Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 18

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Accepted Abstracts

CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Do social media enhance collaborative learning in blended courses?

Marie-Thérèse Barbaux

University of Sydney (Australia)

Intercultural Education In CLIL

Elisa Pérez Gracia

University of Córdoba (Spain)

Languages Through Film and Literature

Nebojša Radić

Language Centre University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)

Teaching Chinese language with the usage of SaaS System

Sławomir Czepielewski

Warsaw Academy of Computer Science, Management and Administration (Poland)

The development of intercultural competence through Twilight in the Upper Secondary English classroom: a CLIL approach

Margarita Esther Sánchez Cuero

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)

The Impact of ICT on CLIL History: New Sources, New Languages, New Tasks

Agnese Daniela Grimaldi

ITI (Industrial Technical Institute) Enrico Medi (Italy)

Mario Iengo

University of Naples “Parthenope” (Italy)

E-learning solutions for language teaching and learning
Title of Abstract Name Institution

Heike Philp

let's talk online sprl (Belgium)

Connecting Students and Teachers to the World through Language and Innovative Technologies

Jennifer Williams

Calliope Global Education Initiatives (United States)

Fran Siracusa

Calliope Global Education Initiatives (United States)

Design Research on Pedagogically Motivated Multimodal Course in English: Tools for Student Engagement Enhancing Learning Outcomes

Tuija Alasalmi

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Kirsi Korkealehto

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Tuire Salo

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Developing an OER for French grammar: opportunities and challenges for its stakeholders

Odette Gabaudan

Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland)

Nathalie Cazaux

Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (Ireland)

Developing Scientific Knowledge and Language Competences through the Goerudio Project

Anca Colibaba

GR.T.Popa University / EuroED Foundation (Romania)

Elvira Rotundu

Colegiul Costache Negruzzi (Romania)

Irina Gheorghiu

Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University of Germany (Germany)

Stefan Colibaba

Al.I. Cuza University, Iasi (Romania)

Explicit Grammar Teaching through Multimedia and the Development of L2 Writing

Roya Khoii

Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Ali Ghasemi

Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Explore Ways of Using Social Media Platforms in Teaching English Language: Literature Review

Norah Banafi

The University of Limerick (Ireland)

Genres and online foreign language teaching and learning: a project on Institutional Integrated Teletandem

Solange Aranha

UNESP (Sao Paulo State University) (Brazil)

HLWSkypers – Building Bridges

Katherine Zablatnik-Rotim

Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe (HLW) St.Veit/Glan (Austria)

Implementing Online School Collaboration Projects with Learning Tools Interoperability

Hideto D. Harashima

Maebashi Institute of Technology (Japan)

Thom W. Rawson

Nagasaki International University (Japan)

Akinobu Kanda

Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japan)

Mari Yamauchi

Chiba University of Commerce (Japan)

Shinichi Sato

Nihon Fukushi University (Japan)

Language Learning through E-learning in Urban Private Schools of Pakistan: A Learner's Perspective

Afia Mahmood

University of Education, Bank Road Campus, Lahore, Pakistan (Pakistan)

Learner Interaction and Collaboration in Essay Writing via Moodle Tools

Asım Şakar

Işık University, Istanbul (Turkey)

MOOCs and Adult Language Learners

Silvia Matthies Baraibar

HEOI Bilbao (Spain)

Online Resources for Conference Interpreter Training: Examples of Open eLearning from the EU-funded ORCIT Project

Tamara Muroiwa

University of Leeds (United Kingdom)

Sarah Bordes

ISIT (France)

Teaching English for Academic Purposes Online

Irina Matusevich

Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Czech Republic (Czech Republic)

Technology-Enabled Collaborative Language Learning: a Case Study of Using Google Docs in Learning Legal Correspondence

Anna Krizsan

University of Turku (Finland)

The Effect of Short Message Service vs. Flash Cards on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning

Mahnaz Saeidi

Islamic Azad University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Amir Hashemi

Islamic Azad University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

The Effects of Web-based Instruction on Saudi Medical Students’ Achievements in Learning Medical Terminologies

Altayeb Alhaj

Jazan University (Saudi Arabia)

Norah Banafi

The University of Limerick (Ireland)

The English learning process through EMINUS

Ana Guadalupe Torres Hernández

Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico)

The Role of ICT and the Mother Tongue in Education

Ian Mutamiri

University of Zimbabwe and NatiV Technologies (Zimbabwe)

Victor Mugari

University of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe)

Gary Brooking

Wichita State University (United States)

The use of E-portfolios to demonstrate a learning experience

Jamal Ali Omar

Faculty Member, Faculty of Basic Education, University of Raparin, Rania/Kurdistan (Iraq)

Use of ICT in Schools in Central African Republic

Philippe Junior Sibiro

SPJ (Central African Republic)

ICT based language teaching and learning approaches
Title of Abstract Name Institution
»Ich will Deutsch lernen« - A Learning Portal for Second Language and Literacy Acquisition in Heterogeneous Classes

Celia Sokolowsky

Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (Germany)

A Model For Evaluating Spanish Language Learning Websites Coherent With The Communicative Language Approach: Towards The Strengthen Of The Teachers' Knowing How To Do Knowledge In Digital Competence

Sthephanny Moncada Linares

Universidad La Gran Colombia. (Colombia)

Andrea Carolina Díaz Romero

Colegio Cristo Rey Bogotá (Colombia)

A MOOC Experiment in a Chinese EAP Classroom

Zhinan Zhou

Harbin Institute of Technology (China)

Mingjing Ren

Harbin Institute of Technology (China)

Jun Ma

Harbin Institute of Technology (China)

A multi-platform for a better learning and teaching experience

Telis Marin

Edilingua Edizioni (Italy)

Elisa Sartor

Edizioni Edilingua (Italy)

Anna Gallo

Edilingua Edizioni (Italy)

A Praiseworthy Alteration in Language Learning Through Hanging to Thick Rope of CALL

Fatima Savaedi

Student of M.A. in TEFL (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

A Tellecollaborative Approach to Written Corrective Feedback

Nahid Zarei

IslamicAzad University-Maragheh Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Application of Neural Network's Modeling for Improvement of Reading Brain Performance

Hassan Moustafa

Staff member with Computer Eng. Dpt.Al-Baha University(KSA) (Saudi Arabia)

Apprising Teacher Trainees of New Language Approaches: An ICT Task-Based Training Course

Raúl Ruiz-Cecilia

University of Granada (Spain)

Juan Ramón Guijarro Ojeda

University of Granada (Spain)

Beyond Process Theory – How New Technologies Are Changing the Way We Write and Communicate

Guy Meredith

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Can Learners Perceive their own Foreign Accent?

Rubén Pérez

Universidad del País Vasco (EHU) (Spain)

María Luisa García Lecumberri

University of the Basque Country (Spain)

Martin Cooke

University of the Basque Country (Spain)

Classrooms on the Go

Pinar Ozdemir Ayber

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Zeina Hojeij

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Curriculum and Resource Development

Hongye Sun

Harbin Institute of Technology (China)

Developing Vocabulary for Specific Purposes and Reading Comprehension Using CALL – Student Opinion Questionnaire

Elle Sormus

Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)

Kateriina Rannula

Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)

Developing Vocabulary for Specific Purposes and Reading Comprehension Using CALL – Student Opinion Questionnaire

Kateriina Rannula

Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)

Elle Sormus

Tallinn Health Care College (Estonia)

Development of a Readability Index Attuned to the New English Course of Study in Japan (2) Development of Ozasa-fukui Year Level, ver. 3.4.1NHNC1-5WUS

Kiyomi Watanabe

Saniku Gakuin College (Japan)

Koji Uenishi

Hiroshima University (Japan)

Mariko Sakamoto

Kagoshima National College of Technology (Japan)

Toshiaki Ozasa

Fukuyama Heisei University (Japan)

ePortfolios: An Online Tool Designed to Demonstrate Graduate Students' Proficiency

Rochelle Franklin

American College of Education (United States)

eTwinning project "Mirror Mirror"

Patrizia Roma

Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale A. Volta, Perugia (Italy)

Facing Up to the Final Exam: A Facebook-based Optional Course to Improve Students’ Communication Competences

Ionuț Căpeneață

Ion Luca Caragiale National College (Romania)

Four Technology Mediated Language Tasks. A Portuguese Experience

Maria Isabel Orega

University of Algarve (Portugal)

Lúcia Tardão

Escola EB 2/3 Alberto Iria (Portugal)

Game On: Exploiting Educational 3D Games for Language and Culture Competence Development

Xuan Nguyen

University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (ULIS-VNUH) (Viet Nam)

Huong Nguyen

University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Vietnam (Viet Nam)

Game-Based Learning in Language Learning – An Implementation in a Italian as a Foreign Language Classroom

Davide Schenetti

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)

How to Use Adobe Connect for Speaking Training in International Virtual Classes

Elisabetta Longhi

Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy)

Chiara Angelini

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany)

ICT in Art Education: The Case of French as a Foreign Language

Christopher Umenyi

University Lecturer, Imo State University Owerri, Nigeria (Nigeria)

ICT in Task-Based Language Learning – Analyzing a Lesson Plan in PETALL Project

Danijela Manic

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology (Serbia)

Julijana Vuco

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology (Serbia)

ICT in the Literature-based English Language Classroom

Martin Štefl

Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic)

ICT Tools to Motivate Language Learners in Vocabulary Building

Zalena Aman

Paya Lebar Methodist Girls School Secondary (Singapore)

Impact of ICT towards the deepening and generation of knowledge by English Teachers in 98 elementary public schools Atlantic Department, Colombia.

Giovanni Polifroni Lobo

Atlántico University (Colombia)

Carlos Beltran Sanchez

Professor - University of Atlántico (Colombia)

Implementation of a digital game-based Turkish language education

Ş.Dilek Belet Boyacı

Anadolu University (Turkey)

Fatih Özer

Anadolu University (Turkey)

Mediha Güner

Anadolu University (Turkey)

Increased motivation in language learners through social networks

Elham Akbari

Utrecht University (The Netherlands)

Ahmad Naderi

Tehran University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Zeinab Abdollahi Aliabadi

phd student (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Robert-Jan Simons

Professor (The Netherlands)

Albert Pilot

Professor (The Netherlands)

Increasing ESP Student Engagement Through a Process of Structured Feedback

Nader Ayish

The Petroleum Institute (United Arab Emirates)

Information and Communication Technology for English Teaching in Military Context in the Foreign Languages Center of The Albanian Armed Forces Academy

Jaup Zenuni

Academy of the Albanian Armed Forces (Albania)

Innovations in Arabic Learning in the Course of Present Day Challenges

Oleg Redkin

St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)

Olga Bernikova

St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)

LangMOOC project: exploring & evaluating the latest Language MOOCs initiatives at a global level

Maria Perifanou

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

Language Learning in Europe: Priorities, Policies and Results

Elena Maddalena

Italian National Agency Erasmus+ INDIRE (Italy)

Language Teachers as Users of Technologies: Is it really a Bewildering Task? (The Case of EFL University Teachers in Algeria)

Assia Benettayeb

Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen (Algeria)

Learning by Playing, Animating Words and Images

Inma Carpe

The Animation Workshop-VIA University College (Denmark)

Hanne Pedersen

The Animation workshop/VIA University College/DK. University Politechnic of Valencia SP (Denmark)

Learning Gains through Play

Janet Thomson

SchoolNet South Africa (South Africa)

Hlengiwe Mfeka

SchoolNet South Africa (South Africa)

Tracey Butchart

SchoolNet South Africa (South Africa)

Liberated Spaces: The Use of iPads and the Possibility for Change in Higher Education

Raphaela Fischer-Mourra

Bethlehem University (Palestinian Territory, Occupied)

Shada Shahin

Bethlehem University (Palestinian Territory, Occupied)

Making Listening Assignments More Communicative

Clemens Den Boer

Rotterdam Business School (The Netherlands)

Maximising Students’ Learning Experience through Differentiated Instructions in an ICT-Integrated Environment

Nurhidayah Mohd Salleh

MOE (Singapore)

Mobile Language Learning: The LFNY 1:1 iPad Program

Sonia Rocca

Lycée Français de New York (United States)

Moroccan University Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Teaching Process.

Mustapha Fagroud

National School of Agriculture, Meknes (Morocco)

Smail Kerouad

School of Arts and Humanities, Meknes (Morocco)

Music in Professional Language Training

Pascal Archimede

yourenglishproject (France)

NABOOMBOO: improve Foreign Languages Video-talking with Native Speakers

Elisa Procopio

naboomboo (Italy)

Daniele Pozzo

Naboomboo (Italy)

Online informal learning of English: how students use technology to supplement classes

Ruth Trinder

Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria)

Overcoming Barriers of Language and Cross-cultural Communication in the Emergency Service Sector

Jurate Banyte

Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business, Marketing Department K. Donelaicio st. 20-421, Kaunas (Lithuania)

Agne Gadeikiene

Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business, Marketing Department, K. Donelaicio st. 20-421 (Lithuania)

Beata Seinauskiene

Kaunas University of Technology, School of Economics and Business, Marketing Department K. Donelaicio st. 20-421, Kaunas (Lithuania)

Overcoming Linguistic Interference with ICT

Ana Morais

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal)

Jane Duarte

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal)

Rita Faria

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Portugal)

Quantified Performance Analysis of Highly Specialized Neurons for Development of Reading Brain Function Using Neural Networks’ Modeling (Sanger's Rule Approach)

Hassan Moustafa

Staff member with Computer Eng. Dpt.Al-Baha University(KSA) (Saudi Arabia)

Social Inclusion, a Challenge for Europe: Accessible Language Learning and Job Opportunities. The Case of Visually Impaired Persons

Antonio Quatraro

UICI Firenze (Italy)

Mario Paiano

Centro Machiavelli Firenze (Italy)

Songs in e-learning Platform: Turkish Certificate Program

Ferdi Bozkurt

Anadolu University (Turkey)

Spurring ICT-based Tasks in the Language Classroom: a European Project (PETALL) of International Collaboration

António Lopes

University of Algarve and CETAPS (Portugal)

Student and Teacher Perceptions on Learning Languages through Web Conferencing: Focus on Adobe Connect Breakout Rooms

Anne Siltala

Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Students and teachers’ views with regard to technology based authentic literacy environment in Turkish course

Ş.Dilek Belet Boyacı

Anadolu University (Turkey)

Mediha Güner

Anadolu University (Turkey)

Students’ Safety of Private Information on Social Media Risks of Dissemination and Educational implications

Mohamed Mliless

Moulay Ismail University of Meknes (Morocco)

Mohammed Larouz

Moulay Ismail University of Meknes (Morocco)

Teaching and Investigating higher-level Comprehension Skills in LearnWeb, an interactive Platform integrating TED Talks

Francesca Bianchi

University of Salento (Italy)

Ivana Marenzi

L3S Research Center, Hannover (Germany)

Teaching with movies: German films and grammar contents

Lucia Giuliano

Università degli Studi di Macerata Università degli Studi del Molise (Italy)

The challenge of raising awareness of interference using ICT

Isabel Maria Fernandes Silva

Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (Portugal)

Ana Luísa Teixeira

Universidade Europeia - Laureate International Universities (Portugal)

The Creation of Professional Identities through E-portfolios for ESP Learners at Tertiary Level

Stavroulla Hadjiconstantinou

Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)

The development of visual CALL materials for learning L2 English prosody

Atsushi Fujimori

Shizuoka University (Japan)

Noriko Yoshimura

University of Shizuoka (Japan)

Noriko Yamane

University of British Columbia (Canada)

The Effect of Playing with Tablet Games Compared with Real Objects on Word Learning by Preschoolers

Ingrid Singer

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (The Netherlands)

Ellen Gerrits

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (The Netherlands)

The Effectiveness of Peer Corrective Feedback

Benedictus Dwijatmoko

Sanata Dharma University (Indonesia)

The Global Impact of the Proliferation of ICT: A Multi-National Study

Diane Boothe

Boise State University (United States)

Melissa Caspary

Georgia Gwinnett College (United States)

The Mobile Generation: Turning LOLing into Language Learning in the BYOD Classroom

Barbara Ciccarelli

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands (The Netherlands)

The Relationship between Openness to Change and Self-efficacy for Technology Integration among Elementary Teacher

Alifah Fawzia

bachelor of psychology (Indonesia)

The Social Potential of Telecom for Language Learning in Iran

Majid Fatahipour

Islamic Azad University - Parand Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

The Triple Flip: Technology-Mediated Learning for Peer and Self-Review of Writing

Zeina Hojeij

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Zoe Hurley

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

The Use of Mind Mapping in Translator Training

Maria Stepanova

St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (Russian Federation)

The use of prepositions: A corpus-based investigation into the interplay of L1 influence and L2 proficiency

Monira Al-Mohizea

King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)

TRIO's English Lab: Linking Students to Their Educational Needs

Alessandra Duosi

Progetto Trio – Regione toscana (Italy)

Using Facebook as a Peer Review Tool to Enhance Writing

Mete Özçelik

School of Foreign Languages, Anadolu University (Turkey)

Video in Building Cognitive, Motivational and Operational Competences

Irina Vostrikova

Voronezh State University (Russian Federation)

YANSIS: An “Easy Japanese” writing support system

Takeshi Nagano

Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University (Japan)

Akinori Ito

Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University (Japan)

Language learning for specific purposes
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Foreign Language for Learners with Specific Learning Differences – the SupEFL projet

Teresa Pessoa

Universidade Coimbra (Portugal)

Eva Gyarmathy

Hungarian Academy for Sciences (Hungary)

Sandra Fernandes

Universidade Coimbra (Portugal)

Ict and English as a foreign language in the bioethical education: an innovative teaching/learning process.

Lucia Priore

ITI ( Industrial Technical Institute) Enrico Medi (Italy)

ICT and English as a foreign language in the higher technical education course (IFTS) “Multimedia production for the cultural heritage and museums”

Lucia Priore

ITI ( Industrial Technical Institute) Enrico Medi (Italy)

Agnese Daniela Grimaldi

ITI (industrial technical istitute) Enrico Medi (Italy)

Information Structure of Contemporary Popular Scientific and Technical Text

Marina Platonova

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Larisa Ilinska

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Tatjana Smirnova

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Language Skills needed in the Workplace: An Attempt to bridge the Gap between Classroom Learning and the Real World.

Hassiba Koriche

Belhadj Bouchaib University Center, Ain Temouchent (Algeria)

Online Materials for Medical Purposes – The Palliative Care MOOC, the Glottodrama And Take Care Projects

Anca Colibaba

GR.T.Popa University / EuroED Foundation (Romania)

Cintia Lucia Colibaba

Universitatea de stiinte agricole si medicina veterinara Ion Ionescu dela Brad (Romania)

Irina Gheorghiu

Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University of Germany (Germany)

Stefan Colibaba

Al.I. Cuza University, Iasi (Romania)

Theoretical Framework for Developing ESP Reading Materials at Tertiary Level of Education in Morocco Sanae El Mellouki, Assistant Professor of English Faculty of Science- Rabat

Sanae EL Mellouki

Mohamed V University- Rabat Morocco (Morocco)

Understanding Cultural Heritage

Walter Zeller

Höhere Bundes- Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für chemische Industrie (Austria)

Evangelia Varella

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

Using Data-Driven Learning Methods in Telecommunication English Teaching

Camino Rea Rizzo

Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain)

María José Marín Pérez

Universidad de Murcia (Spain)

WhatsApp in ESP at Tertiary Level

Christina Yerou

Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)

Language teacher training
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Comparing the Immediate and Delayed Impact of Reflective Task-supported Teacher Training on Iranian Pre-service and In-service Teachers’ Mediating Roles

Behjat Asa

Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Zohreh Seifoori

Department of English Language, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Behrang Fathollumi

Maragheh Azad University. Maragheh, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Investigating the Role of Telecollaboration in Graduate Language Teacher Education

Geoff Lawrence

York University (Canada)

Elana Spector-Cohen

Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Marlon Valencia

University of Toronto (Canada)

Language Teacher Training & Intercultural Education in the 21st Century School

Elena Gómez Parra

University of Córdoba (Spain)

Language Teachers Candidates’ Self - reflection on Child Language Learning

Binnur İlter

Akdeniz University (Turkey)

Sühendan Er

TED University (Turkey)

Pre-During-Post Reading Strategies and Activities The Interaction between the Reader, the Reading Situation, and the Reading Text

Fatima Savaedi

Student of M.A. in TEFL (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

PVO: L2 Learning Strategy for Improving Reading Comprehension and Writing

Elizabeth Marnell

Alfaisal University (Saudi Arabia)

The Digital Language Teacher: Competences, Opportunities and Development

Michael Carrier

Cambridge English (United Kingdom)

Training to Teach: the Development of Perceived Teaching Competence over Time

Joanna Pfingsthorn

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany)

Wolfgang Gehring

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany)

Why To Use Gamification in Higher Education?

Györgyi Kovács

Eszterházy Károly University of Applied Sciences (Hungary)

Monitoring and evaluation of language teaching and learning
Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Survey on Beliefs and Practices of Chinese EFL Teachers in Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching

Gu Xiaole Gu

Schools of Foreign Languages, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)

Assessment in Institutional Integrated Teletandem: Who Assesses What and Why?

Suzi Marques Spatti Cavalari

Universidade EStadual Paulista (Unesp) (Brazil)

Development of a Readability Index Attuned to the New English Course of Study of Japan (3)Development of Ozasa-Fukui Year Level, Ver. 3.4.2nhnc1-5

Toashiaki Ozasa

Fukuyama Heisei University (Japan)

Masayasu Fukui

Fukuyama Heisei University (Japan)

Kiyomi Watanabe

Saniku Gakuin College (Japan)

Foreign Language Teaching in Technical Universities in Russia: problems and perspectives

Tatiana Sidorenko

Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)

Svetlana Rybushkina

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation)

What is Foreign Language Learning for me?

Fatma Özlem Saka

Akdeniz University (Turkey)

Title of Abstract Name Institution
Cultural assimilation and attitude of non-native middle school students and adults in Dhaka city towards Bangla: a comparative study

Quasem Raquib

Fyat Coordinator Teaching & Learning Centre (TLC) BRAC University 49, Mohakhali,Dhaka-1212 Bangladesh (Bangladesh)

Cultural assimilation and attitude of non-native middle school students and adults in Dhaka city towards Bangla: A comparative study

Raquib Quasem

Lecturer Office of Student Affairs and Teaching & Learning Centre BRAC University (Bangladesh)

From Lingua Franca @ E-Learning to Multilingualism?

On-Kwok Lai

Graduate School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan)

L3 (English) Influencing on L1 (Kazakh) Production among Kazakh - Russian bilinguals: Pilot Study

Meruyert Ibrayeva

Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)

Multilingualism in Kazakhstan and problems of teaching the Kazakh language

Zhanar Baiteliyeva

Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)

The Development Of Cross-Cultural Competence Within Conditions Of Students' Interaction

Oksana Shulga

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)

The role of a language services department in facilitating learning in a multilingual student environment: the case of the University of South Africa (Unisa)

Ilze Holtzhausen de Beer

University of South Africa (South Africa)

Typology of mythopoetical images and problems of their translation into the Russian language (on the material of novels about the Leatherstocking tales by J.F.Cooper)

Nurgul Saparkhojayeva

Al-Farabi Kazakh national university (Kazakhstan)

Quality and innovation in language teaching and learning
Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Case Study on STAD Instruction towards Oral Communication Competence of Non-English Major Undergraduates

Yan Luan

Harbin Institute of Technology (China)

A Comparative Study of Writing Performance by Using and without Using the Technology of Mind Mapping at the University

Saida Hdii

School of Arts and Humanities, Beni Mellal (Morocco)

Bridging Career Technical and Academic Education: A Learning Pathway Focused on Scaffolded Instruction and a Transformed Student Mindset

Christina Anketell

Los Trade Technical College, (United States)

Maryanne Galindo

Los Angeles Trade Technical College (United States)

Nicole Albo-Lopez

Los Angeles Trade Technical College (United States)

Dealing with Plagiarism in the Digital Age

Dararat Khampusaen

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Muang, Khon Kaen (Thailand)

Designing a Blended Public Speaking Course Using Web 2.0 Tools

Zailin Shah Yusoff

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Malaysia)

Ainol Haryati Ibrahim

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Malaysia)

Nik Aloesnita Nik Alwi

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Malaysia)

Hafizoah Kassim

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Malaysia)

Edmodo as a motivation and inclusion tool in the foreign language classroom

Dolores Gómez

EOI Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Enhance Indigenous Languages Teaching and Learning In Nigeria with I.C.T: Challenges and Prospects

Obioma Bibian Enwere

Department of Nigerian Languages College of Education Akwanga Nasarawa State Nigeria (Nigeria)

European Funding for Improving Languages Teaching and Learning, Promoting Multilingualism and Enhance Mobility

Elisabetta Delle Donne

Pixel (Italy)

Innovative Language Teaching by International Collaboration

Ingrid Gran

The Swedish Council for Higher Education (Sweden)

Interdistrict Collaboration to Promote Second Language Acquisition via Spoken Word Poetry and Visual Art

Amy Nocton

RHAM High School, Hebron, CT (American Council of Foreign Language Teachers [ACTFL]) Connecticut Council of Language Teachers (CT COLT) (United States)

Rochelle Marcus

Mansfield Middle School, Mansfield, Connecticut (United States)

Beverley Fisher

RHAM High School, Hebron, Connecticut (United Kingdom)

Methods of Using Onomastics in Teaching Language and Culture

Zhazira Agabekova

Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan)

Musical Aptitude and Language: Activating Phonetic Skills through Music

Giedrė Balcytytė-Kurtinienė

Vilnius University (Lithuania)

Native Bilingualism and Foreign Language Acquisition: an Experimental Study of Bilingual Mental Lexicon and Its Academic Component

Yuliya Leshchenko

Perm State Humanitarian-pedagogical university (Russian Federation)

Elena Erofeeva

Perm State National Research University (Russian Federation)

Perspectives of integrating the Digital Dedicated Language Laboratory in Foreign Language Pedagogy, Reality or Chimera: the Case of Souk-Ahras University, Algeria

Nacereddine Benabdallah

Mohamed Cherif Messaadia Universtiy (Algeria)

Reasons behind using L1 at primary level in English classes of Bangladeshi English medium schools

Tanjia Afrin Turin

Lecturer Office of Student Affairs and Teaching & Learning Centre BRAC University Bangladesh (Bangladesh)

Relay Interpreting with iPads in Higher Education

Veronika Nenickova

Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)

Rewriting Tales by Video Production: A Proposal for an Interactive and Integrated Learning for Foreign Languages Teaching

Mirian Nichida

Ensino Básico Técnico e Tecnológico - IFTO (Brazil)

Gislaine Pereira Sales

Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins (Brazil)

Paula Jucá

Francisca jucá de sousa e Gildemar silvino de sousa (Brazil)

Rewriting Tales by Video Production: A Proposal for an Interactive and Integrated Learning for Foreign Languages Teaching

Paula Jucá

Francisca jucá de sousa e Gildemar silvino de sousa (Brazil)

Speed up your fluency in English with Fast Motor Sequences

Piero Crispiani

University Macerata (Italy)

Eleonora Palmieri

Centro Studi Itard - Airone, Psychological and Pedagogical Victor Center (Italy)

Teachers’ Perspectives on Language Learning: The Results of the Online Consultation Regarding the New Romanian Curriculum

Magdalena Balica

Institute for Educational Sciences (Romania)

Ligia Sarivan

Institute for Educational Sciences, Bucharest (Romania)

Teaching English communicatively using translation.

Maria Khan

National Research University Higher School of Economics, St.Petersburg (Russian Federation)

Teaching Greek as a Second or Foreign Language through Peermentoring at Second Chance School of Mytilene (Greece)

Michalis Aivaliotis

SCS of Mytilene (Greece)

Eleni Papadopoulou

SCS of Mytilene (Greece)

The Influence of Technology on Students’ Improvement as Future Doctors at Jazan University, Saudi Arabia

Altayeb Alhaj

Jazan University (Saudi Arabia)

The role, educational dimensions and the range of ludic learning forms at the crossroads of preschool and school cycles

Emilia Cîrceie

Babeș Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Vatra Dornei extension (Romania)

The royal road to great speeches: An evaluation of a public speaking course for ESL learners

Tiffany Ip

The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

Joanna Lee

The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

the use of ICT to improve higher education in Morocco

Hayat Naciri

Sultan Moulay Slimane University (Morocco)

Word Frequency and Vocabulary Study of Reading Books Used Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

Murat Aydin

Amasya University (Turkey)

Fatma Acik

Gazi University (Turkey)

Recognition and validation of language skills
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Foreign Language Proficiency & Certification amongst Youths in Malta – from Compulsory Schooling to Courses for Specific Purposes.

Mario Pace

University of Malta (Malta)

NON-FOR-LESL: Non Formal Learning Can Prevent Early School Leaving

Giovanni Caruso

Pixel (Italy)

Skills for Successful LSP Learning: Creativity, Enthusiasm, Flexibility, Resourcefulness

Marina Platonova

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Larisa Ilinska

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

Tatjana Smirnova

Riga Technical University (Latvia)

The Language Competence of the CLIL Teacher

Luisanna Paggiaro

lend- lingua e nuova didattica (Italy)

The role of self perceived communication competence in developing the students’ communication skills

Cristina Violeta Catalano

Babes Bolyai University, Cluj napoca (Romania)

Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Title of Abstract Name Institution
“Deciphering the Text” as a Metaphor for Understanding the Narrative of Novice Integration into the Education System

Yifat Oshrat-Fink

Onanim College (Israel)

A Comparative Study of the Factors Affecting Turkish ELT and FLT Students' Motivation

Davut Divarcıoğlu

Gazi University (Turkey)

Serhat Inan

Gazi University (Turkey)

A New Outlook to Promote Writing Skill in the Second Language

Fatima Savaedi

Student of M.A. in TEFL (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Analysis of The Written Competence of Secondary Education Students in Bilingual and Non- Bilingual Programs

Ana Cristina Lahuerta

University of Oviedo (Spain)

Consciousness, Mankind and Language

François-Xavier Nève

University of Liege (Belgium)

Does National Identity Influence Learner Attitudes towards English Education?

Zelinda Sherlock

Kyushu Sangyo University (Japan)

Enhancement of Zambian Languages

Wilfred Chiboola

International of Museums (Zambia)


Silvia Toniato

H3AL (Italy)

Mediation as a Tool of Teaching Foreign Languages

Nataliya Belenkova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Russian Federation)

Peculiarities of "Language of Primary Socialization" Using in the Practice of "Language Of Secondary Socialization" Teaching

Soldatova Lesia

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University Ukraine (Ukraine)

Popularizing American Literature Using ICTs to Promote Motivation in English as a Second Language Classes

Mirian Nichida

Ensino Básico Técnico e Tecnológico - IFTO (Brazil)

Promoting Digital Literacy and active ageing for Senior Citizens

Athos Charalambides

Emphasys Centre (Greece)

Re-Enforcing Chinese Curriculum Design and an Effective Method of Teaching Chinese towards Non-Chinese Speakers

April Zhang

MSL Master (Hong Kong)

The Learning Curve and South Korea: The Best Education?

Chris Larsen

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Korea, Republic of)

The Power of Clips

Chutima Satidsathien

Burapha University Chantaburi Campus (Thailand)

World Englishes Speakers' Perception Towards Taiwanese Speakers' English Pronunciation

En-Jung Nina Liang

Fu-Jen Catholic University (Taiwan, Republic of China)


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