies (pdf) | Randy Connolly | Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Virtual Distance and Learning: an Application of Organizational Best Practices in Education (pdf) | Karen Sobel- Lojeski | Stony Brook University (USA) |
Nicole Diamante | Stony Brook University (USA) |
Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
A Child-directed Education Method (pdf) | Rushikesh Kirtikar | Tata Institute of Social Sciences (India) |
A Diferent Way to Learn in School (pdf) | Carla Baptista | Col�gio Vizela (Portugal) |
A Virtual University Platform for University of Bucharest, Romania (pdf) | Mihai Logofatu | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Cristian Logofatu | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Accelerated Learning and Students Performance in Biology Among Gifted Students (pdf) | Ong Sy Ing | National University of Malaysia (Malaysia) |
Nurulnisa Binti Nor Azman | National University of Malaysia (Malaysia) |
AGORA: Transnational Placement Scheme for Translation Students (pdf) | Chiara Bucaria | University of Bologna (Italy) |
Linda Rossato | University of Bologna (Italy) |
An ICT Enhanced Application in Initial Teacher Education (pdf) | Vildan Ozdemir | Mersin University (Turkey) |
An Implement of Goal Setting Learning Model to Increase Students� Learning Motivation (pdf) | Phawika Paksa | Suratthani Rajabhat University (Thailand) |
An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Pupil Engagement with Science and Technology (pdf) | Kieran McGeown | St Mary�s University College Belfast (United Kingdom) |
Damian Knipe | St Mary�s University College Belfast (United Kingdom) |
Assessment of Collaborative Learning Practices in the Writing Classroom. Collaborative Class Content Encourages Student Engagement (pdf) | Kelly T. Candelaria | California State University (United States of America) |
Business Strategy Development Training - BeSTrain (pdf) | Johann Laister | Multidisciplinary European Research Institute Graz (Austria) |
Capture the King: Using Analogies to Teach Mathematics to Adults (pdf) | Nadine Adams | Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Sherie Elliott | Central Queensland University (Australia) |
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Training with Alternative Equipment: Motor Learning and Motivational Aspects. (pdf) | Veerle Van Raemdonck | Erasmus University College Brussels (Belgium) |
Dirk Aerenhouts | Erasmus University College Brussels (Belgium) |
Koenraad Monsieurs | Antwerp University Hospital (Belgium) |
Kristine De Martelaer | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) |
Constructivism and Instructivism � Opposition or Unity (pdf) | Nataliya Belenkova | People�s Friendship University of Russia (Russia) |
Creating a Third Space with a Language Mind Map (pdf) | Noemi R�mila Diaz | Universit� Paris Diderot (France) |
Creating Excitement through Active Learning Opportunities in Fully Online Courses in Sociology (pdf) | Anne Tuominen | Cascadia Community College (USA) |
Critical Media Literacy: Enhance Democratization and Participation (pdf) | Davide Celoria | San Francisco State University (USA) |
Ingrid Roberson | Alameda County office of Education (USA) |
Curriculum Change in Action for Teacher Training (pdf) | Kaat Delrue | Artevelde University College Ghent (Belgium) |
Veerle Amelinckx | Artevelde University College Ghent (Belgium) |
Cutting Edge Teacher Mentoring: From the University to K-12 Classrooms (pdf) | Lynn Romeo | Monmouth University (USA) |
Mary Brennan | Monmouth University (USA) |
DELL (Digital English Language Literacy) Strategy In A Mexican Rural Master�s Program. (pdf) | Oscar J. Martinez- Alaniz | Colegio Cervantes A.C (Mexico) |
DEPICT: Developing Employability Programmes using Interactive Programme Technologies (pdf) | Claire MacLean | The University of Salford (United Kingdom) |
Esme Caulfield | The University of Salford (United Kingdom) |
Jon Monk | The Business Group (United Kingdom) |
Erik Artnsen | University of Agder (Norway) |
Jan Ole Rypestol | Entreprenorskapakademiet (Norway) |
Domingo Galiana | University Miguel Hernandez (Spain) |
Pablo Navarro | COEPA (Spain) |
Galina Zilgalve | RISEBA (Latvia) |
Aigars Ceplitis | LKRA (Latvia) |
Design Thinking in a Technology-mediated Discourse: Studying the Impact of Students Purposeful Learning (pdf) | Dennis Toh | Ministry of Education (Singapore) |
Tiong-Meng Yeo | Marsiling Secondary School (Singapore) |
Development of Policies for the Socialization of Cultural Heritage through University Education - Best Practices of the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies(pdf) | Stoyan Denchev | State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - SULSIT (Bulgaria) |
Sofia Vassileva | State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies - SULSIT (Bulgaria) |
Education Project as a Means for Developing Teachers� Intercultural Communicative Competence (pdf) | Marijona Barkauskaite | Lithuanian University of Education Sciences (Lithuania) |
Loreta Chodzkiene | Vilnius University (Lithuania) |
Educational Organizations� Innovation Activity (pdf) | Eeva Kuoppala | Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Effective Training Tools Application to Qualification Improvement in the Library Sector (pdf) | Marta Dziluma | National Library of Latvia (Latvia) |
Effectiveness of Program Based on Mind Habits in Developing Creative Writing Skills in Poetry Field for High School Female Students in Saudi Arabia (pdf) | Amal Bint Abdullah Bin Abdulrahman Al-Khudair | Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University (Saudi Arabia) |
Engaging Students in Inquiry-Based Learning through Knowledge Building (pdf) | Koo Kay Kee | Marsiling Secondary School (Singapore) |
Loke Hong Yew | Ministry of Education (MOE) (Singapore) |
Engaging the Community in a Problem-Based Model of English Language Learning (pdf) | Melissa Lavitt | Boise State University (USA) |
Diane Boothe | Boise State University (USA) |
European Graduate Placement Scheme � An Education Partnership Developing Global Translation Graduates (pdf) | Anne Marie Graham | Skills CfA (United Kingdom) |
Evaluating Interdisciplinary Teaching of Art and Science (pdf) | Ivor Hickey | St Mary�s University College (United Kingdom) |
Deirdre Robson | St Mary�s University College (United Kingdom) |
Evaluation Way to Sustainable Project Based Learnings (pdf) | Maliheh Mohseni | Kherad School (Iran) |
Exploring Literacy from Creative Perspective (pdf) | Israel Bar-Kohav | Hakibbutzim College of Education Tel Aviv (Israel) |
Family Eduacation as a Part of Quality of Life (pdf) | Iveta Kokle-Narbuta | Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia) |
Flipping the Classroom: Project for Teachers-in-training (pdf) | Mark Verbeke | Cvo Kisp (Belgium) |
Tine Lievrouw | Cvo Kisp (Belgium) |
Fostering Integrated Journalism Education in Europe (pdf) | Irene Da Rocha | Pompeu Fabra University (Spain) |
From Early Theories To New Ideas For Teaching And Learning In The 21st Century (pdf) | Anne Sibbel | RMIT University (Australia) |
From Sentence to Discourse: Developing Writing Skill of English Language Learners(pdf) | Fauzia Janjua | International Islamic University Islamabad (Pakistan) |
FUAS Graduate School - Finland�s Leading Graduate School of Universities of Applied Sciences (pdf) | Ulla Kotonen | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
P�ivi Huotari | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Katri Ojasalo | Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
GOOD GUIDANCE STORIES � Case Studies as an Innovative Cross-cultural Training Material for Guidance Practitioners � GUIDE (pdf) | Jasmin Zouizi | MetropolisNet European Metropolis Employment Network EEIG (EWIV) (Germany) |
Diana Peitel | gsub-Projektegesellschaft mbH (Germany) |
Healthcare Logistician: A New Profession Needs a New Education (pdf) | Ulla Kotonen | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Ullamari Tuominen | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Miika Kuusisto | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Impacts of Mentoring Research Programme to Enhance the Understanding of Gifted Students towards Biology (pdf) | Nurul Nisa Nor Azman | National Gifted Center (Malaysia) |
Ong Sy Ing | National University of Malaysia (Malaysia) |
Implementing CLIL at the Primary School Level � A Pilot Study (pdf) | Artur Stepniak | Catholic University of Lublin (Poland) |
Improving Performance and Optimizing Design. Continuing Professional Education Programs: Good or Bad for Education and Institutions of Higher Learning?(pdf) | David M. Chapinski | Rutgers University- Newark Campus (United States) |
Information Technology Applied to Adult Training. Good Practice Guide (pdf) | Guido Francesco Zuccarini | ISER Srl (Italy) |
Innovating EFL Teacher Training in Spain: Post-Structuralist Approaches to Gender (pdf) | Juan Ram�n Guijarro-Ojeda | University of Granada (Spain) |
Ra�l Ruiz-Cecilia | University of Granada (Spain) |
Innovative Methods in Teaching of Mathematics at the University (pdf) | Lilla Kremzarova | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) |
Innovative Methods of Teaching (pdf) | Maria-Eleni Sachou | EKPAIDEYTIRIA KANTA � Vrilissia (Greece) |
Intercultural Relationship and Mentoring: Case Study of Italian Air Force in Afghanistan (pdf) | Matteo Perchiazzi | SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy) |
Sara Tempestini | SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy) |
Elena Vannuccini | SIM � Scuola Italiana di Mentoring (Italy) |
INTERMAR - A New Way to Approach Languages in the Formal (pdf) | Delia Lungu | �Mircea cel Batran� Naval Academy (Romania) |
Juvenile Delinquency and the Threat to National Security: Possible Causes and Remedies (pdf) | Georgeta Chirlesan | University of Pitesti (Romania) |
Dumitru Chirlesan | University of Pitesti (Romania) |
KVALUES Project: How to Transform Our Lives into Learning Environments and Validate Informal Competences (pdf) | Barbara Tieri | Istituto Luigi Sturzo (Italy) |
Learning from: Social Innovation for Tertiary Education. An Experiment with Socionext (pdf) | Richard C. Gerritsen | University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) |
Learning, lIving, Working for Neet-group (pdf) | Adriana Branni | CESIE (Italy) |
Chris Janssen | EURICON (The Netherlands) |
Lecturers Changing Andragogy during Implementation of Integrated Information and Communication Technology (IICT) in Accounting Education (pdf) | Raymond Rhodes | University of Johannesburg (South Africa) |
Lucien Tesni�re, the Cognitive Science and Classical Languages in the Third Millennium (pdf) | Gloria Larini | (Italy) |
Multimodal Approaches to Non-Fiction Reading (pdf) | Bethany A. Silva | University of Pennsylvania (USA) |
David J. Baroody | Germantown Academy (USA) |
Open Educational Resources and Higher Education Curriculum Development (pdf) | Josie Arnold | Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) |
Open Learning Approach with Remote Experiments (pdf) | Rita Balazs | Europa Media Non-profit Ltd (Hungary) |
Path to E-Competency and E-Education Project (pdf) | Breda Gruden | Mi�ka d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Nives Kreuh | Zavod RS za �olstvo (Slovenia) |
Ingrid Mo�ina Podbr�cek | KOPO, d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Andrej Flogie | Zavod Antona Martina Slom�ka (Slovenia) |
Igor Razbornik | PIA, d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Bernarda Trstenjak | Mi�ka d.o.o. (Slovenia) |
Pathways to Study Medicine for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People at the University of Newcastle (pdf) | James Charles | University of Newcastle (UoN) (Australia) |
Pluralistic Approaches to Language Learning: Sample Projects for Language Education in Diversity (pdf) | Olga Ivanova | University of Salamanca (Spain) |
Vega Llorente | Official School of Languages of Salamanca (Spain) |
Preferred and Effective Learner-Centered Strategies at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (pdf) | Rovelina B. Jacolbia | Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines) |
Problem-bazed Learning in Nurses� and Midwives� Education: an Innovative Teaching Method to Combat with Domestic Violence (pdf) | Petya Trendafilova | Medical University � Sofia (Bulgaria) |
Processing Instruction: The future of CLIL? (pdf) | Alba Guti�rrez Martinez | Universidad de Cantabria (Spain) |
Promoting Post 16 Stem Related Education by Introducing Java Fundamentals in School (pdf) | Sonya A. Coleman | University of Ulster (United Kingdom) |
A. Hinds | University of Ulster (United Kingdom) |
K. McCreadie | University of Ulster (United Kingdom) |
Qualitative Organised Learning Mobility of Students with the South (pdf) | Barbara Van Wijnendaele | University College Leuven (Belgium) |
Leen Hellinckx | University College Leuven (Belgium) |
Real Life Stories Helped Students from a Higher Education Institute to Engage in Understanding across Cultural Borders (pdf) | Annalie Botha | University of Pretoria (South Africa) |
Reflection and Knowledge through Integrated Practices in Course of Initial Teacher Training in Mathematics and Physics (pdf) | Cristiane da Silva Stamberg | Instituto Federal Farroupilha � campus S�o Borja (Brazil) |
Adilson Ribeiro Paz Stamberg | Instituto Federal Farroupilha � campus S�o Borja (Brazil) |
Remote Laboratory for Secondary School Physics Curriculum (pdf) | Olga Dziabenko | University of Deusto (Spain) |
Olatz Alzola Colinas | P. Andr�s Urdaneta School (Spain) |
Rethinking Mathematics Teaching and Learning in the Early Years (pdf) | Marina Papic | Macquarie University (Australia) |
SciCamp: Science Holiday Camps in Europe (pdf) | Martin Lindner | Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) |
Christian Kubat | Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) |
Scientific Studying: Increasing Learning Power through Experiments (pdf) | Marco Pasteris | Canada |
Stanca Somesfalean | Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al (Canada) |
Scientix and Ingenious: Innovative Learning and Teaching in Science and Maths Education (pdf) | Premysl Velek | European Schoolnet (Belgium) |
Mathilde Bargoin | European Schoolnet (Belgium) |
Skills Development for Ph.D. Students: Pedagogical Shifts and Culture Change (pdf) | Peter R. Mulvihill | York University (Canada) |
Sources and Pathways for �Disruptive Innovation� in State-Funded Education: an Analytical Perspective for Turkish Case (pdf) | Semih Summak | Gaziantep University (Turkey) |
A. El�in G�ren-Summak | Gaziantep University (Turkey) |
Structuring an Instructional Model towards an Educational Approach (pdf) | Kika Ioannou Kazamia | University of Nicosia (Cyprus) |
Marianna Kafaridou | University of Nicosia (Cyprus) |
Sustainable Urban Growth and Climate Change � Challenges to the Future Education (pdf) | Eeva Aarrevaara | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Emmanuel Rohinton | Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom) |
Riccardo Buccolieri | University di Salento (Italy) |
Caroline Gallagher | Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom) |
Silja Kostia | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Hans Rosenlund | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Silvana di Sabatino | University di Salento (Italy) |
Craig Thomson | Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom) |
Switching Education; The 2D-Sheep Drama (pdf) | Jef Staes | Red Monkey Company (Belgium) |
Teacher 2.0 � Engaging Learning Environments through Tablets (pdf) | Mark Verbeke | Cvo Kisp (Belgium) |
Tine Lievrouw | Cvo Kisp (Belgium) |
The Changing Role of Arts Management Education in the United States in Relation to New Media, Web 2.0 Technology and Online Education (pdf) | Antonio Tomaso Scafide | State University of New York College at Oneonta (USA) |
The Combination of Traditional and Modern Models for Higher Education in the Humanities in a Country in Transition: an Innovative Model in Iran (pdf) | Reza Samim | Institute for Social and Cultural Studies (Iran) |
The Dispelling of Cognitive Dissonance: the Sour Grapes of Common Core Standards and the Scholastic Impact on African-American Students (pdf) | Nkemjika N. Ofodile | Howard University (USA) |
The Effectiveness of Spanish Bilingual Education to Debate: Assessment Proposals (pdf) | Alba Guti�rrez Martinez | Universidad de Cantabria (Spain) |
The Flipped Classroom Applied to Online Learning (pdf) | Pamella Stoeckel | Regis University (USA) |
Cheryl Kruschke | Regis University (USA) |
Barbara W. Berg | Regis University (USA) |
The Future is Now: an Innovative E-learning Teaching Design (pdf) | Marlies Rijbroek | Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) |
Lex Stomp | Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands) |
The Future of Education Can Be Messy (pdf) | Brett Fifield | Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
The Hallel Clinic: Teaching Students How to Teach (pdf) | Talya Gur | ORANIM � Academic College of Education (Israel) |
Hilla Sechter-Solomon | ORANIM � Academic College of Education (Israel) |
The Use of Concept Mapping Software in Initial Teacher Education Programs (pdf) | Esin Tezbasaran | Mersin University (Turkey) |
Theatre, Film &Visual Arts: Building Harmonies for 2020�s Educative Horizon (pdf) | Gloria Padura | Asoc. Arts & Education (Spain) |
Time for Action: New Challenges at School Education (pdf) | Gina Souto | Minist�rio de Educa��o (Portugal) |
Time to Implement a Neglected Revolutionary Idea (pdf) | Ronald J. Glossop | Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville � SIUE (USA) |
To Enhance Employability in Higher Education � A Real Connection to Labour Market (pdf) | Paula Marques dos Santos | School of Technology and Management of Lamego (Portugal) |
�lvaro Bonito | School of Technology and Management of Lamego (Portugal) |
Anabela Guedes | School of Technology and Management of Lamego (Portugal) |
Toward a Knowledge-Based Economy: Processes of Innovation, Internationalization and Entrepreneurship in the Faculty of Education of the University of Granada. (pdf) | Jos� Gijon | University of Granada (Spain) |
Javier Villoria | University of Granada (Spain) |
Transdisciplinary Learning Model EVOLSCH as a Response to the Challenge of our Time. (pdf) | Julia Sherbina | International Pedagogical Association EVOLSCH (Germany) |
T-STORY � Storytelling Applied to Training (pdf) | Paola Chesi | ISTUD Business School (Italy) |
Cristina Godio | ISTUD Business School (Italy) |
Ana Barroca | Advancis Business Services (Portugal) |
Laura Malita | Romanian Institute for Adult Education (Romania) |
Yvor Broer | In Dialogue (The Netherlands) |
Tharrenos Bratitsis | University of Western Macedonia (Greece) |
Emilia Szczygielska | University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Poland) |
Raul Gonzalez | FASE.Net Training and Consultancy in Selection and Employment (Spain) |
Using a Virtual World for High-impact Educational Practices (pdf) | Suzanne Aurilio | San Diego State University (USA) |
A Framework for Facilitating Meta-Learning as Part of Subject Teaching (pdf) | Tara Winters | The University of Auckland (New Zealand) |
Using Speech Corpora in Language Teaching (pdf) | Nora Binghadeer | Princess Nora University (Saudi Arabia) |
Using Web 2.0 Tools for Professional Development (pdf) | D�nercan Donuk | Mersin University (Turkey) |
Video Clips: Communicative Language Activity (pdf) | Jumjim Ngowananchai | Assumption University (Thailand) |
Vision of Dynamics Sounds through Color Interactions to Improve its Performance in the Piano (an Innovative Way to Teach Dynamics) (pdf) | Ali H. El-Naggar | Ain Shams University (Egypt) |
Workshops as Tools for Creative Collaboration: Finding a Balance between Constraints and Potentialities (pdf) | Catherine Elsen | F.R.S.-FNRS University of Li�ge (Belgium) |
M�lanie Antoine | PSGO University of Li�ge (Belgium) |
Adeline Cornet | ID CAMPUS University of Li�ge (Belgium) |
Learning Games |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
Alternative Management at Work: the CNAM Initiative (pdf) | Anne Marchais-Roubelat | Conservatoire National des Arts et M�tiers (France) |
Karim Medjad | Conservatoire National des Arts et M�tiers (France) |
Comparison between Two Development Platforms of Games to E-learning Courses (pdf) | Bruno Rodrigues Froz | UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
Antonio Jos� Grandson Busson | UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
R�mulo Martins Fran�a | UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
Ana Emilia Figueiredo de Oliveira | UFMA � Federal University of Maranh�o (Brazil) |
Game Based Learning for Teachers (pdf) | Anisoara Dumitrache | University of Bucharest (Romania) |
Game-Based Learning in Schools as a Framework for Engaging Learning (pdf) | Lisa Gjedde | Aalborg University (Denmark) |
Home-made Didactic Games (pdf) | Danijela Horvat Samardzija | University of Primorska (Slovenia) |
Implementation of Game Mechanics in Software Development Process Teaching (pdf) | Evgenia Kozmina | Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Russia) |
Tracking and Analyzing the Impact of Team-based Assignments on Individual Performance (pdf) | Chris Boesch | Singapore Management University School of Information Systems (Singapore) |
Sandra Boesch | Pivotal Expert Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) |
Music Education |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
Millennials and Media: New Messages or New Perception (pdf) | Violeta Cvetkovska Ocokoljic | Megatrend University (Serbia) |
Tatjana Cvetkovski | Megatrend University (Serbia) |
Ana Langovic Milicevic | Megatrend University (Serbia) |
Studies on Education |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
A Case for a Networked University. Opportunities and Challenges (pdf) | Luce Jacovella | University of London (United Kingdom) |
A Comparative Study of the Readability of English Textbooks of Translation and Their Persian Translations (pdf) | Sholeh Kolahi | Islamic Azad University Central, Tehran Branch (Iran) |
Elaheh Shirvani | Islamic Azad University Central, Tehran Branch (Iran) |
A Comparison of Male and Female Physiotherapy Students� Perception from Problem Based Learning in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (pdf) | Thusharika D. Dissanayaka | University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) |
Kosala Marambe | University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) |
Esther Liyanage | University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) |
A Meta-Analysis Designed to Identify the Factors that Most Reliably Reduce the Achievement Gap (pdf) | William H. Jeynes | California State University (USA) |
A Qualitative Perspective on Educational Policies Convergence in Transition Systems (pdf) | Alina Mihaela Dima | Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania) |
Simona Vasilache | Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania) |
A Study on the Reintroduction of Logic in Secondary Schools (pdf) | Lotte Milbou | University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
Johan Deprez | University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
Els Laenens | University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
A Survey on the Absence of Chinese University - English Majors� Critical Thinking Skills (pdf) | Li Meixia | Beijing International Studies University (China) |
A Teaching-learning Experience on Reading to University Students (pdf) | Mois�s Selfa Sastre | University of Lleida (Spain) |
Enric Falguera Garcia | University of Lleida (Spain) |
Gl�ria Jov� Moncl�s | University of Lleida (Spain) |
Montserrat N�ria Jov� | University of Lleida (Spain) |
Adapting to Climate Challenges in Architectural Education in Light of Feng-shui (pdf) | Ping Xu | University of Colorado Boulder (USA) |
Advancement of Research in Current Academic Environments: An Empirical Study of the Financial Sector (pdf) | Syed Naif Amjad | International Islamic University (Pakistan) |
Analysis of Education Inequality Based on the Pisa 2009 International Comparative Study (pdf) | Marina Pinskaya | Institute for Educational Studies National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia) |
Tatiana Khavenson | Institute for Educational Studies National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia) |
Attaining Standard through Quality Assessment Practice in Nigeria Educational System (pdf) | Amos Adekunle Adediran | Federal College of Education (Nigeria) |
Gabriel Kehinde Adelegun | Federal College of Education (Nigeria) |
Attitudes of Junior and Senior Students towards Microteaching in English Language Teaching Department at Mersin University (pdf) | Merve Bulut | Erciyes University (Turkey) |
Beyond the Violent Future: Ensuring Sustainable Development through Education for Peace (pdf) | Saroj Pandey | Indira Gandhi National Open University (India) |
Boys� Perspectives of Peer Bullying in Ghanaian Secondary Schools (pdf) | George Abakah | University of Edinburgh (Ireland) |
Bridging the U.S. Math and Science Achievement Gap: Multivariate Modeling of National and International Data (pdf) | R. Sergio Guglielmi | Lake Forest College (USA) |
Business Education and Georgia (pdf) | Maia Tetruashvili | Tbilisi Teaching University (Georgia) |
Tsiuri Duruli | Gori State Teaching University (Georgia) |
Cultural Diversity and Globalization of the Human Rights Related Education (pdf) | Mohammad Sohrabbeig | Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch (Iran) |
Mosayeb Naseri | Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch (Iran) |
Deprivation and Educational Achievement: Exploring Anomalies (pdf) | Ruth Leitch | Queen�s University Belfast (United Kingdom) |
Joanne Hughes | Queen�s University Belfast (United Kingdom) |
Development of a Questionnaire on Mentoring School Principals (pdf) | Roula Hadchiti | Universit� Laval (Canada) |
�ric Frenette | Universit� Laval (Canada) |
Marc Dussault | Universit� Laval (Canada) |
Education � a Factor of Sustainable Development (pdf) | Andrejs Dreimanis | State Environmental Service (Latvia) |
Education for Diversity: Gender Identity and Homoparental Families (pdf) | Gloria �lvarez Bernardo | Universidad de Granada (Spain) |
Education in Afghanistan: Private Higher Education Sector Contribution (pdf) | M. Khalid Javaid | Rana Institute of Higher Studies (Afghanistan) |
Educational Justice as the Basis for Social Justice Necessary for the Future of Education(pdf) | Baratali Monfaredi Raz | Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd Branch (Iran) |
Narges Tabasi | Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd Branch (Iran) |
Employer Support and Market Value of Distance Education Programs: an Exploratory Study (pdf) | Nasreen Hussain | Institute of Business Management (Pakistan) |
Anusha Mirza | Tolworth Girls� School & Sixth Form (United Kingdom) |
Shelina Bhamani | Institute of Business Management (Pakistan) |
Evaluation of Conceptual Knowledge: Review of the Experimental Study (pdf) | Evgeny A. Eremin | Perm State Pedagogical University (Russia) |
Eyes Don�t Lie: Student Evaluation of Teachers Using Participant Facial Expressions (pdf) | Scott Frasard | eBay Inc. (USA) |
Feasibility of a Ph.D. Program in Linguistics for the University of Zulia (pdf) | Beatriz Meza Arrieta | University of Zulia (Venezuela) |
Daniel Meza Rafael Cepeda | University of Zulia (Venezuela) |
Five-year Physical Accomplishment of the Aklan State University: Basis for Organizational Review. (pdf) | Wilfredo J. Nicolas | Aklan State University (Philippines) |
Graduates� Perception of Educational Weaknesses at School of Medicine (pdf) | Mladen Mimica | University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Danijel Pravdic | University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Monika Tomic | University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Emil Babic | University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
Maja Karin | University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
How Children Use their Relationships to Succeed? (pdf) | Marjorie Vidal | Universit� de Montr�al (Canada) |
Imaginative Development (pdf) | Lyubov Elle Laroche | Western Washington University (USA) |
Implementing Self-assessment Strategies in Teacher Development Programmes (pdf) | Dorota Nowacka | Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland) |
Innovative, Creative, Inevitable Changes in Indian Management Education (pdf) | Namrata Vasudeo Jasrotia | Xavier Institute of Management (India) |
Instructional Leadership: It Isn't Just for Administrators Anymore! (pdf) | John W. McCoy | Southern Adventist University (United States) |
Intellectual Property Education in University Environment in Bulgaria (pdf) | Tereza Trencheva | State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) (Bulgaria) |
Stoyan Denchev | State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT) (Bulgaria) |
International Student University Support Services: Specialised Verses Mainstreamed (pdf) | Helen Forbes-Mewett | Monash University (Australia) |
Knowing Factors Affecting Teacher�s Acceptability: Implications for Teacher�s Professional Self-Development and Teacher Education (pdf) | Abdul Majid Khan Rana | University of the Punjab (Pakistan) |
Narratives: of the Future of Education When It Comes to an End (pdf) | Olivier Allain | Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
Helen Clemes Cardoso | Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
Glenda Clemes | Instituto Federal de Educa��o, Ci�ncia e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina (Brazil) |
New Users, New Literacies: a Research on Academic Writing (pdf) | Montserrat Casanovas-Catala | Universitat de Lleida (Spain) |
Perceptions of Students� Parents in a School Health Approach in Quebec: Two Case Studies (pdf) | Marie-Claude Rivard | Universit� du Qu�bec � Trois-Rivi�res (Canada) |
Sylvain Turcotte | Universit� de Sherbrooke (Canada) |
Planning and Execution of Holistic Model Using Object Oriented Technology (pdf) | Tomas U. Ganiron Jr | Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) |
Power of ICT: Aid in the Teaching of Photosynthesis (pdf) | Carlos B. Llamas III | Iligan City East Central School (Philippines) |
Practice What You Preach: What Students Report as Quality Practices for Counselling Teachers. (pdf) | Nicky Jacobs | Monash University (Australia) |
Brett Furlonger | Monash University (Australia) |
Andrea Reupert | Monash University (Australia) |
Pre-service Teachers on the Use of New Media Literacies in K-12 Schools in the United States (pdf) | Antonio Causarano | Alfred University (United States) |
Pre-Service Teachers: Are They Prepared for the Real Job? (pdf) | Amparo Vedua-Dinagsao | Mindanao University of Science and Technology (Philippines) |
Professional Development of Physics Teachers through Postgraduate Programmes in Romania (pdf) | Gabriela Eugenia Iacobescu | University of Craiova (Romania) |
Radu Dan Constantinescu | University of Craiova (Romania) |
Professional Skills Needs in the Context of Regional Development (pdf) | Cristina Ilie Goga | University of Craiova (Romania) |
Andreea Nita | University of Craiova (Romania) |
Putting Financial Education into Work (pdf) | Kathrin Uedl | FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria) |
Roland Mestel | FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (Austria) |
Reasoning about Scientific Controversies: What Constitutes a Sophisticated Personal Epistemology? (pdf) | Anindito Aditomo | The University of Surabaya (Indonesia) |
Role Of Education In The Transference Of Global Values (pdf) | Baratali Monfaredi Raz | Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd Branch (Iran) |
Self Evaluation of Key Competences � Fostering Adult Lifelong Learning (pdf) | Laura Vettraino | Learning Community srl (Italy) |
Eleonora Guglielman | Learning Community srl (Italy) |
Marco Guspini | Educommunity � Educational Community (Italy) |
Self-efficacy as Determinants of Job Stress and Burnout among College Professors (pdf) | Imelda M. Flores | Batangas State University (Philippines) |
Short-term and Working Memory in Children with Impaired Vision (pdf) | Dorota Zelechowska | Jagiellonian University (Poland) |
Simulation-Based Learning in Management Education: a Longitudinal Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Instructional Effectiveness (pdf) | Philip Hallinger | Hong Kong Institution of Education (Hong Kong) |
Jiafang Lu | Hong Kong Institution of Education (Hong Kong) |
Showanasai Parinya | Hong Kong Institution of Education (Hong Kong) |
Study Skills of Tunisian University Students and Academic Achievement: A Comparative Study. (pdf) | Zeyneb Amri Ghorbel | University of Letters and Humanities in Sfax (Tunisia) |
Success in Education and Misunderstood: Gifted with Learning Disabilities (pdf) | Catherine Wormald | University of Notre Dame Sydney (Australia) |
Teacher Targeting and Developing of Student Social Skills within a Personal and Social Capabilities Curriculum (pdf) | Michael Davies | Griffith University (Australia) |
Teachers� Perspectives on Global Trends in Education Policy and their Practical Implications (pdf) | Vesna Kovac | University of Rijeka (Croatia) |
The Devil is in the Details: Can I Really Say �God� in America�s Public Schools? (pdf) | Jill Heinrich | Cornell College (United States) |
The Future of YOUR Education:Using Positive Psychology for Career Planning (pdf) | Janet Miller | Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Anna-Lisa Ciccocioppo | University of Calgary (Canada) |
Sonya Flessati | Mount Royal University (Canada) |
The impact of Globalisation and Europeanisation for the Lifelong Learning Policies (pdf) | Mihaela-Viorica Rusitoru | University of Strasbourg (France) |
The Importance of the BSC Strategy in Effective Implementation of Changes in the Didactic Process at a Business University (pdf) | Adrianna Lewandowska | Poznan School of Banking (Poland) |
Agnieszka Ches | Poznan School of Banking (Poland) |
The Leadership Challenge in South Africa: Perspectives of Child Citizens to Strengthen Citizenship Education (pdf) | Ina Joubert | University of Pretoria (South Africa) |
The Official Language is a Minority Language: Language-in-education Policy and Planning in Egypt (pdf) | T. Sharkawi |
The Place of Value Attitudes in Competence-based Learning at Universities (pdf) | Roma Kriauciuniene | Vilnius University (Lithuania) |
The Vocation above All. Portrait of Students Who Prepare the Competitive Exam of Primary School Teachers (pdf) | Fabienne Skoc-Gerome | Education Nationale. Acad�mie de Versailles (France) |
Theatre in Education and Heritage Language Development (pdf) | Aspasia Simpsi | University of Warwick (United Kingdom) |
Thinking about Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Student Success in Post-Secondary Studies(pdf) | Janet Miller | Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Brandon Smith | McMaster University (Canada) |
Don Best | Mount Royal University (Canada) |
Thrown in at the Deep End? Exploring Students�, Lecturers� and Teachers� Views on Additional Support Lessons at University(pdf) | Sanjana Mehta | Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
Simon Child | Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
Sally Brown | Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
Irenka Suto | Cambridge Assessment (United Kingdom) |
University Access and Academic Performance of Vulnerable Groups in Latin American Risk Environments(pdf) | David Rodriguez-Gomez | Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain) |
Diego Castro | Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain) |
Joaqu�n Gairin | Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Spain) |
Value Creating Education Pedagogy: Hope in the 21st Century India(pdf) | Sunita Gupta Konwar | Pearl Academy � New Delhi (India) |
Studies on Second Language Acquisition |
Title of Abstract | Name | Institution |
An Investigation into EFL Students� Attitudes and Motivation for Learning General Business English at a Vietnamese Vocational College (pdf) | Thai Cong Dan | Can Tho University (Vietnam) |
Vo Thi Ngoc Quyen | College of Can Tho Foreign Economics Relations (Vietnam) |
Audiovisual News Broadcasts, Cartoons, and Films as Sources of Authentic Language Input and Second Language Acquisition (pdf) | Taher Bahrani | Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr Branch (Iran) |
Back to the Source for Advanced Learners of English (pdf) | Filip Moens | University College Arteveldehogeschool Ghent (Belgium) |
Carolyn De Meyer | University College Arteveldehogeschool Ghent (Belgium) |
China English: a Threefold-Data Analysis of Academic Papers at Sentence Level (pdf) | Guizhen Gao | Dalian University of Technology (China) |
Cultural Views and English Teaching Strategies (pdf) | Reza Nejati | University of Tehran (Iran) |
Zahra Bayat | University of Tehran (Iran) |
Easy Latin for English Speakers (pdf) | Annamaria Pucacco | Liceo Scientifico-Linguistico �Galielo Galilei� (Italy) |
Effects of Genre-Based Framework on Students� Writing (pdf) | Chitra Varaprasad | National University of Singapore (Singapore) |
English Language Learning through Innovative ICT Solutions that Promote Enculturation and Role-playing (pdf) | Hariklia Tsalapatas | University of Thessaly (Greece) |
Olivier Heidmann | Centre for Research and Technology Thessaly (Greece) |
Rene Alimisi | Centre for Research and Technology Thessaly (Greece) |
Elias Houstis | University of Thessaly (Greece) |
Evaluating the Use of Novels and Film in the Language Classroom (pdf) | Ramadan Shalbag | Al Mergeb University (Lybia) |
Foreign Languages and the Edition Dilemma: Is Tutoring out of Control? (pdf) | Maite Correa | Colorado State University (USA) |
Genre-Mixing in Creative Writing (pdf) | Mubina Talaat | Quid-i-Azam University (Pakistan) |
Identity-Based Anxiety and Willingness to Communicate in the ESL Classroom (pdf) | T. Sharkawi | |
Insights into the Present and Future of Language and Communication Training (pdf) | Ivan Berazhny | HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences (Finland) |
Integrating Video Conferencing in Foreign Language Education: the Case of Soliya Connect Program at the University of Jordan (pdf) | Mustafa Zahra | University of Jordan (Jordan) |
Hussein Yagi | University of Jordan (Jordan) |
Investigating Students Written Discourse in Understanding and Using Collective Nouns in English (pdf) | Ramadan Shalbag | Al Mergeb University (Lybia) |
Knowledge Construction and Knowledge Transfer in Technical Writing (pdf) | Irina Orlova | Latvia University of Agriculture (Latvia) |
Languages behind Bars (pdf) | Alan Clarke | SEEDS for Growth (United Kingdom) |
Mandarin Vocabulary Attainment through Semantic Mapping: Focus on Malay Adult Learners (pdf) | Siang Lay Choo | Universiti Teknologi (Malaysia) |
Ding Seong Lin | University of Malaya (Malaysia) |
Kuang Ching Hei | University of Malaya (Malaysia) |
Positional Identities and Learning an Additional Language in Bi/multilingual Contexts: Dialogic Ways to Understanding (pdf) | Tetyana Reichert | University of Waterloo (Canada) |
Research on Explicitness in L2 Communication Problem Solving (pdf) | Dorota Nowacka | Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland) |
Some Explorations in Teacher Training of Bilingual Education in the Chinese L2 Context (pdf) | Guizhen Gao | Dalian University of Technology (China) |
Student Learning Outcomes in Hybrid and Face-to-Face Beginning Spanish Language Courses (pdf) | Casilde A. Isabelli | University of Nevada (USA) |
Tasks as Valuable Learning and Teaching Tools (pdf) | Nadia Mifka-Profozic | University of Zadar (Croatia) |
Teacher Preparation for Educating English Language Learners (ELLs) (pdf) | Paul Markham | University of Kansas (USA) |
The Challenging Task of Teaching English at University: Is Cooperative Learning a Solution? (pdf) | Vanessa Leonardi | University of Ferrara (Italy) |
The Intercultural Approach in the Classes that Teach Foreign Languages (pdf) | Nahed Emaish | University of Jordan (Jordan) |
The Treatment of Co-official and Foreign Languages in Galicia: the Galician Foreign Languages Implementation Plan (pdf) | Eugenia Pozo Lahargue | Xunta de Galicia - Council of Education (Spain) |
Elena Castro Villalon | Xunta de Galicia - Council of Education (Spain) |
The Use of Talking Chips Technique in Improving Students� Speaking Achievement (pdf) | Syafry Adin | Indonesia University of Education (Indonesia) |
To See the World in Emails: an Analysis of Effects on Implementing E-pal Writing Project to Learn English Grammar (pdf) | Wan-Ting Huang | Mackay Medicine Nursing and Management College (Taiwan) |